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The Mutericator

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Everything posted by The Mutericator

  1. I love how often this argument is used - it really proves that the tournament players haven't played with items on in a long time. It's like they all assume that only one good item will ever fall in any match, and it can only fall on the side of one player, never in the middle or off the stage. Protip: It is more skilled to fight with items on, because then you _have_ to be ready to adapt to any situation. Luck comes into it, of course, but luck comes into all games at some point - look at card games. It's all a mixture of luck and skill. No one suggests stacking the deck where both players can see it and saying it takes more skill to play that way.
  2. Yeah. ... It's in progress..
  3. Thank you thank you thank you thank you so much. I <3 Snow Wood, I really should finish playing Earthbound... @ Tables: I, too, picked up Fusion before any other Metroid game, and that's what got me into the series (I had already attempted Super Metroid and found it simply too difficult to keep track of). If not for Fusion acting as a sort of tutorial, I wouldn't have enjoyed the Metroid Prime games nearly as much as I have. @ Arek: Can we get the Pokemon R/B theme? Wait, nevermind, I just saw Rainbow Road. If you would upload it, I would be forever grateful.
  4. SNOW WOOD REMIX? YES PLZ. Holy hell, Snowbound (bLind's remix of that song) is one of my all-time favorite remixes, so any Snow Wood would be liked.
  6. I just got an idea for a picture.
  7. Luigi's FS: ZA... WARUDO! MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA! During Luigi's FS, Falco or Fox get a FS: *Landmaster drops on those stuck in timestop, and Luigi jumps on top* WRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! I cannot wait for someone to do this, and if that fails I'll do it myself.
  8. No one is excited to see the whole Melee cast returning, just their favorite characters - personally, I wish they'd confirm Mewtwo and Captain Falcon and Marth (concretely) because I love playing as those guys. (Note: I just read Arek's spoiler post now, so awesome.)
  9. Goddammit Morse. One of my favorite remixers now decides to subtly suggest I should start playing RO again. The semester just started, man! I can't afford the time to be playing RO!
  10. I loved it, they nailed the feeling of helplessness perfectly. I didn't notice the splash, but I stayed to the end and listened and couldn't tell what the message was. Anyone mind telling me, in spoiler tags?
  11. Not funny. Not funny at all.
  12. We're nearing the end of a big remix project phase (several projects were started all at once, and a couple stalled and died like this one - for a while I thought Milkyway Wishes was dead, but it went through a changeup and is going to be released on the day the Kirby Superstar DS port is released, and I haven't the slightest clue where the SD3 remix project is), so it might be a good idea to wait a while before suggesting someone take this up to completion. If enough of OCR's community still feels like doing remix projects, there may be enough interest to see this through. If not, well, you can always look to the newly-revived VGMix when OCR fails you.
  13. Complete bullshit. I'm gonna call sauce on this and until then, ZSS is completely different. Here, I'll even counter-sauce you right now: http://www.smashbros.com/en_us/characters/zerosuit_samus.html Normal Samus has NONE of those moves.
  14. Gurren Lagann would like to have a word with you.
  15. Because Cook is so much cooler.
  16. Discounting a game based on its age is like discounting a person for the country he comes from. And many of the patches fix some of the graphics, too, before you mention that. That reminds me, Zombie Panic Source came out yesterday... I need to try it.
  17. Yes. And it is infinitely worse than every drawing anyone's made of Snake Kirby up until now. Seriously, does NO ONE working with Sakurai see that he looks bald?
  18. Dreadnought's Purple Coins was the hardest thing in that game to me.
  19. So that potential sore losers don't get the pleasure of knowing that their opponent knows they dropped out.
  20. Best stars in the game, right there. If you want to hate something, hate the ray surfing.
  21. Does it look to anyone else like there are very... few characters and stages to choose from? I'm hoping he's taking screenshots of the beta version they had playable last month just to keep from revealing anything... EDIT: Yeah, theory proven. There are only 14 playable characters onscreen in that screenshot, but there have been 23 revealed. Let's hope the stage select is a similar case (which it has to be, Hyrule Temple isn't in that screenshot).
  22. If they're going to go through all the trouble of getting the legal rights to get Bomberman in Brawl, why wouldn't you make him playable?
  23. Sakurai has hereby won the vote for Best Troll 2007. REAL MEN USE ITEMS!
  24. Last time they didn't tell us all the characters that were in it until a month after it was out. I'd honestly be surprised if Sakurai, even pressed as he is, would show all of Brawl's cards at release.
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