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The pity is that you know there will be a season 2. Some of us had to live through shock and uncertainty throughout season 1. R2 is good, but it has a tough balancing act to get the anime back up to speed after R1.

Yeah, I used to watch it pretty seriously, getting all of the first 300 or so episodes whenever I could, getting all of the movies and even checking out the manga a bit... the damn show is just too long. Over 500 episodes and about 11 movies... god damn it, they should have been able to resolve the entire plot by now. There's a difference between a long, complex story and milking a series for as long as possible. Too bad they milked Conan about five years ago and now they're just sucking out air.

Needs to end, finish it off. Let it die with some dignity, please.

I think there were still some good angles in the last few years to make it worth it. Of course they're milking it, but I think I watched almost all there is to watch so far. It's still one of the best detective anime ever made IMO. And then there's a Conan-esque Daughter of Twenty Faces recently that is very good.


Needs to end, finish it off. Let it die with some dignity, please.

Tell that to:

Kamen Rider


Chibi Maru Chan

Sazae San

Shin Chan





This is Japan, when something gets popular, they can latch on for life if a company is willing to push it. Not even the creator's death has stopped some of those I listed. There's more, those are just ones that come to mind off the top of my head.

You should see how religiously people play Tekken in the arcades. I was here three years ago when 5 came out, and returned in time to see 6 hit the arcades. The game looks the Goddamn same, but the crowd is just as big. They'll be playing this series to the end of time, or the end of Bandai Namco, whichever comes first.


You can't put an end to Doraemon. The would cause children to start an uprising, kill thier pets, and start asking where babies come from.

On the Gundam note, they don't need to kill it, it has no problem doing that on its own. Problem is that people love stuff that sucks.


Don't get me wrong, I love Shin Chan, Gundam, and Godzilla.

But they all are pop culture icons that Japan will not let go of, no matter what happens. I listed them for sake of example.

Consider that Godzilla's 50th anniversary movie flopped, and the first thing that was announced was that the series will come back after a five to ten year hiatus.

On the Gundam note, they don't need to kill it, it has no problem doing that on its own. Problem is that people love stuff that sucks.

If people love it, it's not being killed. The real power keeping Gundam alive is that if a series sucks, they just reboot for the 50 millionth time. There's, what, 7-9 different timelines, not including SD?


Gundam is hit or miss.

Actually! I just started watching Zeta Gundam and it's awesome so far. Turn A Gundam was also excellent. I watched Mobile Suit Gundam all the way through and, though I hate that they threw in this "newtype" stuff near the end, it had some redeeming moments:



I thought Zeta was trashy, especially later on with the tacky, unexplainable romantic angles. Turn A is good but it feels a bit too pacifistic at times. It's like the ideas of Wing turned more... pacifist.


It is a pretty bad dub, but to be fair, I think it's also a pretty old dub. The only English version of the original Mobile Suit Gundam that I am aware of are the three compilation movies that Bandai brought over.

Those dubs are at least ten years old, and Gundam wasn't high on the totem pole.

That's not saying all older dubs suck, but as a whole they've come quite a long way.


But shooting fish in a barrel is so much better than going out to a pond, waiting 18 hours for something to bite, only then to have it break your line or be a boot or something.

In an unrelated, nonfish topic, I blindly bought some CDs at Tower Records with pictures of lesbian catgirls on them. I was surprised to find that on of them had a song from The End of Evangelion on it, only remixed quite awesomely. Enjoy!!


Personally, I prefer just blowing the whole barrel sky high. The damn fish never see it coming.

On topic to the off topic: Catchy! Thanks for sharing. What's the name of the song.

Some newer dubs suck every bit as much as older dubs.

Case in point: One Piece.

Weren't they fixing that or something?

Dubs have come along way and there are quite a number of good ones...

But there are still alot more coming out that sounds like an attempt from years ago

Personally' date=' I prefer just blowing the whole barrel sky high. The damn fish never see it coming.

On topic to the off topic: Catchy! Thanks for sharing. What's the name of the song.[/quote']

Komm Susser Todd(Come Sweet Death) Then there is some moon language that prbably says "Hyperactive Rei Ayanami Mixdown." Not entirely sure. I have a bunch of other anime music elsewhere but it is too late to find it tonight. Maybe tomorrow...


Man, anime ain't what it used to be. I tend to watch anime that came out in the 80s and 90s because most of them actually were decent enough to watch (granted, some 80s and 90s anime does suck.) but man, I can't stand most of the anime that are coming out today.

Is there any good anime left I should watch in this day and age?

s there any good anime left I should watch in this day and age?

Some of my personal favorites (no specific genre):


Hajime No Ippo

Honey & Clover

Code Geass

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

Byousoku 5 Centimeter

Man, anime ain't what it used to be. I tend to watch anime that came out in the 80s and 90s because most of them actually were decent enough to watch (granted, some 80s and 90s anime does suck.) but man, I can't stand most of the anime that are coming out today.

Is there any good anime left I should watch in this day and age?

I'm sorry, but if you feel that way, don't ever bother watching anime. It's hard to convince people blinded by nostalgia. Also, a lot of modern anime right now have sequels to the older franchises, so I see no problems why the nostalgia factor even matters. I mean, Golgo 13 finally got an anime version after like... 20+ years of not having a true TV anime series.

I watched a lot of shows from the 70s and 80s and of course the 90s, but I think 2000+ anime have been some of the best in history. There's way more variety and quality than there ever has been. If you 'can't stand' modern anime, then it means you just aren't looking for the right ones.

Man, anime ain't what it used to be. I tend to watch anime that came out in the 80s and 90s because most of them actually were decent enough to watch (granted, some 80s and 90s anime does suck.) but man, I can't stand most of the anime that are coming out today.

Is there any good anime left I should watch in this day and age?

Samurai Champloo

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