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The Mutericator

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Everything posted by The Mutericator

  1. Personally, I just set that jingle to my login/Start Windows sounds, so every time I log in it plays. But if I could get that to do that in my car... ROFL, that would rock.
  2. He'll be there. They already introduced Samurai Goroh, remember? Now let's just hope they fixed that little disjointed grab-hit trick you could do with them in Melee...
  3. I thought the remix of Theme of Samus Aran was pretty damned epic. Also Bryyo Ice, but that's more because it continually references my all-time favorite Metroid track, Phendrana Drifts.
  4. And angled. But Azul here has a point - I'm sure there are several more we don't yet know of yet.
  5. Ditto that. Whether the swords are short or not doesn't matter, the fact is that they're swordies with the rest. To be honest, I'd rather see Ike replaced with Hector, simply because he's an axeman, not a swordsman.
  7. That's fair - I could stand to see more heavy characters.
  8. Ditto. I'm glad the FE fans won't get everything they want. I'm sure the hardcore fans are disappointed even though they already got what's-his-name.
  9. Supremespleen, I agree with you 100%. I loved Phendrana in the first game, and I get the feeling I'm going to love the ice area in this game, too. I have no idea why, but the ice/snow areas are always, always, always my favorite.
  10. It almost looks like each character will have a personal equipment item that goes through each battle... Mario's FLUDD, Samus' Suit, Wario's bike, Diddy's Rocket Barrels (maybe maybe not). Interesting possibility. This really isn't going to be Melee 1.5 at all, it's going to really make that same jump that Melee did from classic Smash... a completely new game, a thousand times better, if this all works out (and I trust Sakurai).
  11. Backtracking in every FPS game? Try again. Not in Halo, not in Half-Life 2. Backtracking isn't nearly as prevalent or common as it is in the Prime games - I agree with filing them under a different category because of it. Yes, you shoot things, but stuff like locking on and assisted aiming make it far less focused on shooting than scanning and exploring. Hunters broke that mold - there's a little bit of token scanning, and there's revisiting old planets for various reasons, but the only real backtracking you do is because you got a new beam that opens a new door, not because you have a new ability and can reach a new place. While fundamentally they're the same thing, just getting a new beam feels a whole lost less... realistic.
  12. No, no, no. Prime 1 is much more like FF6 than 7 - still disputed, but generally accepted as a great game. I'd say Hunters is more like 7 - a sharp change from the rest of the series, more heavily disputed as far as quality goes. Or perhaps it's more like Tactics - intentionally different from the rest of the series, but retaining elements from it. Prime 3 sounds to me the most like 12, as both fundamentally change the system they've been relying on, for better or worse. Echoes... I don't know.
  13. Sylux? Why would he be in an Ice ship? It makes far more sense for it to be Noxus, since he already met Samus in Hunters (survived in the perfect ending) and would be out for revenge because she killed Rundas...
  14. There should be an internet rule about quoting Sakurai in order to prove your point - sort of like the opposite of Godwin's Law: if you can quote Sakurai, even out of context, in your argument, then you automatically win. The only exception is using a Sakurai quote to compare your opponents to Nazis, if that's even possible.
  15. My laptop was "Mattop" since my name is Matthew, and when I built my desktop computer (and subsequently sold the laptop), I named it DeskMatt.
  16. A-fucking-men.
  17. Haha, wut? First properly-done FPS on the Wii and that's your comment? At least pick something interesting or worthwhile to nitpick.
  18. Well, people have been talking about that possibility since the Wii came out (wiimakes, if you will). I thought I'd throw my two cents into the whole Prime 1 / Prime 2 debate: Prime one had great level design. It may not have captured the alien-esque atmosphere as well, but the way each environment was designed and animated was absolutely beautiful, and I'm glad they went to such cliche locations (fire, ice, forest, mine) in order to show it. For the record, you can turn off your hint system, and I usually do, leaving purely the explorative elements. To be honest, much like the 1up reviewer said about Prime 3, I find myself enjoying any backtrack through Prime 1 because of how beautiful the environments are - and that's a game I've owned for four years now. Super Metroid, while perhaps its level flow and design are better for speedrunners and sequence breakers, I believe, as a common player who isn't trying to break the game, has the same good level design as Prime, but nothing better. Call me crazy, but I don't think average players like myself will really appreciate SM's level design over Prime while we're not trying to speedball or anything else. (Not to discount the fun of speedrunning and sequencebreaking in the least.) Prime 2 is where the level design suffered, and I wholeheartedly agree on this. While we got some interesting new puzzles from the light/dark aspect, I agree with Eten that it became "complete this section, get this weapon, do it again" over and over. We did get the Screw Attack and Sanctuary Fortress (<3 music from Sanctuary Fortress and the Submerged Temple, but the rest was forgettable), but the Keys were a pain in the ass. So yeah, I don't really agree at all with the statement that the Prime games are broken. Maybe the second one, but definitely not the first one.
  19. Couldn't have said it better. Prime 2 was a culmination of everything bad from Prime 1 (not that there was much) and very little good. On the bright side, Echoes' difficulty is higher than Prime 1's or, as I hear, Corruption's. IGN gave it a 9.5, and the video review is full of spoilers. Apparently they think the bosses are better than Twilight Princess's (!!!), which says a lot.
  20. Sourceplz.
  21. But the problem with that argument is that it's purely in terms of hardware - and unless you are from the future and know Blu-Ray is the way to go, it just isn't worth the risk yet. But truth could be said about any console at launch, really...
  22. The only official statement we have is "less than fifty".
  23. Not to butt in, but I think it's worth pointing out that Nintendo hardly needs help staying alive right now, what with how they've been making nothing but profit for the past several console generations.
  24. Funny you should say that, I can only seed at night/evenings once my father is offline.
  25. I'll help seed, but I'm not anywhere near the fastest.
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