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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/2017 in all areas

  1. Just to add to what has already been said about realism, last year I asked @timaeus222 about how to make my sequencing less mechanical. The context was instrument sequencing, but I think it can be applied to percussion too: I have since found that sequencing percussion is actually pretty wide open in FLS; I can either play the percussion parts out through the plugin (under one channel) or pull the actual WAVs and manipulate each waveform directly (assigning each WAV to its own channel), depending on what sort of 'realism' I am looking for with the sound. Sometimes even slight EQ adjustments, slight pitch adjustments, or even where the drum skin is struck can effect the 'realness' of the sound; I, however, have had very little chance to experiment with this, so I can't advise much closer than that at this time. I hope this helps ... and I totally endorse air-drumming as a timing and sequencing aide as well.
    2 points
  2. @TheChargingRhino -- I am constantly surprised by how fast you're evolving each time I listen to your latest WIPs -- trying to step away from the source to offer something original and express yourself as an artist. You really have something great here, and I like to believe that the structure of the mix is there and it's time to polish the arrangement and perfect the mixing and everything I like the idea of the bass being pitched down for the intro but I think it is too shy for now and you should probably try to go a bit crazier with it. Same goes for the low-fi FX on the first part of your drums. I personally think the Orchestra Hit is too loud, but that may be just me. At 1:21, wouldn't it be nice to go really aggressive here and add a Wah FX on the distortion instrument in the background and then, at 1:31 -- for the final note --, slowly pitch down the final note for the closure? You drums need to be punchier, more powerful and bring more energy to the track -- I'd also recommend you vary the rhythm at 2:17-2:35 for it's getting too repetitive there, and perhaps implement more fills at the end of some parts to introduce the following one. Maybe I don't hear it, but do you use Hi-hats? 'Cause I feel like it's seriously lacking some, especially during the 'chorus' where the absence of harmonies/counter-melodies makes it a little empty. Lastly, I guess you want to add real guitar recordings to your track -- definitely do so (part 2.21 screams for an arranged riff based of this rhythm). I think adding reverb, pan and other FXs/technics wouldn't hurt either but I'll need a more advanced WIP to judge. Anyway, it's a very nice track with very clever ideas, sweet arpeggios and interesting new melodies here and there that is pleasant to listen to. Synthwave being a repetitive style of music, it makes the repetitive chord progression digestible... so that's okay Just like I did with the Boss, I recommend you check out Nigel Silva's tutorial videos on YouTube to see if you can use some of his tricks to your advantage, make the song even better and, perhaps, learn new stuff
    2 points
  3. voted, Nice work this round. I enjoy when theres 4 or more entrants.
    2 points
  4. Once I have my drum session programmed -- without any humanization -- I like to play the track with my drum sequence window open that I use as a tab to perform the instrument on the keyboard. Not being a good 'keyboard drummer', I take it slow and one part at a time -- I record the kick only first, then the snare, then the hi-hats, etc. -- until I'm done with the whole instrument. I then edit my performance -- since I'm absolutely not good at all ^^' -- and re-position some sequences better -- only when it really sounds off (the kick, snare and cymbals are particularly important) -- before working on the velocities. Sometimes, you can trust your DAW's 'humanization tool' (around 10% for the kick and snare and 30% for the hi-hats and ride) but you'll definitely want to check the whole thing afterward and edit individual notes/pack of notes together. A good understanding of the instrument is necessary though. When composing for that instrument you must visualize the drummer play and keep in mind he only has two hands and two feet. Air drumming is recommended for such circumstances -- don't laugh, I do that A good sampled VST is worth having, that goes without saying. Here is probably the most popular free one you can get to work on any DAW: http://www.powerdrumkit.com/ Here are a few videos that could help you too -- ghost notes and everything must not be neglected: Hope this helps -- we've all been there
    1 point
  5. Suitable for summer saunterin' on swelterin' sidewalks.
    1 point
  6. Although it has a slow start, I dig this
    1 point
  7. Heh heh ... Hi everyone! Apologies for being absent over the last couple of days, but I'm back now, so... ALL SHIPS CHECK IN! --- First of all, thank you to everyone on the project for responding to me on check-ins! Communication is key to keeping this project on track and I wanted to say how much I appreciate everyone making the effort to let me know where they are at.. Of course, not everyone was able to get me an update in time for the deadline, but I should have progress from everyone over the next few weeks. I'll let everyone know as I have been when a new WIP is posted. We currently have 27 claims out of a possible 32 tracks. We were unable to meet our side goal of a full 32 claims, so I'll be moving these goals to the July 1st deadline. 5 tracks are still left to claim! We may have reached our goal of 12 complete tracks, but I'm not sure yet. I do have some more updated WIPs to post; I will post them to the spreadsheet over the next few days, once I get the chance to sit down and go through everything. There will be some color changes... hopefully enough to push us over the line! Thanks to everyone who gave this a priority. I've spoken to the artist I contracted and he says his schedule will be clearing up over the next few weeks to work on the poster and cover art. I've been kicking around a few ideas with him and we think we have a good concept; going to be sticking with an 'Arwings in Space' motif (like the sig banner) but with a little more action, maybe a battle or zooming orbital... something. He's told me the latest he'll have something ready for the poster is early June. I'll post it to the thread once it's ready to go. @Starphoenix and I will be putting together a framework for the website this quarter. Once we have a working design, I'll be putting out a call for artist bios. I'll put together some clearer instructions when I announce, but it's not a bad idea to start thinking about it. --- The next deadline is July 1st, 2017. Remixers will once again be required to at least confirm progress and I'm actively asking for orange status WIPs. A reminder that all tracks will require orange status by October 1st - the sooner you complete the track, the easier it will be at this point! Final deadline for the project remains July 1st, 2018, but I would like to complete it sooner if possible so we have a better chance of a 2018 release. Any effort made to this end would be appreciated! It's fantastic to see the collaboration going on and folks jumping in to help where needed - a round of applause should go to our Audio Support team for their help providing a different set of ears for track review and feedback. The tracks we have are sounding great so far and with every bit of progress we make, we are one step closer to fulfilling @Thomas Neil's vision. Thanks again to everyone for making this possible! More posts to come as updates occur. Keep up the great work! --- Oh, and @TheChargingRhino's track has been updated on the WIP spreadsheet. Let her know what you think!
    1 point
  8. I just chanced upon it this round, good thing too haha.
    1 point
  9. Listened to them all... MANY times each ^^ @Etzaen -- Love the intro and outro as well as that "Mega Man Zero" vibe the whole track has. Still, I think you should try and mess around with the Pitch and Mod Wheels to try and make your leads more colorful (especially during the bridge section). The last part also feels like it's screaming for a bombastic solo (I can clearly see the distortion guitar you introduced in the bridge re-appear here for that purpose). I don't know if you want to go electronic or acoustic with the drums, but I feel like your track could benefit from a bit/lots more variations depending on your choice. Other than that, it's pretty awesome and I'm glad Star Fox 2 is having the recognition it deserves -- can't wait to listen to the final version @Thirdkoopa -- With this one, I can clearly see myself in a bar in the 30s, enjoying a drink while the jazz band is jammin' in the background (I can almost tell what it smells like in there). It's a bit too repetitive for me to just sit down and focus on the listen, but it definitely serves its purpose as a ambient piece. I wish the drummer could add more variety in his performance (it's pretty boring there... especially for a jazzy stuff). I also think some instruments are played too loud a few time but it also adds to that "live performance" charm the piece has. Not being my favorite style of jazz, I can't really go deeper with my critique... but it clearly isn't bad at all. @Siolfor the Jackal -- Now, THAT'S what I'm talking about! Some good ol' metal to wake you up and remind you that everything isn't all nice and easy in a Star Fox game Aggressive rhythm guitars, a drummer who hates to be bored and synths for more sound variety -- a damn good recipe I'd personally add a Pad/Synth Strings for the intro to play chords and give more of an Epic Progressive Rock feel to it before altering them a bit at 0:14 to make sure it evolves along with the track. I'd probably be nice to re-introduce the Pad at the 1:50 part (or a portion of it) for coherence but maybe it'll be too much synths at the same time -- since we also have a Synth Lead here too. Then comes the bridge -- LOVE it! Yet another track I look forward to listen to when complete! In the end, I really like how -- with these three tracks -- we keep getting an idea of how much variety the album is gonna have. Keep up the great work, guys!
    1 point
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