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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. I am saddened to say I only knew Reuben through his music. I feel that my words can offer little comfort in light of this tragedy, but I offer you my sincerest condolences.
  2. It's sad to lose a remixer that we loved without ever being able to tell him. I loved his music, and it seems many people here did, but how many of us actually told him?
  3. Rest assured, the people at Nintendo have a document relating the timeline... Not that we will see it ever... Anyway, the way I understand it, and this is my vision of the timeline, it goes: OoT/MM Then the story splits into alternate timelines: WW/PH if TP never happened and TP leading to another storyline (I think they removed WW because it messed everything up, however WW could remove Oracles out of the main timeline). Afterwards it was Oracles, then LttP/Link's Awakening, and finally LoZ followed by Link's adventure. I have not played 4 swords and Minish cap, but I have heard they may predate even OoT.
  4. "It's not gonna happen to me, I'm a better driver than this..." Happens to the best of us. I drove drunk, I drove stoned. Then someone I knew died. It kinda puts things in perspective if you are ready to listen. (No I was not the driver I wasn't even in the car, I never got into an accident stoned or drunk, at this point I know it was pure luck.) I'm not proud of these days. Every time there is one of these accidents, I feel as if it could have been me...
  5. Well, if you want WP improved, go right ahead, you can edit it. (And there is a deletion review process, and there is nothing that prevents the recreation of articles) just saying...
  6. Verifiability first, notability second. Wikipedia makes sense in a way, yes we want everything we hold dear to be there, but not everything is notable, and not everything can be verified. If you want other projects to be there, find third party sources, and then use them to show the notability of the projects.
  7. Its not that people get the licenses too young, its that they don't get appropriate training.
  8. Ah, right and wrong are such annoying concepts. While the artist was not harming anyone, he was using material he had no right to. However, we cannot really claim that everyone here doesn't do something similar... That "guilt" means that you know what you did was right, but that this kind of policing could lead to bad results.
  9. It might just be Cheerios with a bunch of Alpha Bits N's thrown in, but I do like the taste of Liontamer in the morning...
  10. My head hurts from the directional gravity... hopefully tomorrow it'll be better.
  11. Ya know, screw you. I hope you get caught. Fuck, that is the most asshole I've seen in one post on OCR, and I saw goatse imagebombs.
  12. Tiers are easy to understand. Simply put, the top characters are those who beat the bigger loudmouths on smash forums.
  13. I think you were looking for this: And I want to add that I have a newfound respect for The Coop. The man should have a medal, or a custom title, because that is a hell of a lot of work.
  14. It would make the whole website easier to manage. insta rejects = no more when is my mix gonna be posted angst, nor will there be the stress of knowing if its gonna be accepted. I support this motion.
  15. The real questions for the judge acceptance exam are here: (I snagged them from a drunken judge who wanted to snuggle with me.... not saying who) 1: Can you DJP? 2: Demonstrate the DJP: 3: Can you locate the N and O keys on your keyboard? 4: Demonstrate your ability to type N and O. 5: Does your computer come with speakers (optional)?
  16. So, do you think the new judges will survive the procedure? I mean, last time it became such a bloody mess, the brain implants didn't take at all and then there was that little lobotomy side effect.... ... I mean... grats to the new judges, and may your surgeon cut precisely.
  17. The difference between a writer and a software programmer is that the inherent relation between the writer and the finished product is different. Don't kid yourself software programmers, people do get more money based on a software's success. It's just not you. Look at your supervisor, or at the guy above him. It's called profit sharing. It's actually a fairly standard clause in most contracts as soon as you hit management. Programmers are at a lower level. Think of the screen writer as a "project" manager, and programmers would be the equivalent of copy editors and proofreaders. The guy who proofreads a show like House is most likely paid a similar amount to the guy who proofreads Two and a half men...
  18. There is one for Ness: He was replaced. Deal with it.
  19. Having had lots of experiences in hospitals (as a volunteer and as a patient) I can totally see what Child's Play is for. Hospitals are depressing places. The smell of disease is omni present. Its a bunch of boring walls, and you rarely hear anything other than machines beeping and children crying. Being sick is hard on a person. It is depressing, and in children, that feeling of boredom and powerlessness can really be harder than the disease itself. Child's Play is unique. It tries to make hospitalization and disease easier for kids by taking their mind off of the disease. In the case of a kid with leukaemia, a game console can be the only entertainment they get between sessions of chemotherapy. I can understand where giving to research charities seem to make more sense. In the future, a cure can prevent these long hospitalizations, however, today, as you will sit down in front of the television, keep in mind that in your local hospital, a kid is alone, in his hospital room, too weak to walk, or do anything else. What you take for granted is not easily accessible to these children. Donate to the charity you want to donate to, but Child's Play is doing something extremely positive.
  20. I won't buy a game who calls me Mr. Gay. ... ... Meh, who am I kidding...
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