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Meteo Xavier

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Status Updates posted by Meteo Xavier

  1. Hey man, I've been trying to reach you. You got a few minutes?

  2. Someone better type me a ***damn public message and fill it with profanity or I'll tell you whut!

  3. That picture was awesome. I've had that coming for quite some time. :D

  4. Oh, I'm fine. I just don't have a clue how I'm going to be able to perform this. I'm a gentleman and a lady is always entitled to her coffee, but at the same time its a pretty delicate, tiptoeing process.

  5. How come I never see you on AIM anymore?

  6. So what are your prices then?

  7. Part of that may be that I'm on anti-depressants and testosterone therapy now, but I also employ a strict honor system. I refuse to give up being cynical beyond the call of duty vis-a-vis the "industry", as I find not enough people really go into detail how hard it is to be a musician these days and therefore omit crucial information into attaining success these days, along with my respect of American composers continuing to slide off a cliff.

    At the same time, credit must be given where credit is due. It is right for all living things to be criticized for their willful insanity, and I am no exception. :D

  8. I don't know how, but when you switched to your phone, now my IMs to you go to my phone.

    Anyway, my question was, if I get EWQLSO Silver, is there any way I could get you to help me set it up proper?

  9. Never online!?

    What is this? What do you call this?

    Unless you are channelling your biorhythms into applicable electrons that the world wide server is accepting and translating it into characters on screen - You are online! >:P >:P >:P

    Also, my computer keeps tuning the clock down two hours. What is that?

    But mostly this is just a complicated way of saying Hi. /emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">

  10. Actually, last year in November I was working on something that was designed to do just that. I was working on a huge "Alternative Guide to Music Success" that had my consummate negativity at the first 20% of it, and then the rest being going on to talk about what you can do that's proactive and potentially effective for getting music out there. I had to stop because my Winter got super fucked up, and when I tried to start it back up again, all the advertising stuff I was talking about had changed.

    I keep wanting to pick it back up again, but every time I'm about to, I find something online that makes me prefer I watch'em all burn.

  11. Usually it's some newbie in his mid 20s who clearly didn't learn anything from how hard recession hit Generation Y some years ago and wants to just jump right in and find his spot without doing any thinking, but now I'm finding I can barely tell the difference between an A-AAA composer that has a sizable fanbase and a 15-year-old wannabe in terms of their attitude and public maturity. I can now count the number of non-Japanese composers I respect on one hand.

    So, in the midst of my miasmatic ranting, usually I do lend what I genuinely believe is my best advice: Don't quit your day job. You can get a lot further quicker and safer doing music on your off-time and building credo without unnecessary pressures than you can putting everything on the line of whether or not you land that Activision gig. :D

  12. Hey Andrew. We're doing the final round of invites for the SD3 Project here on OCR and I don't believe I've ever seen you one. Would you have any time, availability or interest in taking one of the last tracks we have available?

    Thank you!

  13. Hey Nathan. You're a decent dude and I respect you for that, but please don't be arrogant and rude while debating with people on my Facebook profile. As someone who brags about his music and accomplishments as much as you do, and with your willingness to talk about "people stuck in their way of thinking", I don't feel you're in a good position to be superior minded there.

    Please do not do that again. Thank you.

  14. I'm still curious - how did you get Time magazine to post an article on you?

  15. Umm... that was a genuine question and not a crack at you or anything.

  16. Hey. I think I might have a mastering job for you. :)

    Its my Exdeath remix. Please be on AIM tonight and we'll see what we can figure out.

    You take checks, right? I don't use paypal (for a number of reasons).

  17. Very well then. Apology accepted. Enmity erased.

  18. If you make good on that "Teaching Music Production" part of your resolution, please hit me up. I would be interested in that.

  19. Hey Justin, I just wanted to ask if you'd been getting my AIM messages. They've mostly been excuses of why I hadn't gotten back to our collab yet, but I hadn't heard back from you in a while all the same.

    I'm almost finished with the backpay my workplace has owed me, so I think I'm within a couple weeks of getting back to your mastered version. I look back on it now and Winter was even worse this year than last, but I'm getting there. Thanks for your patience. :D

  20. "So it's a cover of a song that's based on a vocal sample of a song that samples an instrumental of another song. :-|"

    I love you. :)

  21. I have reason to think I've been up all night sniffing glue.

    I couldn't think of anyone else to tell that to...

  22. Hey man, I'm about to crawl through your discography on your website there. Would you like to check out mine thats posted here? It's a bit like yours, not the same style, but I think you might appreciate it. :)

  23. No, I saw it and wrote something inconsequential back. I greatly appreciate your patience.

  24. I got hit by the Security Tool virus. I didn't even download anything this time. I tried virus software, including Avast, tried removing it manually and it won't let me use mbam.exe (Malwarebytes). What can I do and how can I thank you for helping me again?

  25. Hey, did you do music for the weather channel, or who am I thinking of?

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