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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. A good story is not always omnipresent. Super Metroid gave us a good story and then let us build the rest by exploring the world. The story did not interfere with the game, where as Fusion, a good example of storytelling in a platform game, the story was involved to a point where gameplay was limited by the story. Prime 3 is a lot closer to Fusion than Super Metroid, where as Prime 1 was an example of SM's invisible story.
  2. Yeah, I can't wait to see how samus will handle being hunted by the pirates and the federation (who isn't all that clean after being involved in reviving Ridley...)
  3. Not really, you have to have skills to wing in a random stage. I never got why some people hated some stages for tournament play. If you can play well, you should know how to exploit a stage to your advantage. Playing only in predictable stages means that you are too set in one strategy and cannot adapt.
  4. It's slightly easier, but strangely enough, I am taking a lot more time to do it. Haven't died so far but my mastery over FF6 was pretty much total and I rarely lost more than one character per hour of play. The esper cave was, however, quite the habitual bitch, but then again, it was easier than usually (especially the hidden ninja that was pulverised where as it used to be a tough fight.)
  5. Because doing 3-D on the DS is pushing its limit. Its much better to make a great experience exploiting what the DS can do. Like a remote X-Ray scanner directed with the stylus on the touch screen, maybe even a touch screen morph ball control.
  6. Seems reasonable. However I'll abstain for vote for now. Maybe remixers should get the blog for free and the non-remixer get the 15$ cost.
  7. Same, I was hoping the game would let you chose between corruption or not. EDIT I have to reveal a little white detail, really spoiler free seeing as you see it in the intro part, before the game begins, but I'll keep it on the quiet side out of respect. During the dream diagnostic at the beginning, one of the lines is "Vous mourrez" which is french for you are dying. It flashes on the screen for about a quarter of a second.
  8. If this is confirmed, then I'll skip the scanning and just enjoy the game from now on.
  9. The one thing that had me shocked with my mouth open and possibly drooling on the floor was the generator battle. (This should be vague enough). Something of that level of epicness so early in the game was amazing.
  10. Its a youtube meme coming from a DBZ video edit. While the video was not that enjoyable IMHO, the meme is one of the funny things on the internet, since it is rarely applicable, it remains minty fresh.
  11. Their rape rate is the same as the US, they just don't have a huge murder rate to cover it up
  12. Not really. Nintendo, like Capcom, would have eventually came up with the triple cheeseburger, followed by the double double cheese burger with extra bacon.
  13. Put in your windows CD, start the PC and enable booting from a device, in this case, the CD-rom. When it will prompt you to install, you can select "repair windows." I've done it before, the results are... well, not perfect, but it will allow you to back up your data before you reinstall windows. (I'd reinstall just to be safe)
  14. You could also try a repair install of windows.
  15. That would imply that the game being developed was actually Jungle Planet Star Fighters but that at the last minute, since the company realized it would be a massive failure, so they decided to tack on a popular name on it. Hmmm, I wonder if other companies do that: If Rareware ran McDonald's Suit 1: So, our new chicken sandwich is being tested in 3 markets, and it's doing average. I'm not sure it will generate interest. Suit 2: Hmmm, didn't bacon do a good job for our cheeseburgers? Why not tack on bacon, and remove the chicken all together, what with the avian flu and all. Call it the BaconBurger. Suit 3: With Cheese Suit 4: People are kinda hating carbs, remove the bread. Suit 5: One of these markets is big on hipanic foods, how about we make it into a Fajita? Suit 6: Hmmm, a bacon and cheese fajita, great idea, except it doesn't seem healthy... How about we replace the cheese with salad? Suit 7: And the bacon with chicken, people like chicken, they think it's healthy even when deep fried. Head Suit: Ok, call marketing and have them make an ad with dancing chickens. Suit 1: What if the ad involved a pig for some comedic reason? ... Yeah, sounds about right.
  16. No, I meant that the SNES version was heavily edited to reduce the content, as it was a pretty big story to begin with. Therefore when it was originally released, a part of the story concerning Kain was dropped. I hope the DS remake will use that story.
  17. Fail. He mentioned that Star Wolf could be a possible boss character instead of Andross.
  18. Okay, since there is talk of removing clone characters, who here see Falco as not returning? And well, since there is an influx of interesting characters, I expect Slippy to make it in.
  19. An 85% average was good enough for me to be allowed in a pre-university program leading into medicine. But yeah, for a videogame, its horrible. Read other reviews by that guy, he may be a tough scorer.
  20. The challenge was there though. And it went back to its "survival horror" roots.
  21. So, will it break the sacred rule of the trilogy? (For those of you who don't know, its a thing about movies/action series. First encounter between a hero and a foe is a fight, won by the hero. Second encounter is usually won by the villain or won by the hero but at a cost. Third encounter, they eventually ally together. Take the Spiderman movies, or even Darth Vader in the original trilogy.) Even Metroid did it before, with Samus "allying herself" with the Hatchling for Super Metroid's climax.
  22. Well... yeah it does pick up after the "first level..." Whatever that may be. The more you progress in that game the more frustrating it can be.
  23. I request that you remix the second boss's song. I am sure its gonna be either: Extremely kickass and deserving of a remix. Average (for the game) and with lots of ways to change it. or Bad and in need of your special love. However, I just want to do the first very precise unreleased game remix request.
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