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The Mutericator

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Everything posted by The Mutericator

  1. If you mean Snake's VA, it's him. He actually confirmed in an interview that he's already recorded everything for the game.
  2. IIRC, 'nades were taken out because they unbalanced the whole thing ridiculously. Why peek around a corner to shoot someone when you could just lob a half-dozen grenades in instead? Personally, I've never played TFC, but I trust Valve not to fuck anything up.
  3. Uphill both ways.
  4. It might be kinda sad for you, but the rest of us will be happy with the music. Just think of that. Not to mention, there are always other remix projects.
  5. I think it's worth noting that so far everyone's Final Smashes have been avoidable if you're good enough (even the Hyper Beam). I can't think of a way to make Diddy play guitar without making it unavoidable.
  6. I laughed so damned hard at this.
  7. Fix'dtenchar
  8. In other words, they're interested in profit? Hell, I'd rather buy a portable remake than a VC version - portables are the only way I got myself to actually play all the way through FF5 and 6, I just couldn't do it originally when I had the ROMs. I'd bet the same will happen with Chrono Trigger - if I could get it portable, I'd end up actually playing it all the way through.
  9. Glad to have you back, guys. I missed ya for a while there. Now just start uploading songs more often!
  10. If you hate Mr Saturn we all hate YOU.
  11. To be honest, I really couldn't see her at all
  12. Or has just finished help push them off.
  13. OH MY GOD YES.
  14. Yes yes yes yes yes. I <3 bLiNd so much. Also pay attention to Get on the Bus and Da Black Market. If you got Rebound, Applesauce Baptism is one of my all-time favorites.
  15. This post saddens me immensely. I'd forgotten that it's been 1.75 years already...
  16. Actually, I've been using the OST as my Counterstrike Source music for about a year and a half now. Works pretty much perfectly when you set it too low to hear over gunfire but loud enough that you can just catch it when everything is quiet.
  17. Really? I had no idea they weren't the same species. I figured Retro had modeled Rundas after Noxus specifically after Hunters came out... hm. In other words, blatant setup for whatever game comes next. OH! Just remembered. More evidence that there will be another Metroid (like it's really necessary anyways, but...): Adam. The guy mentioned in Fusion as Samus' superior has yet to be revealed. Not to mention the... was it an eight year gap? I think it was eight years between Super and Fusion. Lots of time for sequels.
  18. But if it looks like Rundas' ship, then shouldn't it be either Rundas or Noxus, since they're of the same race? Time for some definitive looking. here's a video of a guy using an action replay to get on Sylux's ship, right about 1:30 in. And here's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9ZOoGA3E8o the ending to Prime 3: Corruption. They look sort of similar, but I'd like to see what Rundas' ship looks like before I make any calls either way.
  19. Not to mention the whole thing about virt as a surprise remixer.
  20. Chrono Trigger DS. Hear that, Square? Stop reporting games (FFIV) and start porting ones that I won't play until I get them portable. (This is coming from someone who wasn't able to beat FFV or VI until they came to the GBA, and now finds them some of his favorite RPG's. The same thing happened with CT - I just got bored partway through and never finished it.)
  21. False - it would have been incredibly simple to write a pirate data log explaining that they simply had taken a Kraid-esque creature from Zebes for Phazon testing or something along those lines. I'm going to side with Brak and admit that I, too, was disappointed with the lack of Kraid.
  22. Thank you for catching this. Retro's done with Metroid for at least several years I'd say (I pray they got the thumbs up from Nintendo to do an IP - I'd love to see what they can do given no franchise constraints), but you can bet someone will be making a 2D Metroid before long. I wouldn't be surprised if they're working on it now and just delaying it until 2008, what with all the good games coming out this year.
  23. Haha, oh wow. Nintendo, give up a money-making franchise? Please.
  24. Captain Falcon is for all intents and purposes confirmed.
  25. This is the same one used in all three Prime console games: http://gh.ffshrine.org/song/2846/39 If you need it converted to a .wav, I can do that.
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