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The Mutericator

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Everything posted by The Mutericator

  1. Demos are already some of the most powerful classes in the game. Valve's doing the updates for classes that aren't played enough. First Medic, then Pyro, then maybe Heavy or Scout (though both of those are much easier to find situations for using than the Pyro did). Also finally broke down and changed my name to [OCR] The Mutericator.
  2. There will be so much fire... I can't wait.
  3. The lack of health still makes Pyros vulnerable as anything but an ambush class. Also they aren't so much "tied for third fastest" as they are simply at "normal" speed - the Scout and someone else are faster, the Heavy and Soldier are slower, and the rest are all the same speed. I'm sure Valve will nerf the Pyro some, though I'm still glad to see my favorite class getting some more attention.
  4. Less Dustbowl, more anything else. Am I seriously the only one that's just sick of that map in general?
  5. I'll be GALUF in ten years. Also FF5 and 6 remakes aren't as likely as everyone seems to think. FFV didn't do that well in either territory the first time, and FF6 is pretty much only liked over here, thanks to good old Woosley. I'm not saying it won't happen, but just don't expect SE to get right on it. Especially with rumors of Nintendo's "DS Blue" E3 announcement floating around.
  6. More Mach4, less normal maps... Valve made some good maps, but after eight months I'm a little tired of Dustbowl and Gravelpit. Maybe the only built-in map I'm not sick of is 2fort, and even that I get tired of sometimes. I keep my mouse sensitivity on 10. Works out nicely.
  7. I've got a snowman enemy ("Ice" ability) from Kirby Superstar. I usually consider Ice to be my elemental of preference, and I couldn't remember anyone else having him, so I picked him.
  8. Eh. Four is the only one of the "Advanced" ported ones that I wasn't able to finish. Hell, I beat the actual FF2 and I couldn't bring myself to plow through FF4. I know a lot of people are nostalgia whores about it, but I just couldn't stand how story-heavy it was. That, and it was a pretty shitty port, with lots of slowdown and generally crappy graphics. Maybe I'll actually get myself to finish this one, since they're using more of the original script in it. Also I'd like to encourage SE to make more of these, like 5 and 6...
  9. Fuck, I only saw his post because you quoted it. I could have called that song in a heartbeat. <3 the remix, though. Also if you like Give A Reason, check out AReason on animeremix.org. It's... pretty fucking awesome.
  10. With a Medic, the best thing you have to offer the team is an ubercharge. So often when you know you're outmatched you should backpedal away, pull out the needlegun, and hope backup gets there before you get owned.
  11. You rocked, but it probably would have been better if you stayed back and built up an uber instead of keeping on the frontlines the whole time. Also I couldn't go Pyro because Optik was rocking it so hard. So I got practice with my 'nades instead.
  12. Precisely. And while having a good score usually means you're doing a lot to help the team (at the least, healing a lot or killing a lot), having a low score doesn't mean you aren't helping. Also while we're on the subject, Spy is my least-played class (4 hours or so) and also my second-best class with 17 points, thanks to one really good run on 2fort where I managed to get behind the entire enemy force as they came across the bridge. Sapped their stuff and backstabbed pretty much the whole team and lived to do more damage, but I'll never be able to do it again.
  13. Yeah, I saw a letter from Valve back in January that said they were considering giving points for lighting people up whether or not they died of it. Pyro's my most-played class with about 20 hours, so I'm pretty pumped for the updates. He's also my worst class in terms of raw points, with a mere 9. But, as mentioned, most of my help goes to my team, not my stats.
  14. When Darkesword finished, Muter said: "Well you're pretty good ol' son. "But if you'll sit down in that chair, right there, and let me show you how its done." Usually I don't play with pyros, I mean, and I certainly don't play on the OCR server often - just too few people. I've seen you play Pyro, though - you aren't bad, I'd say about even with me (though many times my use is to the party, not to the points... I usually spearhead attacks, light seven or eight people on fire, and die while my team finishes up behind me, but I don't get points for my kills, just a lot of assists).
  15. We've known Pyro were next for almost a month, because part of the Medic updates was the setup for the Pyro updates - people looking through the code found it almost immediately. But yeah, glad to see my favorite class getting a boost. Though I have to admit, the only reason I usually end up as Pyro is because no one else is playing him.
  16. Also mad props for holding the first point with no Engineers on Dustbowl, that was pretty awesome.
  17. Oh, okay. And don't feel bad, Spy is my worst class easily. D: But keep in mind it's possible to destroy the sentry where I was building it as a demoman - you can shoot your stickies right in front of it without it seeing you at all.
  18. Consider it good practice for when real games are going on. And stop whining, it's a good strategy. You shouldn't have gone spy, you should have demo-stickied it. You wouldn't even have to get in its sites to do it, because of where I was putting it. Don't hate on me for using a good strategy.
  19. I'm glad he's looking into wrongful arrest complaints. It was funny until they arrested him for their mistake - whoever made that mistake should be in trouble.
  20. Yeah, I thought this was a different version, but it isn't. Which is okay, the original was already great. I've got this on my Summer Nights CD, for listening to on those warm summer nights when nothing's going on... awesome, fits and even defines the CD itself. About time it got recognition as an OCRemix (not that you guys could help it, since he forgot to submit it).
  21. ^ Connect to TF2, there are at least two or three servers that play Mario_Kart exclusively. It's effectively a 4chan map, with lots of Yotsuba and No More Heroes and some incredibly easy spawncamping and spawnsniping and it caters greatly to Snipers and Scouts, but it's a lot of fun.
  22. Mario_Kart. No, seriously, it could be a lot of fun, especially with a community that knows better than to take this game seriously.
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