Disco Dan Posted December 21, 2002 Posted December 21, 2002 Chrono Trigger 'Green Amnesia' I appear to be the only review mod up so I'll just cover this one quickly and say a few words 'bout it. I'm really not sure what came over me with this one. I may have been sick or something. In fact, I don't really remember writing this... OH THAT WAS A CLEVER PLAY ON THE TITLE! HAR HAR HAR! Ok, but um... yeah, for those of you that have heard "Downtime," this isn't all THAT new, but with a Chrono Trigger flavor to it. And um... yeah. Well I'll let other people say stuff. I feel kind of dirty talking about my own stuff like this. DC Quote
luminaire23 Posted December 21, 2002 Posted December 21, 2002 This is by far my new favorite CT remix! It's so beautiful! It's new and yet somehow retains that Chrono feel to it... I dunno how to explain it. Download this one as soon as possible! Quote
Starblaze Posted December 21, 2002 Posted December 21, 2002 Pretty good mix, dan, but I'd have preferred accoustic drums over the "new-age R&B" set you're using or something. The ones after the wind "break" are better, but still, some kind of accoustic jazz set would be much better - they actually might be the same... I can't really tell. Love the double-time at 4'32. The drums work here. Ew. Not a fan of the ending. Besides some drum sample gripes (which are just personal preference - the sequencing was actually done very well) this song is definitely awesome. Quote
the biz Posted December 21, 2002 Posted December 21, 2002 Hmm, much of like any of Mazedude's remixes, I've always appreciated pieces that fly in the face of convention in some way. I happen to like the "new age r&b" flavor it gives the remix. When I first downloaded it, I thought "geez, 6 and half minutes?" as some remixes of that length to get a little self indulgent and repetitive, but this one is very well paced and styled. I really like this a lot...in case you couldn't tell already. Dan, excellent job in creating a standout remix for a game saturated with remixes. Quote
m68030 Posted December 21, 2002 Posted December 21, 2002 Now see? This is exactly why those "Not another chrono trigger remix~!" posts are not always grounded. Yeah, we've heard this theme a million times over, but this is just a damn good arrangement. It's a wonderful little theme, and this just exploits the melody wonderfully. I really enjoyed this one Dan. It's nice to see someone bring a fresh look to a tired and overworked theme. Also, I thought the ending had a nice finality to it. Cool stuffs. Quote
neostormx Posted December 21, 2002 Posted December 21, 2002 I really like this one. Especially the way its arranged to be smooth and relaxing for this popular tune. I love the synths used, as usual from Disco. Its got some very good ear candy. on a side note, i always think im gunna download a disco-ish remix when i see it done by Disco Dan. - Great job Disco! Quote
MarioSunshine Posted December 21, 2002 Posted December 21, 2002 Drools I have probably never been this drawn into a remix before. This is the first song I have ever heard that I have ever heard that makes me feel the way it does. It's perfect, in my book. It's one of the few professionally sounding remixes. This one is staying in my play list for a very, very long time. Good job! Quote
Leusugi Posted December 21, 2002 Posted December 21, 2002 This remix gave me the shivers. An improvement to an already great song. This is definately going in my "Favorites" folder. The high piano notes and the lovely flute at 4 '34 were icing on the cake. Excellent work. Quote
agentdarko Posted December 21, 2002 Posted December 21, 2002 Whoa buddy. This is definately one of the best CT remixes I've ever heard. It's long, and thank god for that, since it's just beautiful all the way through. Quote
Interceptor Posted December 22, 2002 Posted December 22, 2002 Boy howdy. This is one hell of a remix, and the proper words of praise escape me at the moment. Quote
Majin GeoDooD Posted December 22, 2002 Posted December 22, 2002 Dan does it again! This remix is nice. Definitely staying in my playlist for a while. This remix is so good my mom even commented on it (she overheard it playing). *edit* Btw Dan, Mel was kinda pissed that she didn't get mentioned in DJP's little review .. Accordin to her you were supposed to tell DJP to say that it was dedicated to her Quote
Blak_Omen Posted December 22, 2002 Posted December 22, 2002 This is a MUST HAVE for any fan of Chrono Trigger music. I thought this would be an upbeat romp but the spacious feel worked just as well, or if not better than what I was expecting. Love the piano melody and everything just seems to flow. Kudos, great work. Quote
suzumebachi Posted December 22, 2002 Posted December 22, 2002 oh man this is great. damnit. it's about time man. downtime was an awesome song, and you took that greatness and applied it to chrono trigger. I LOVE YOU MAN! there is nothing to complain about in this mix. it is damn near audio perfection. i don't see how anything could have been done differently. no missed notes. no clipping. nothing. volumes are just right. exact amounts of reverb... dan surely knows what he is doing. Quote
risingson77 Posted December 22, 2002 Posted December 22, 2002 Disco Dan once again justifies my blind adoration of his work. I'd have to say this is one of the best thought out and executed remixes I've heard in a long time. As others have said, it remains true to the original theme and expands upon it in ways previously unimagined. Everything is placed and timed just so. The whole work flows effortlessly. Dan, if you don't have a music production job, GET ONE. I thought the ending was very appropriate. I think some found it objectionable because the piece seemed like it could have gone on forever (it's a good thing ). It reminded me a bit of the closing strains of "Neptune, the Mystic" from Holst's "The Planets". Or possibly the closing theme from "Contact". I am eagerly awiting further musical exploration by Disco Dan ~ Quote
sgx Posted December 22, 2002 Posted December 22, 2002 Hmmm. I like. All the samples are nice n smooth. The wind sounds work well, and I like the drums that come in right after. The ending is great; it makes it sound epic and leaves a great impression. Only thing I don't like is the muted trumpet. Super good job! Quote
NihongoAkki Posted December 22, 2002 Posted December 22, 2002 I like this, you did the track justice. You really didn't stray away from the original track, but thats okay, since just about every track from that game is great. 90% Rating Quote
Aprentis Posted December 22, 2002 Posted December 22, 2002 Dude, this song is great. The first time i heard it i didnt know what song you were remixing from chrono trigger, but then when it progressed i found out. its seriously an awesome song. goodwork Dan, keep it up. Quote
bLiNd Posted December 22, 2002 Posted December 22, 2002 Great job Dan! I really like your ensembles and the arrangement is excellent. Even though you dont say high things about my mixes i thought i should give u a pat on the back anyway. l8r bro -bLiNd Quote
Technomel Posted December 22, 2002 Posted December 22, 2002 I know I need not praise you since I've done it numerous times before but this song I must continue to praise, you've proved that not just anyone can remix a video game song in such a perfect way. Thank God for Disco Dan!!! Quote
T1(-)0 Posted December 23, 2002 Posted December 23, 2002 Wow.....Wow Now that's why someday i want to be a remixer...... Smooth transitions, great use of instruments, you know what, it's all great. Dude, you are my hero!!! Quote
SSJ HBK Posted December 23, 2002 Posted December 23, 2002 If Webster were to make a new, updated dictionary, he'd definetly put the title of this mix under the word "awesome". That's just the only way to describe it. If it's possible for a man to fall in love with a song, I've done it. The transitions are smooth and great, and the music is just...wow. Not too sure about the ending, but it does the job. I mean, if I had a choice of getting a billion dollars, winning the Super Bowl, and having Britney Spears as my personal b!t(h slave, or listening to this song, I think I'd choose listening to this song. It's that good. Quote
Blak_Omen Posted December 23, 2002 Posted December 23, 2002 I personally would take the billion dollars and live off the interest, if you don't mind. ^^ Quote
wivern Posted December 23, 2002 Posted December 23, 2002 An absolutely gorgeous remix. It draws you in completely, layers you in soft harmonics, and then steps up the tempo in a series of brilliant transitions, and truly takes you for a long, melodic ride. I personally recommend to turn the volume way up at the beginning of this song and let that low, smooth bass that comes in at 1:15 just run through you. *shivers* Beautiful. -- wivern blinded by the moonlight... Quote
EmptyMy Posted December 23, 2002 Posted December 23, 2002 Stunning.... I love this song. It's such a beautiful melody. Two tiny things I don't like with this remix... The trumpet thing in the intro. Great idea, but... it sounds fake. And sometimes, I think the piano has slightly too much delay. You know... I would have liked the melody to be even more distinct. But that's just my opinions... I still adore this piece of music. Quote
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