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The Mutericator

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Everything posted by The Mutericator

  1. Yeah sorry if we were a bit loud.
  2. Oh God that was horrible.
  3. I'm noticing. I know you guys don't like being rushed and prefer quality and all that, but quality means nothing if the project never comes out.
  4. Glad to see it's finally getting near release. You should challenge KyleJCrb to see who can get their project out first.
  5. Ditto. That's why I don't like Hunters at all - it's just another FPS with a Metroid skin on it.
  6. No. It was the Spider Ball Boss. The rest of the game was just the right difficulty, but it was that GOD DAMNED SPIDER BALL BOSS. Also, the Boost Ball Guardian on Hard Mode has me stuck. EDIT: PEOPLE ARE COMPLAINING ABOUT HARD METROID GAMES? Try this, you will love hating it: http://drewseph.zophar.net/
  7. More games should be built to let you play like this. That's fucking insane, right there.
  8. Ding dong ding dong ding dong ding... Dalutena Phone!
  9. Triple meaning. Composer, comp-user, and com-poo-ser.
  10. http://www.joystiq.com/2007/08/07/geometry-wars-galaxies-might-be-giant/ Dammit, now I need this game, despite only having played Gravity Wars before. Also: http://www.nintendowiifanboy.com/2007/08/07/revolutionary-support-our-cyber-troopers/ Scroll down to the second video and enjoy. I think I'm going to make this happen somehow.
  11. I don't know if a BIGGER Falcon Punch would work. How can you possibly make a Falcon Punch bigger? It just doesn't logically make sense. Though I like the idea of a Double Falcon Punch. I guess as long as he yells out "FARUKOOOON.... *whatever*" before he does it, it's okay.
  12. I am rather curious as to what Falcon's Super Smash will be, to be honest. What can be more powerful than a Falcon Punch? Seriously.
  13. NO. Vetoed with every bit of 4chan in me.
  14. Lighten up, srsly.
  15. McVaffe is still active, right? I'm sure he has the original somewhere (I would assume, anyways).
  16. Man I want a pair of those headphones.
  17. Yeah, about a year ago after the game was first announced, he said he really wanted to beef up the single-player mode. He wanted to do it in Melee, too, but either Miyamoto or Iwata told him to focus mostly on the multiplayer instead (good choice there).
  18. Overhyped book series that reads like a bad fanfic. Made a point of looking up spoilers for it a while back, and it ends like a bad fanfic too. "Nineteen years later..." I'll get around to it eventually. Some of my extended family members are the ones getting it within days after it comes out, so after a month or so it will end up in my family where I can read it at my leisure.
  19. I think now you're just getting desperate for information on the topic.
  20. How many months until the game comes out? Sakurai has to stall for all he's worth, since he's got about one-hundred fifty updates between now and the release (when you take out weekends).
  21. One instance doesn't actually qualify as a dumbing-down, methinks. Not that there's terribly much to Smash controls in the first place...
  22. Him and Michael Jackson, yeah...
  23. I agree, hopefully they're just saving up the really fun stages as surprises.
  24. I think you need a codec for that.
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