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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/2019 in all areas

  1. I wanted to participate in the free round, but I couldn't decide on a source (until AFTER the deadline). But I'm definitely gonna give this one a go! On that note - Zephyr's quite an excellent source pick, TheVideoGamer! I'm glad you liked my source pick! So, I have... something, but... it's under the genre of: "Randomness & Spontaneity." ...yeah, I'm gonna give it another listen tomorrow and send it in (soon). Edit #1: Okay! Things sound a bit better. But, some parts, upon additional listening, need more tweaking, but that happens. (Late) Edit #2: Sorry I didn't submit anything - my entry was a complete disaster.
    2 points
  2. @Darkflamewolf hahaha. you just made my day! There isn't much better praise to be had than that.
    2 points
  3. Haven't done one of these in so long....
    1 point
  4. @TSori, I will give you a nice, warm fuzzy. Out of all the tracks on the album, my two boys absolutely love and adore your 'Better Days' track. So much so that when it comes on, they instantly recognize it and forbid us to change the song or even stop the car and get out if we go anywhere until the song finishes. lol
    1 point
  5. Nailed the psytrance vibe for sure! Great stuff, love it. Teach me how
    1 point
  6. This is extremely sexy. Great voice work, too. From the thick beats to the constantly varying textures, this track wins on all fronts. Lovin' it.
    1 point
  7. @Mr. Hu Thanks for sharing your thoughts on every track. It's really cool to see someone take the time to do that. I'm also glad you liked "Better Days"! Like you, I didn't remember what Drachma's theme sounded like either. It may take a bit of a critical ear, but I'm sure if you go back and listen to the original you'll be able to match the melodies up with "Better Days." It was a lot of fun trying to tell a part of the character's story from a very different angle. I've listened to whole album through 3 times now, and I just love every bit of it. There isn't a track on it that isn't great. I'm thrilled beyond belief that I got to make my first foray into remixing in such great company. That said a few of my standout favorites were: "Secret Bass" - In addition to having such a wonderfully punny name, it was a completely unexpected take on what I honestly had thought was a pretty forgettable original theme. It's slick in production and pulls no punches. Incredibly creative, unique and fun remix "Il buono, il brutto, il pirata dell'aria" - I had been looking forward to hearing this since the project thread first showed "genre: spaghetti western". My brother and I were doing our first listen to the album while traveling over the holidays. We had been watching this track getting closer and closer on the playlist and then the first notes rang out.. We looked at each other and he said exactly what I was thinking "wow...they just kind of dove into that headfirst didn't they..." There's something to be said for setting out to craft a very specific "feel" for a piece and JUST NAILING IT. The arrangement is nothing short of fantastic and the production quality is superb. Way to take a great piece of source material in a completely new direction and own it 100%. "The Darkness Is Already Here" - I would in many ways have expected a dark rift remix to have a threatening/intimidating kind of vibe, but what we get here is much more eerie. When I listen to this I feel like I'm floating through a graveyard of ships. Everything is calm around you, too much so....and every so often you silently and unceremoniously drift past another wreck that reminds you of a formless, unseen danger. Zyko's choice of instruments adds a lot of texture to the sound that I think really drives this remix. awesome. "Coding Angel" - absolutely hilarious, catchy as can be, and interestingly enough, virtually unrecognizable (at least to my ears) fromt he source tune. I would love to know how Jason Covenant decided Gilder's theme needed to be done this way. Whatever the reason, the end result is a finely polished, smile inducing, unforgettable standout track, that i'll be involuntarily siniging for days. "God's Ambition" - Deedubs was great to work with on "Better Days". I'm really glad to see him getting some well deserved accolades. All of his tracks are great. This one in particular took me right back to an epic battle in the skies, and reminded me just how great this game was. With this and many of his other tracks, Deedubs found a way to bring back everything you felt when you heard the music for the first time in game, and dial it up to 11. I could pick so many more great entries on the album, but these 5 have probably been the ones I have repeated the most over the past few days. Great job everyone! This project was a blast. I can't wait to do more.
    1 point
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