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The Mutericator

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Everything posted by The Mutericator

  1. I agree with more or less the whole thing except for the sailing - especially after Wind Waker's sailing, I felt the sailing in this game was not only acceptable, but... wait for it... fun. They actually manage to keep you entertained while going from point A to point B. But I totally agree with the Temple of the Ocean King part. Repeating the same levels + undefeatable enemies + time limit = mega fail. Actually, I think this is really only the second time I've disagreed with ZP, the other time being in his Orange Box review about Episode 2 - it really felt to me like Valve managed to make Episode 2 much, much more dynamic and interesting than E1 (which really did feel like more of the same) or HL2.
  2. The Youtube comments are making me LOL to no end. Yay for actually typing out hip hop slang, I honestly cannot stop laughing at this stuff.
  3. I'll get to work right away.
  4. My audio folder is 38GB exactly. All the OCR's, game soundtracks and remix projects, anime OST's, personal mixes, popular music that I've ripped from CD's... it adds up eventually.
  5. Fuck Yes, You Are The Best Japan Time Ever! (EDIT: Screw you forums for lowering my all caps.)
  6. Your definition of "song" needs some desperate help.
  7. Use the cusom cloak, it lets you pick the color you want the inside and outside to be. I don't remember what cloak it was, though...
  8. Perhaps I mispoke when I used the term "hi-def" - rather, widescreen on a beautiful monitor like this will more than suffice. That and I've seen the component versus composite output from the Wii before, but I'm curious how doing three conversions to the signal before outputting will look. Regardless, Airwalker, you have just made this considerably easier and far, far cheaper than I ever expected to be able to make it. Thank you very, very much.
  9. Isn't this the point where I come in, ask how much longer it's going to take, and then get b&?
  10. Here's the deal, OCR: I've got a nice 20" monitor with a native resolution of 1680x1050 (16:10), and I think it would be the coolest damned thing to be able to hook my Wii up to it and play in widescreen right at my desk (notably, Super Mario Galaxy is what made me start thinking this). The problem is, I need some way to convert from my Wii's current output - RCA composite, the "Red-White-Yellow" cables, to something my monitor can take in - DVI or some form of VGA (I don't actually know what kind it is, I just know it's one of the larger blue monitor inputs that everyone seems to use (NOT the small, 15-pin blue inputs). I know there are converters out there to perform this task for me, but they cost anywhere from $200-$300, and I'm not really that anxious to play Galaxy and Brawl in hi-def. I notably don't own a HD TV of any sort (that I can use - there's a small HD in the living room, but I can't set up shop there), so my monitor is sort of the perfect spot. I've also heard things about a device made by Hauppauge that allows you to change from RCA to USB, along with software to run on your computer that takes the incoming image and makes it show up onscreen (the device was intended to record and play back things off satellite, or basically to make your TV imitate a TiVo), but I've heard complaints of lag, and I don't think $140-ish is worth it to end up with any screen lag. Also, I'm not afraid to buy Wii component output cables if that will make things cheaper. I'm willing to pay up to about $100 to make this setup work, maybe a little more. Absolute max of $150 if it works flawlessly. Thanks for the help, OCR! I'm hoping someone can help, anyway...
  11. Man does no one pay attention anymore? The same four characters who were unlockable in Smash 64 have yet to be announced. I will bet you money that the first four characters you unlock in Brawl are Jigglypuff for beating the game once, Falcon for beating Adventure or Classic Mode in under a certain amount of time, Ness for beating on of them on a specific difficulty without continuing, and Luigi for doing whatever it was you had to do in 64 to unlock him. And they won't tell us about them AT ALL.
  12. Look on the bright side, you can log into your Steam account on a better computer and it will let you download the whole thing (or reload it from the same CD) for free.
  13. It works, trust me. Once you start getting sick of hearing it, you can switch to another song and it will get stuck in your head instead.
  14. Or maybe I'm just not a fan of Punchout, as most gamers aren't. Seriously, being in as an assist trophy is a blessing, people. Everyone BAWWWs when they find out the character they was hoping was in is an assist trophy (Lyn...), when they should be glad they're in the game at all. My annoyance isn't with people being fans of Little Mac, it's with people who act like they got shortchanged somehow. Just be grateful, people. At the very least, Sakurai doesn't have to do these daily updates for us.
  15. Look, I understand that you're pissed he's not playable, but aren't you getting a bit defensive? I completely agree with Little Mac as nothing more than an assist trophy - while I have every bit of confidence in Sakurai's abilities to pull character moves out of his ass when there's nothing to back them up, Little Mac has really nothing interesting about him. He's from a boxing game. He can punch in a couple of different ways, dodge, or block. Whoohoo. No space pirates, no mushrooms of incredible power, no transforming princesses or magic or wonderland of ice to climb or anything. He's a good assist trophy, and that's pretty much all.
  16. Taking up a slot that could be put to better use by a more deserving character. Little Mac is cool, but he's like Ice Climbers cool - not really cool enough to be playable in Smash if it means someone else gets cut.
  17. I don't know the original source, but 4chan uses the term "GAR" to describe someone especially manly, or devoid of all the typical Japanese male protagonist's feminine attributes. For instance, Solid Snake and Big Boss are GAR, Raiden is not. Basche is GAR, Vaan is not (Balthier is somewhere in between). Kamina is the epitome of GAR.
  18. Only through episode 11 now, but I know some major last-episode spoilers. Mind you, I knew the episode 8 spoilers too, and that didn't stop me from tearing up for the first time in forever. I told myself when I first heard about it that it couldn't be all that great, but my friend showed me a couple of episodes and I've been watching every bit I can get my hands on ever since. When Nia yelled, "DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" in episode nine or ten I about laughed my ass off. Kickass moments indeed.
  19. I've heard some pretty major complaints about slowdown... can anyone confirm?
  20. Man I hope not. If I want to play Soul Calibur 2 I'll go play Soul Calibur 2. Though you have a point, what with Wario's bike, Samus' suit, Diddy's rocket barrel and popguns, et cetera. We still don't know how acquiring/recovering those is going to work. I'm sort of expecting one "special item" for each character, though as usual I wouldn't be disappointed if I'm wrong.
  21. A modification of the Source engine allowing Metroid-esque abilities and items such as the Morph Ball and Space Jump, a Charge Beam, and Missles, but without infringing on intellectual property rights (a Samus model, Metroid enemies, et cetera).
  22. If we assume it's as slow as it was in 64 and Assault, yeah. Though who knows, it could be faster.
  23. Look at the older updates and the forums. None of the older updates have working pictures, and the forums all say there's nothing there (though that may be just because I'm a guest).
  24. Looks dead, all the picture links are 404's and the music isn't working... did they get axed like the Metroid Revolution project (which I also would have loved).
  25. http://www.joystiq.com/2007/10/02/see-snake-hear-hayter-in-super-smash-bros-brawl/ Theeeere we go.
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