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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/10/2016 in all areas

  1. Okay, I've fixed the Reuben Kee links. Some central/cloud hosting sounds like a great idea though!
    2 points
  2. •*•LONG OVERDUE UPDATE•*• HELLO EVERYBODY!! (that's right bee-hatches, two exclamation marks, count 'em) I've been away for a little while now, what with one thing and another. My day job, getting sick, and most recently a broken computer have been conspiring to stop me from doing anything on here. But my day job has calmed down, I'm not sick any more. and my computer's been repaired. So now hopefully I can jump back in and actually directly contribute to the project I'm directing. I apologise to everybody who's been wanting to speak to me. I also owe a debt of gratitude towards @Trism who has once again stepped up to the mark in my absence. As a co-director I couldn't ask for much better. Without you guys this project wouldn't be doing so well. I'll be PM'ing everybody individually over the next couple days; just to discuss the track you're working on, and how to kick off the new year after the inevitable holiday calm period. Moving onwards, a bit of news/info on the album's progress. We now have: 14 complete tracks 4 Tracks that are so near completion, they're basically complete 12 tracks well into the WIP stage. Unfortunately, we've had three tracks revert to unclaimed. They are: xx Beruga - Claimed by Ganaé Freedom Castle I've listed them in preferred order of claim if anybody's interested. If you're not familiar with Terranigma, a couple of those tracks are especially significant in the game. Despite ending on a negative tip, the positivity of the first batch of info is very encouraging. Everybody appears to be very invested in their remixes, and general morale seems very high. All in all, we're doing remarkably schedule-wise. All going well, and we have no hiccups, I'll be discussing in February with most musicians about wrapping up their tracks and/or requesting all the other things like blurbs, permissions, etcetc. Except, of course for later adopters. Exciting times! Sincerest best wishes to each of you over this festive period, be merry and be safe. and here's to 2017 where we'll be looking at tying this steed up! EDIT: Ganaé has claimed Beruga
    2 points
  3. So I did a vocal remix to "Just Mario", the Mario Theme song remix in Just Dance 3! This includes vocal remixes to the main Mario theme, the star power theme, the cave level theme, and the sped up theme song version. Dadada dada da da! Let me know what you think?? The video also includes Mario dancing!
    1 point
  4. Thank you thank you thankyou! OC Remixes are legit what inspired me to learn to play piano. Thank you @Dhsu and @djpretzel (and staff)!
    1 point
  5. @Koriantor Yes.... actually, we've built out a "remix_attachments" table and the requisite functionality, we just need to upload what we've got, incorporate it into the front-end of the site, and do a call for sheet music, MIDI files, etc. from artists. The same mechanism is also intended to eventually provide lossless FLAC versions, when we're sure we can handle it. @Dhsu We can & will centralize everything here & host it ourselves, permanently... and we're close to doing so.... what we could use right now is someone willing to gather everything in one place for us so that when we ARE ready to roll, we can pull it all in. Any assistance in this regard is greatly appreciated!
    1 point
  6. Well, it would have helped if I had posted it yesterday after you gave me permission to... Oh, and I have PMed you the link to the sheet. _____ Anyway - @HankTheSpankTankJankerson's Meteo WIP has now been posted to the WIP spreadsheet! Please feel free to give some feedback. Thanks to everyone who gave some points on Lylat Legacy by @DS394 and Cyber Warfare by @Starphoenix!
    1 point
  7. Dat French horn solo at the beginning and at various other places.
    1 point
  8. Sounds like an awesome idea! If time allows in the future I'd be up for writing something or perhaps singing. I sang in the fabul choir way back in the day though I don't have a credit so maybe @OA never used my files?! Either way, was a lot of fun to collab like that!
    1 point
  9. Looks like a good number of the links are broken. I'm desperately looking for a copy of Reuben Kee's "The Place We Knew" Has OCR considered hosting sheets itself if provided by the remixer? I love playing OC ReMixes, but over time people neglect their personal sites so the sheet music is lost. If OCR doesn't host, having a central hosting on Google Drive or dropbox would make it a little more permanent than trying to scour the internet or rolling the dice with the waybackwhen machine. Thoughts?
    1 point
  10. Really excellent, the performances are great. The choice of flute + acoustic guitars creates a very interesting and relaxing atmosphere. I didn't notice the electro elements at first, but they add a lot to the track. The percussion is also on spot. Lovely remix, nice job!
    1 point
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