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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/13/2017 in all areas

  1. I made this video in anticipation of this song one day being posted, in case anybody was curious where the title of the remix comes from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQS2_Mt6_Lc
    1 point
  2. I used to be a big gamer, but that gradually then suddenly stopped at one point. The most recent game I played all the way through was Twilight Princess in 2006. I occasionally played Smash Bros Brawl on the Wii, but I had to borrow my sister's console, and then when I moved away from home I couldn't take it with me. I occasionally would play my gamecube and earlier games, but even then I was suffering from severe depression and anxiety, so I couldn't play for more than 20-30 minutes a week before I would feel extremely guilty and worthless for not being productive with my time. I eventually got help for that, and was treated for the depression and counseling for coping mechanisms for the anxiety, so things did get better. I never really went back to gaming. Occasionally I would visit my hometown and would play whatever games were more recent on my sister's consoles, but couldn't get into them. I played Metroid Prime 3 and was like...motion controls? What is this? And I couldn't make it past the first 10-15 minutes. Same with Skyward Sword. This last winter break I didn't have anything to do, started to feel burnt out of music, had just graduated college, and was unemployed waiting for places to call me back, so I decided to play through the N64 Zelda games. I played through Ocarina but didn't get through Majora before things started again and I couldn't continue. I'm almost one semester into graduate school and am not going to continue that degree. I'm feeling very burnt out of music and things at the moment, so I'm going in a different direction. I'm going to study japanese, and will play games in that language as I progress. However, I probably won't really try to play catch up with games I missed. I'll do some older ones, maybe some 2010 era ones, but not really many new ones. When it comes down it it, I see everybody playing Undertale and Overwatch and I just am not interested. I used to be a gamer...but not anymore. Not even close.
    1 point
  3. Loving all these replies! @Garpocalypse I'm actually in my second college year too haha! I must be on a very similar path. I can vouch for Sonic 2, SoR and Freedom Planet also. They're pretty close to my heart. I can see myself having a similar binge in 3 years time.
    1 point
  4. I have quit gaming as a regular hobby, though I have recently played a bit on steam and am back into Overwatch for the new event for a couple weeks. Overwatch is the best gaming investment I have ever made because it's one of the few games these days that's just meant to be a blast with your friends and they always keep doing things to make it feel fresh. It was a $50 dollar purchase and I get continued enjoyment out of it. However, months often pass where I don't even touch it. As I get older it just becomes apparent what a waste of time and productivity killer video games really are and I would rather do just about anything else most of the time. I often see users on Steam who have 300 hours sunk into a game in a short timeframe. I simply cannot fathom my life being so remarkably boring and/or non-existent as to be able to rack up that many hours in a game.
    1 point
  5. My only real attempt to kick video games was the second semester of my sophomore year of college. Left all my consoles at home,uninstalled the games i had on my pc and went about my studies. After what was a pretty successful semester I returned home, went to gamestop, and spent upwards of $300 on all the games I missed. The first few weeks of the summer break I was engaged in the deepest, darkest,most unholy gaming binge i've ever had. Advice? Don't fight it, it always comes back around. As long as I have Sonic 2, Streets of Rage 2 , Resident Evil 2 and hope for a Freedom Planet 2. No, I will not stop playing. I do need to kick my overwatch addiction in the worst way though.
    1 point
  6. Ok, I'll wait til voting closes. I didn't see anything about it in the rules so I'm glad I asked!
    1 point
  7. @The Nikanoru You mean like conversations amongst the characters like at the beginning of tracks? I fucking love that idea. Also since i'm already doing a rap as him, I mean I could voice fox if needed. With either my regular voice or a (amazingly) terrible Fox impression.
    1 point
  8. DarkeSword


    It's really fun. I like how it's more than just a defend-the-door horde mode that Junkenstein was (thought Junkenstein was really awesome).
    1 point
  9. Great job, everyone! Really starting to get tough on judging winners.
    1 point
  10. At first, I was taken back by the artist's interpretations, especially when I heard "You Dirty, You Nasty, But You Mine". At this point, I had to understand that these are true Remix's. They are interpretations of more than a musical score, they also represent the settings and emotions linked directly to the overall narrative of SMRPG. On this point I have to say, well done. As usual, I ended up late to the party and have recently become aware of MSU1's and the ability to apply Cd quality music to Snes Roms. In my curiosity, I wanted to see how OCRemix's "Super Mega Ultra Pipe House" would fit over the intro to Super Mario Rpg. I don't currently have the knowledge to hack a rom to induce the MSU1, but IMO, I can press play on two applications, pretty damn fast. Sure enough, if you sync the jump in the game intro, with the jump sound in the song intro, it not only captures the essence of the game, it can actually be perceived to "introduce" members of the cast. Now that I've seen and heard the two together, and can't get it out of my head, it assures me that you all took great care in capturing the uniqueness of SMRPG and the wide variety of ideas thrown into the game. SMRPG was destined to have a unique tone being that it was a Square Rpg conceptualized in Nintendo's nest egg, The Mushroom Kingdom. The biggest name in Rpg's, at the time, with the most cherished character in gaming history, Mario. This was the first, and the last time that Square would produce a Mario Rpg. It was also the 2nd to last game produced by Square before their big break up with Nintendo. Surely, Square and Sony had already been in talks to make Final Fantasy VII exclusively on the Playstation. The music, as well as the themes, were the product of two gaming giants trying to get their personal themes to fit into one cartridge, sometimes remarkably, sometimes to their detriment. Now, as we look back at some of these more unique games, that came from unique circumstances, a unique interpretation of the 100+ songs and sounds from the original rom is fitting. Pipe Funk (Hello from Inside the Earthen Pipe) was almost a direct interpretation, the core of the original SMRPG track offset the first beat of the melody that most of us recognize as the OG Mario "Underworld" score. This inflection on the up-beat gave the Smrpg track a funky, almost Micheal Jackson feel. OCRemix took that idea and turned their track into a Halloween themed 80's dance party, and the DJ just started spinning Thriller. Still the Road is Full of Klezmorim.... Skyrim Remix please? The remix for "The Dungeon is Full of Monsters" is one of the most out of place tracks, but quickly became a track I wanted to hear more of. Then I wanted to hear a little bit more, then just wanted to hear a little bit more. 5 times in a row? at some point I lost count. Rockos and Danton Freitas did well at replicating a style of music that reminds me of Genghis Tron with a more deliberate style choice. There is probably a better comparison, but I haven't listened to anything like that in a while(aka i'm old), and honestly, the arrangement is weirdly refreshing. Perhaps the juxtaposition of SMRpg sound effects with Electronic Blip Bloops(ie Flip Florps, WubWubs) and Guitar Djent-rification created a compelling soundscape of our hero in danger, battling shadows and emerging victorious. Thank you for creating this ear candy. Considering that OCRemix is consistently producing quality engineered albums on the regular, while also maintaining an environment for creators to collaborate, I have to commend you all on your dedication and I hope you all continue to work together to produce this wonderful music. Cheers.
    1 point
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