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Seiken Densetsu 3: Songs of Light and Darkness - History


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  • 2 weeks later...

Looking over the mp3's and wavs we've got, it's got me a little worried. It'd be nice if you remixers on the project whom I haven't heard from this year could drop me a line, show you're on the project.

In other news, we're planning a promo reel and need more music for that. We'll use wip stuff, sure, but we want fresh wips.

Maybe the Tales release has got some of you inspired to work on this (again)? I hope so. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, we've got another WAV in. :D Preliminary evaluation from a judge suggests this might be posted on ocr... probably a few years from now, tho.

I know there are a couple of tracks that are inches from ready.

You all everybody get your wips/wavs in!

edit: we got a few tracks, but I get greedy. MOAR PLZ!

Edited by Rozovian
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There are a few remixers I haven't heard from in ages, despite having tried to contact them. Their tracks are now going into the sort'a-available list on the first post. Too bad, because I liked what they would have brought to the project. On the other hand, now _you_ can take their tracks, make something awesome out of it.

If you're one of the remixers in question, lemme know asap that you're not dead and/or h8ers.

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  • 2 weeks later...
No worries. I look forward to hearing it. :D

I got another delay because I updated my Cubase version to 5. Some plug-ins I have just kept crashing the whole thing like every five minutes and always when I saved the project (luckily, after saving was complete), so I had to re-open it the whole time. This got fixed now by the awesome 5.0.1 update and it is running better than ever ˆ.ˆ

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Hey Rozo, sorry to bring some bad news, but I'm going have to withdraw my claim on "Can You Fly, Sister?" Due to a series of unfortunate events my computer ended up being wiped and I do not have my work file anymore. Everything was lost and I have pretty much lost all motivation for continuing my work, for now anyway. I'll leave you to open it back up to someone else who wants it. Sorry for this.

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