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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/2015 in all areas

  1. Rukunetsu

    Ruku ARTWORK

    Hey everyone - I'd normally post remixes here more than anything, but I'd also like to share my art as well, given that a forum was made just for that. For starters, a pic of Big boss used for a recent project. : )
    1 point
  2. Sure. Verse: The night passes into memory I drift from my bed Animated by my longing For my beerloved How I waited so long for you Now I need you near I'll press you to my lips and drink You're my favorite beer Chorus: Female: Beerly, Beerloved, My beerly Beerloved Male: My one true brew I'll be with you I'll drink anew And I'll find you. I wrote more, but didn't get a chance to record. Oh well.
    1 point
  3. Well, I did record the MIDI with my keyboard but I'm still kind of a noob with FL Studio so I am not sure how to raise the velocities of the whole recording. Oh and sorry about that! This is my first time being in an OCR project so I am not familiar with the process for posting WIPs. My bad! I can delete my previous post if needed.
    1 point
  4. Yuuup, humanizing that doesn't seem like it would be a fun job. Personally I would have found someone to play it live rather than try to humanize an entire song.. but if that's your workflow, I'll have to trust it The humanizing(timing, velocities?) should make it sound a lot better, but it is a pretty cool start and will be a nice direction for the remix. It'd be awesome if you could keep future WIPs a little more private, not that posting 1 here right now is too big of an issue for a 1st WIP, but I'll try to get all the new people added to the private subforum to post WIPs in the future. Just gotta make sure I get everyone and don't forget anybody when I send the list of new mixers in.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. It's not dead, some guy keeps posting awesome stuff.
    1 point
  7. Now that the first round is complete and voting is underway, I'd like to remind everyone to review and adhere to the Competitions Code of Conduct. Keep the CCC in mind when you're discussing, reviewing, and voting on this week's remixes. To answer a question that was posted earlier, yes, Google Drive is fine for providing me with your mix. I apologize for not posting what to put for the gauntlet theme this week. I'll do that earlier this week. I also want to thank everyone for adhering to submission and voting standards thusfar. There have been no bad file names, no 48kHz 24 bit WAV files, everyone is using the right format in the voting threads, etc. So far so good; let's keep things rolling smoothly for the rest of the competition!
    1 point
  8. With Round 1 Underway it's time to introduce the: Over the course of the WCRG 2015, QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED! Will The Nightmare Tank Police be able to make every deadline? Or will stress, and terrible photoshopping of MAGfest photos threaten to tear the team apart?! ...and just what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the NTP? Stay up on the WCRG each week to find out!
    1 point
  9. Round 1 music is available in the first post. Alright, please pardon my language for this post. HOLY FUCKING SHIT YOU GUYS THIS MUSIC IS AMAZING Okay now that that's out of the way: voting for round 1 is open. For everyone participating as a voter, PLEASE read the entire first post of the voting thread before posting your vote! Some things have changed, especially with regards to how you should format your votes. Following the updated instructions and format will help me to put out tallies and results in a much more timely manner! Thank you!
    1 point
  10. Pretty sure I submitted a wip last time, on one of the old threads maybe??? Anyway, just coming off of a bigger project and will have time next week to crank out more work on my tune. Please don't fire me Will post work soon.
    1 point
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