That's a really impressive library, indeed!
I've been using Shreddage 2 for a few years now, it's my go to plugin for anything rock/metal related. I was thinking about buying the V3 version, because some of the lead articulations of the V2 felt a bit underwhelming for the high speed shred I want to implement in my tracks, but now, I'm wondering about getting this one instead, mostly because I don't know which Shreddage 3 guitar to get... Plus the effects seem really high quality, which is always nice!
Sadly, there is no demo in the genres I produce on NI website, so I'm not sure if it totally fits for what I'm looking for. Plus the Kontakt upgrade needed, it a high bill to pay for it. So I'm looking forward to actual reviews of this product before taking any decision!
I cannot give more than an Guitar VST enthusiast point of view, as I'm not in any capacity a professional guitar player. I just feel that this VST has a lot of smart articulations, and I like it
Thank you for the shootout, I would have miss it otherwise!