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The Mutericator

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Everything posted by The Mutericator

  1. I should mention that the Triforce symbol is just a stage one Sierpinski Triangle - that symbol isn't exclusive to Zelda.
  2. It'll be a Harvest Moon-style game where you play as Malon and Talon managing the farm over the seven-year period that Link is asleep in OoT.
  3. I doubt they wonder. Besides, each person that pirates the beta now is just another potential customer later when it's actually released. I think I'll pirate the beta if I don't get in to the open beta later today. I've got a Linux partition on my desktop that I've not logged in to in probably eight months now. ... and after Fable Lost Chapters is done downloading. >.>
  4. If you haven't saved all the villagers, you'll be teleported back immediately. Equip all three Dominus glyphs and use the Glyph Union (Up+Y or Up+X) on the container of Dracula's soul to get the game over screen. If you _have_ saved all the villagers, you have to go back to Ecclesia on your own (and you'll get a special cutscene dialog right after killing Albus), and simply entering the room with Barlowe should cause a cutscene and then boss fight.
  5. I'd offer to buy both your albums to celebrate, but... I already have. And Antigravity just finished playing, right after Breathing You In. Very, very awesome coincidence. So congratulations! We're all happy for you, and I wish you two the best of luck!
  6. That is AWESOME.
  7. Congratulations to the both of you, you have every reason to celebrate - bLind's alive and well (and got a kickass remix project out of the deal), you too are married... enjoy the honeymoon, with the blessings of OCR (whatever that's worth)!
  8. I have to admit, I am rather biased - I can't stand Children of the Monkey Machine's "music", since it sounds more like background static than anything remotely resembling a medley. And Protricity's hand in everything meant that there was less variety on the whole (though, admittedly, I <3 Bound Together, which throws "genre" out the window and is basically the polar opposite idea). So yes, I'm loving the variety here. Energy Recharge and In Your Prime are my favorites thus far, as I'm listening in order.
  9. 1) Thank you, DarkeSword, for hosting. But wouldn't it have been wiser to create a torrent and/or a zipped version of all of the songs together to save bandwidth? 2) I'm skipping to random tracks, and from what I've heard... this is better than Relics of the Chozo. There, I said it.
  10. Just got my double pack in the mail, and it's official: pixietricks is awesome. Thank you for the note, and a merry Christmas to you, too!
  11. Ditto this. I'm a hardcore Nintendo fan, and I love me some Dragon Quest despite its sameness, but I can't find flaw in Ubisoft for breaking away from what could have been a quick cash-in sequel.
  12. Yeah, what the fuck do they think they're doing, trying something new and different? They should be like Nintendo, just figure out something that works and stick with it every game!
  13. I have not played Chrono Trigger. Actually, I have - I got to the ancient past where you meet Ayla, and then got bored with it and decided it wasn't worth my time.
  14. I've been wondering how long it would take for them to finally sink. I'm sympathetic to the workers, but the company as a whole hasn't done anything worthwhile in a long time. Sell off some IP's, pay off some debt, and close up shop.
  15. ... I may actually submit something. No promises, though.
  16. ...Free music + Christmas music FUCKING AWESOME.
  17. Oh man I remember this. Looks awesome - black hole / gravity well thing looks cool, but that electricity effect really needs some work.
  18. Bump for those interested in snagging the preorder, not much time left! Just secured mine myself... definitely looking forward to listening!
  19. Preordering the game on Steam for $50 gets you Sands of Time for free. Great deal if you never got into that trilogy a few years back and want something to do while you wait for the game to be released.
  20. I don't think these are supposed to be in a sentence together.
  21. I'll pass on this. I still have DQIV and FFIV left to finish, and that's after I find the time to finish Ecclesia, which at least is an actual new game that development time went into rather than some straight-up port with a couple of minor endgame extras and a full $10 more. Fuck you, SE, you have enough of my money, but I'm not buying an RPG I couldn't force myself to get through the first two times I played it.
  22. They put more effort and time into a Mario game than they do Sonic? Maybe there's a reason Mario made it into 3D easily and Sonic hasn't pulled himself up yet.
  23. Downloadan'. Loved ITD, looking forward to Revolution, will use this to stall myself until then.
  24. Yes, it should. Also, "what ifs" are annoying and senseless. We shouldn't trust the sky, what if it falls tomorrow? I think the others have already covered this, but here's what Steam takes: your Steam login info (duh), your IP address (used to confirm that your name is not logged in in two different locations), your systems specs (used to figure out a target for any upcoming games and upgrades - good), and how fragmented your Steam files are (used to warn you if they're too fragmented, so that you can defrag them before playing to get a smoother experience). As said before, you're freaking out about something useless. They explicitly use the info for figuring out how high-tech their users are and what "level" of computer power to target. You're making something that's relatively low-end of the spectrum as far as DRM goes (a realistic solution that I would agree to, even) sound like some kind of draconic, EA-styled solution. This isn't Spore we're talking about here, and Valve never once tells you that you can't play a game (unless it's online multiplayer and it's updating, but that's for good reason).
  25. Will be buying combo pack tomorrow morning.
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