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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/2015 in all areas

  1. As long as we can get someone who is qualified to rate it as such. A master-rater, if you will.
    1 point
  2. Yeah exactly, and even then I've heard some stories about VGL (though unconfirmed so I wont share them here). The goal is to break even so your valuable time is not wasted. If you can spare the time and find value in the process of making music itself then that's payment enough (and has been payment enough for all of us here at OCR for over a decade).
    1 point
  3. I use MIDI files every time I remix something. But that's because I transcribe the song and make the MIDI myself first. The rules and stigma against using existing MIDIs stem from people who will do nothing with the MIDI except play some synths with it and layer a drumbeat over it and call it a remix. You can and should MIDIs whenever you want as long as you're actually arranging the material and transforming it into your own musical vision. That doesn't mean changing the sounds but changing the MIDI itself into something that's original and your own. If you do use an existing MIDI you should consider giving credit to the person who made it also.
    1 point
  4. I'll double master it so by the time you master it, it'll have a solid triple mastering which should make it much more mastered
    1 point
  5. For years I've been annoyed by albums that put "album" or "project" in their title. We know it's an album. Once it's an album it's no longer a project. Also I trust Larry on titling shit, guy knows his stuff. Kinda bored of putting "Tribute" in titles too. Just such an overused word to the point that it loses its meaning. I like Darned's suggestion of "Remembering Satoru Iwata" but like I said, I also trust Larry, and ultimately it's not my call, and my own hangups about language are my own problem. I need to finish the song tomorrow
    1 point
  6. A year on after all this mess, and quite honestly my opinion on it all hasn't changed much. I don't trust ANY major gaming webpages, NeoGaf is still trash and is even more ban happy if you don't "tow the party line", and places like Verge/Polygon and Kotaku continue to be as awful as ever the last time I bothered looking at them. I don't care about GG, and really don't think I ever will. But I can say that while I agree that games can do better with representation in diversity, as can all mediuims, I'm against it being shoe horned in so as to deflect criticism, it ends up being more as tokenism. But I also think we're getting there naturally, it won't happen overnight. What really gets me annoyed is the way all these journalists/websites say they want to have a discussion and only want to shut down any methods to discussion that doesn't align with their view, a "safe space"/coddle corner if you will. This social stuff has turned me off to any sort of discussions on these topics, I've deleted my Twitter and Tumblr account because I want nothing to do with these people and I don't find them useful anymore. I stuck to the bare minimum of engaging in gaming culture and even less so now, and I'm honestly happier for it. I firmly think that game journalists got so butt hurt over Roger Ebert's statements in 2010 as to why he didn't think games were art that they were determined to prove him wrong by going to the extremes they do now with their reviews and videos (extra credits, and no I don't care if they first got noticed here), as if their profession will ever be taken serious by people who have no interest in this stuff. I don't care if games are art or if they're "PC" enough to the San Fran hipster Progressive crowd, is the game good and entertaining? Does it play well, or work properly? Does it covey it's story or message fairly well? That's all I want or expect.
    1 point
  7. OK I'm nearing completion on the front cover now. I've been staring at this constantly for the past two days, and I've lost my glasses to boot. Couple of fine details and I think I'm calling it done. Unless you guys say otherwise
    1 point
  8. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7854864/Xenotones-DragonSong.mp3 Everyone must give this version a listen. times a bajillion and one!
    1 point
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