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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Warcraft: The Battle for Gnomeregan Or even better: Warcraft: Alliance in Ragefire Chasm

    You should NEVER EVER link to that tropes website, it's crack.

  3. It doesn't. Helps him feel mighty good however.
  4. In Rens? War target or you chose to get concorded?
  5. I got goosebumbs when they started the dungeon theme from Zelda 2. And damn, that's a beautiful Dream Fish's theme.
  6. I actually like the fact that human are not simply useless meatsacks in the movies... It would make sense for the military to be able to hold off the Decepticons, and it would make sense for the Autobots to associate with the military in this specific condition... Not quite sure I like Optimus Warrior Prime, but he can't always be a pacifist.
  7. If you look directly over your head, you will see the point passing right on out of your reach.
  8. They do fear Grass Eating Men... Especially the North Korean army...
  9. I support anything that can bring forth a DRAGON SHRINE REMIX!
  10. I believe the policy is to ask the remixer, and mention the origin of the song (ocremix.org) in addition to the remixer's name and the original composer. Basically, don't play it without crediting the right people. I'm not 100% sure about this but last I heard that was the policy here.
  11. I think they keep them around, but with no guaranty that won't change. By the way, the extra gate in Angel Extravaganza demands more than 700 of tanking. Thankfully, I got out.
  12. However, in his earlier work, you always knew who was the remixer...
  13. Collapsing Sword for the win.
  14. Well, there is a comic book that explains a bit more and fleshes out the story. Nero and his crippled ship spent 25 years under Klingon watch, he eventually broke out, the ship had healed itself, and then the movie went own.
  15. It was obviously out of the blue, its not as if Pike had read Kirk's files even before he joined Starfleet... And then there was the 3 years training in which Pike may have seen something in Kirk... It may also be because Kirk was the one that at that point had saved the Enterprise by virtue of having them be aware that they were warping into a trap and having the shield and evasive manoeuvres going as they came out of warp... Finally, it might also have to do with giving Kirk a position above Sulu and the Red Shirt's position for the suicidal orbital jump mission because he trusted Kirk more in the combat situation than the engineer and the guy who forgot the parking break on... But yeah, Kirk at that point was completely underserving of the first officer's position.
  16. Yeah, that was standard for Vulcans. When the have no emotional control, they tend to be angry balls of pure rage. Heck, remember the Search for Spock?
  17. http://digg.com/playable_web_games/Learning_Curve_of_Popular_MMORPGS_Pic
  18. Ouch... Well, I do still want to see a fleet of Macariels... Anyway, stay away from low sec for the first 3 months of gameplay, and away from 0.0 until you are in a corp installed there, that's my advice.
  19. This game don't quite work that way, phat lewts are worth nothing if you can't fit them on your ship.
  20. Nah, we were part of TCF itself, Defcon 1. I wonder why Own got booted out... can't remember if they were allies or enemies.
  21. Lots of changes in my part of the world. My friends and I decided to leave TCF. Quite frankly, we did not know what was the point of controlling an extremely rich section of 0.0 if all we could do was lose ships in battles the goons did not feel like fighting. So the Caribou wing left for new horizons. That was around 2 weeks ago, we decided to start a new corporation intended for the three of us, as fate would have it, a friend and his acquaintances left their own corporation and joined us, so our little corporation now has 10 members. If you see us, we're quite friendly, the corp name is Exotic Trade and Exploration Association [ETEA] we hang around Verge Vendor and Sinq Liaison and we keep a low profile. As for me, I'm back flying a Sleipnir, which makes L1 and L2 missions a breeze... I managed to get in some action against thieves, and almost croaked to an Armageddon (I was warp jamed but close enough to a jumpbridge to manage to leave. My middle rack was almost all burned out from the overheating, but luckily, my AB died when I was on the bridge, and my Shield booster survived the ordeal.) I actually had a friendly chat with the armageddon pilot afterwards, and I learned that he burned out his guns trying to kill me as I was leaving. Also, I am almost able to fly an hulk, which means that I am gonna suck the roids dry. Sadly I'll only be sucking on Omber, but life is life. With any luck, I'll make enough money off of rocks to purchase a nice stealth bomber. So yeah, Zayinn Chan no longer has ambitions of being a billionaire, but frankly, the game just got that much more fun.
  22. What about the fact that he was driving in a quarry... this might have something to do with the big hole he almost drove into... Just sayin...
  23. Nonononono... Star Trek Two: The Wrath of Cupcakes.
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