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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/2015 in all areas

  1. Ditto! A well advertised monthly one with a few featured remixers would probably see more patronage than the weekly format the show had.
    6 points
  2. Been about 6 months since the last talkback, any plans to do more in the future? I'd love to see a comeback at some point!
    4 points
  3. OCR Talkback #54: Return of Talkback
    3 points
  4. Bring back OCR talkback!
    2 points
  5. I kinda miss this show! Good current topics I'd love to hear about: MAGFest Classic 2015, The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet and Worlds Apart.
    2 points
  6. KINGDOM HEARTS REMIX ALBUM PROJECT TRACKLIST The project is cancelled due to the low interest in a KH album. Thanks and sorry everyone who wanted to help and/or supported the idea. Peace. Project description Kingdom Hearts has AWESOME music by Yoko Shimomura, and its soundtrack is really, really underrepresented in terms of remixes (which is a shame lol). So what would be the plan? Remix the soundtrack from the first KH game. The soundtrack is very diversified as the heroes travel across various different worlds. How to participate? You're a posted mixer on OCR or have some interesting experience in the VGM scene (DoD, YouTube, etc.): you can directly claim a track and start remixing it. You're not a posted mixer: send me a PM with some of your work (as an audition), and we'll discuss the possibility. You want to do art, video, etc.? Send me a PM and we'll discuss how you can help. Legal Note Since OCR made an agreement with Square Enix during the FF6 Kickstarter, please, don't use any SFX from a KH game or directly sample your remix from its source. Deadlines & WiPs Tentative release date: whenever the hell KH3 comes out lol -- The first deadline will be announced when I get a lot of claims on the tracklist. Each time a deadline is reached, I'll need an update on your claim(s), with a WIP track. If you miss a deadline, no problem -- I can understand that real life can be busy. But don't sit too long on a claim either (even if I already worked with some last-minute rushers ) -- If you fail to give me updates several times, I'll have to remove your claim (meaning someone else can take it -- You can also retake it by sending in a WiP). Collaboration Collaboration helps a lot. Don't hesitate to ask someone for help on your track(s)! - Chernabogue: orchestra/drum programming, mixing, mastering - timaeus222: mixing/mastering, dubstep/drum & bass/EDM drum programming, atmospheric and synth-lead sound design, rhythm/lead electric guitar, orchestral strings If you have any question, send me PM or post here.
    1 point
  7. Yeah, I think I'd like that. I watched most talkbacks, but sometimes I didn't bother because I was busy or wanted to do other things at the time. I probably would be more likely to catch a talkback if it were more of a special occassion, like a monthly format. Plus I'd imagine it would be a lot easier to organize and find available remixers.
    1 point
  8. Count me in for dearly beloved, no Nicolas cage though but if you cover all 3 games eventually I'll think of some other tradition. And/or I could do simple and clean
    1 point
  9. I'd be all over it tbh, though albums are a hard thing for me to do now thanks to life stuff.
    1 point
  10. Oh hell yes! I just recently played through the first game again and I was planning on doing a remix of at least one tune from the game after I finish this Fire Emblem remix. Maybe I'll hold onto that KH remix for when/if this becomes a thing. It should totally be a thing.
    1 point
  11. Ohh my lord... I'm having goosebump all over! This Remix is Awesome! Congratz to the artists!
    1 point
  12. For those wondering about progress... we're inching on. I've been writing writeups/track notes, and will probably do the same for artists, just so we've got something to put on the website before trying to down every remixer for their thoughts and bios and stuff. Also, don't pay Meteo. I think he works better when he's starving.
    1 point
  13. This is basicly how this theme would sound, if it was a part of Disney's Lion King! Love it!
    1 point
  14. oh man the ambience... Reminds me of when i used to frequent various jazz bars back in the day. very nicely done!
    1 point
  15. Oh hey, I remember when you made this some time ago. Let's see what you've done since, I remember liking the last iteration of it. MOD REVIEW Lots of neat sound design on this one. If I recall correctly, the last rendition had some pretty cool sound design, too, so I'm glad that aspect remained. The guitar, however, has a poor tone, when introduced at 0:34. It just sounds muddy and non-distinct. Considering how clear the other instruments are, it's quite noticeable how messy the tone is for the guitar. At 1:08 the tone sounds much better for the lead, but the performance could use quite a bit of clean-up. Hearing the fingers scratch as they slide is distracting for every note, and every note sounds disconnected, due to being deliberately re-struck for every note change. The performance needs some considerable tune-up before it'll be considered on OCR. I'd suggest PM'ing one of the many guitarists on the boards for some advice on this, as my expertise is limited in that area. At 1:08 and 2:38, I'm not sure that doubling works great, for the leads. Contrapuntally, 6ths & 3rds would give a richer sound than pure 4ths and 5ths. You likely won't get nailed too hard for that on the panel, but it could be better than what is present here. I'll have to say the guitar work on this is holding this back from being posted, as of yet - I recommend getting in touch with other guitarists and garnering some advice from them. Glad to hear a new rendition of this, though!
    1 point
  16. Let's do it again, then. And we'll try and organize some prizes, too! Indeed, if you look at mixes submitted/posted, albums released, and total engagement over social media, things are great. The MAIN thing we're seeing less of is forum activity, and almost ALL of my plans for the future of the site surround the forums and what we can do with them, so I'm not too worried.... I just need the time to implement these changes, and support from staff in planning it all out. I've actually been thinking about how that might work. Does anyone have experience doing comment aggregation and representation across multiple social media platforms? On its surface, it seems like a CRON job that does API calls and caches results back to a table we can use to then present the data on the mix page... would actually be kinda cool... just not at the top of my priority list at the moment...
    1 point
  17. I also want to thank everyone for participating, and—more importantly—I want to thank everyone for making this a drama-free compo. Usually there's at least one instance of someone being a total poop, whining about how people are voting or complaining about other teams'/artists' music. This time around, we had none of that. Everyone was a good sport and supportive of each other. I'm glad that people had fun and were able to learn things and grow as artists. Also, just to reiterate something I said a few weeks ago: if you're planning on submitting tracks you made for the SFRG to OCR, please include a source breakdown for the judges' benefit. I'd also like to suggest someone (not me) maybe organize an album project using select tracks from this competition. There's a lot of insanely good music that came out of the SFRG, and I think that a pretty good package could be put together and dropped as a proper album (as opposed to the standard archival release I put out of compos). Give artists maybe a week or two to make any necessary revisions, gather updated and remastered WAVs, etc. I can put together some album art too, and we can drop this as an OCRI release.
    1 point
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