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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/06/2016 in all areas

  1. Just posting that I'm so glad the McRib is back! I've had 3 since it came back this year, and I'mma have morrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre! McRIB!
    2 points
  2. Thanks for the reply. PRC338 is a free round. I don't think it's a good idea to alternate between game and single source this way, it's confusing and if implemented I would prefer a setting that the mixers can choose to pick a source or game. Selecting a game might be a bit against the goal of PRC: remixing unknown sources (or at least sources without an Ocremix), I need to think how this selection should happen if I go for it. But the setting you present (winner of PRC X selects the source for PRC X+2) has some advantages. One of them is that the remix stage of the next round can start before the last round has ended (even during the voting stage) since the source of the next round is already chosen. It also gives people more time to vote and select a source since they don't get to decide the source for the next round but for the round after that. For me it's also much easier since I have lots of time to prepare the next round. I've considered to implement this in the past but never did it. A disadvantage is that winners have to wait longer before 'their source' is remixed. They can win two rounds in a row and after that they cannot win the next two rounds (except if I drop the limitation that winners can't enter; of course they can always do bonus mixes). I might do this if not many people are against it (if I do, the winner of PRC338 selects a source for PRC340, the winner of PRC339 selects the source for PRC341 etc.). I don't know anything about IRC so I cannot say much about that. It might be interesting. But that only works if there's a good number of people who's interested to tune in at a specific time. Especially when rounds need extensions it might be difficult to plan it.
    2 points
  3. Thanks for the feedback, guys. Most appreciated. It's not an actual bow, it's an E-Bow:
    2 points
  4. I don't feel right for voting for some of these options in the poll but still like them, so I'll just add my two cents. I like the current state of choosing a single source and having it remixed, but I also like the ideas of choosing a game to remix and choosing songs from the request forum. Maybe rounds should alternate between those source selection methods somehow; maybe for round 338 bundeslang chooses a game to remix, the single source for 339 is decided by the winner of 337, the game source for 400 is decided by the winner of 338 etc.. Maybe work the request forum into that formula, or just keep everything the same. I think it is kinda fine as it is. One thing I had in the first compo I ever participated in: there was always a sync listen where everyone would go to an irc chat at the same time, the person running the sync listen would say "queue track: Subspace Ruins by PlanarianHugger" and then a few seconds later "play track: Subspace Ruins by PlanarianHugger". The method you use to sync listen could change and isn't important, but what was important was that it got people together to just hang out and talk about music and other stuff; it created a sense of community and it made people who attended the sync listen look forward to participating in future rounds. Infact I left that compo because the community got a little too crazy with people spamming IRC and submitting a lot of joke submissions where they would be exclusively comprised of obscene noises and/or clipping volume, and there were a LOT of submissions-- somewhere closer to 20 sometimes around the time I left I think, but it was really great when everyone was making music and not just trying to troll everyone. I'm not sure if that is anything that people would be interested in, but who knows maybe I'll try to organize something like that (assuming no one else does it) in the future for this compo, because I really like the idea of sync listens.
    2 points
  5. Don't know how my name didn't make this list. But yes, I am going. Can't wait to hang once again. This might be my last MAG for a while... I don't know what the future holds. I got hired as a flight attendant for United Airlines, so I have to build my seniority level. I would love this one to be extra special. Less than 30 days away, yay!
    2 points
  6. Depending on the arrangement (as in, if it would fit), I can offer some elaborate chiptune leads and/or wankery, if you would like. It would be fun.
    2 points
  7. Update to my last post--I'll be there, performing with Saori Kobayashi!
    2 points
  8. Hello! As you may or may not know, MAGFest is happening soon, and just like every year for the past decade, we'll be having a special month over at Dwelling of Duels, with a live listening party at MAGFest! Exact details about the listening party to follow. The tradition is to pick a unique and interesting theme for the MAGFest duel, and this time it's... 80s vs 90s Month That's right, we're pitting two awesome decades against each other! Which had the better video games? Which had the better music? Which had the better video game music? All of these questions will be answered this month. Artists can chose either the 80s or the 90s, and remix songs from a game (or multiple games) released in that decade. Featuring games from both decades in a single entry is not allowed. Other than that, all standard rules apply: http://dwellingofduels.net/rules/ Now, what makes this duel special, other than the live listening party, you ask? Well, we're happy to announce a partnership with Impact Soundworks! Top 3 artists (or groups/bands) will each get one library out of the following: Super Audio Cart, Shreddage Bass 2, Shreddage Guitar or Shreddage Drums. Fun fact: Shreddage Bass 2 was recorded by the ocremix artist, bass virtuoso and the person with the most DoD gold medals, Tony Dickinson a.k.a. Prince uf Darkness! But wait, there's more: entrants will be able to get a 10% discount on all Impact Soundworks libraries! So, get your instruments ready, start making some music, and enter the duel! Deadline for submissions is January 3rd, 2017 at 1PM EST. Send your entries to dodsongs@gmail.com. If you come to MAGFest, be sure to drop by the listening party (80s or 90s fashion not required). We promise it's gonna be fun, as you can see in this video: For those not familiar with DoD: Dwelling of Duels is a monthly (or sometimes bi-monthly) video game music remixing competition started back in 2003. The focus is on live instruments: each entry needs to have a main instrument played live. A theme is picked for each duel and all the entries have to follow the theme. At the end of the month, listeners vote for the songs and a winner is decided. To this day, there have been: - 2778 entries, from - 1070 games, by - 714 artists, in - 154 duels, having - 167+ hours of music! http://dwellingofduels.net/
    1 point
  9. Fine by me! I'm still playing around with some sound ideas at the moment. Whipped up something last night, but it's a little gritty, and I'm not sure that is what I'm going for. Lol
    1 point
  10. I'm going to be in the school music talent show in April (Live from GRAFF), so I CAN record piano. I'm up to it. Nika- Put me on the live instrument thing.
    1 point
  11. And did that stop @TheChargingRhino? Okay, I'll stop picking on you. I do appreciate you taking a step back to allow other Remixers to participate, DS, but you CAN contribute if you wish. We can worry about who gets credit for what once the track is finished. Speaking of TheChargingRhino, would she be allowed to participate in the Boss B track you're doing, @Starphoenix? She's looking for someone to collab with.
    1 point
  12. You're good, man. I'm still working on Y. Just finished saving the world last night. I laughed my ass off at how everyone was basically "well, now that the ancient superweapon that nearly wiped humanity off the face of the planet is dealt with, let's get back to the really important thing: POKEMON JOURNEY! Those last few gym leaders aren't going to defeat themselves!"
    1 point
  13. After listening to DJ Mokram's (edit) O.S.P. album this track REALLY has a Metal Gear feel to it lol!
    1 point
  14. I'll be performing with The OneUps this time. Swing on by if you want!
    1 point
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