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    • Howdy, Seth! I had to dig up the source for your track; it's always a good idea to include a link to the source for your arrangement as it helps the listeners compare. I can for sure hear Act 1 in your mix; if you also added stuff from Act 2, that would be good to know as well. Slick transition from the original audio at 0:06. The synced slapback delay on the snare and cymbals is a nice touch. Interesting kick/sub fills like at 0:27 and again at 1:08. Good hi-hat work throughout. The lead at 1:16 is a refreshing change-up, though the sustained pitch-bend ending of that lead fell a bit flat for me. Speaking of endings, there's an audible pop at 2:08 and a hard cutoff of the reverb tail. Keep cookin' on this one and you'll have a banger for sure. :)
    • I really like the trap approach to this remix and I feel the instrument selection works well in the track. I found the mix to be a little messy. For instance the closed hihat sounds a bit strong or machine gun like in some places. I found the sound selection to be very close to the source in many places, which may not be a bad thing, but I do think that additional development here could go a long way. I think there are some cool ideas here that would benefit from more development and possibly deviating from the source more.
    • This goes hard! Direct sampling is gon' get ya the ire of judges, but I 100% get what you're going for. You flipped that mofo pretty gud, tho the sub is a bit outta control, accentuated by the machinegun triplet. Loving the Drill hats and lingering 808, grooving in sync with the source. It's a joint fo sho, but you already know it ain't gon' be to everyone's taste. Hope you keep working on this Seth. Peace.
    • Hi, I know I'm not a fan of Trap nor an expert in it but I'll give an opinion. It's a competent sample flip but unfortunately OCR usually expects a bit more personalization. Currently I can still hear the source's samples in it but I feel changing the samples/instruments to something else (even a different soundfont) would help both distinguish the arrangement from the source and highlight the personal embellishments (such as the Trap beat itself). Sorry if I sound harsh, I just think it's too conservative at the moment (both in arrangement and instrumentation).    That being said, I'd prefer that you keep at it because the idea behind the mix (a Trap remix of a classic Sonic theme) and the general groove are quite good.
    • The track is a lot of fun to listen to. I really like the trumpets and synths used within the track. The percussion overall sounds nice too. At 1:26 I found the tambourine a bit forward and overpowering to my ears; possibly a bit static or repetitive too. Overall I'm really liking the track and its direction.
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