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The Mutericator

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Everything posted by The Mutericator

  1. I wouldn't go THAT far. Yoshi's Island still holds that place in my heart, anyways.
  2. The definitive DKC experience. Not to say DKC1 is bad, not by a long shot, but DKC2 takes everything and cranks it up a notch. The peak of Rareware platforming - perhaps the only flaw is that there are too many different kinds of things to collect, and even that's easy to get your head around.
  3. Synthetically revolutionizing my face? Sounds painful...
  4. <3 So I DO get to jam DKC2 while playing Just Cause 2... badass.
  5. Epic version of Okami's final battle songs, done in big band/orchestral style. You start out with Setting Sun (the first final battle song), which gets gloomier and gloomier as it goes on, until it gets interrupted by a condensed version of Reset (breaking it down to the middle two of the repeats, not the full four), followed by a second or two of silence, and then... Sunrise. The first eleven notes - Amaterasu's motif - are played alone, almost quietly whistled whimsically. And then the drums start, and build and build and build and then the main version of Sunrise starts. This is so epic in my head that it's a shame it will never happen, but hey, that's how we all feel about our ideas, right?
  6. Or just google CD buffing in your area. I know the local set of used game stores will do it for like $6. Man I am just not hearing it.
  7. Goddammit, Paranoid, I cannot unimagine this.
  8. Not only that, but with ALL FOUR of the original cast back! YAAAAAAAY! Speaking of dubs: BACCANO! is fucking amazing, a must-watch for any anime fan. Dubbed is superior.
  9. "Nothing But a Pile of Dance Moves" has Alucard, Dracula, and Richter holding a dance-off. You can't convince me that this isn't awesome. "Why So Serious?" has just Mario's face doing the Joker's grin, complete with blood/scars/paint on the cheeks to make it bigger. "Romancing the Bossa" has some dude in a suit kneeling down to give his (unamused) boss a rose. Alternately, Paul of RM3 doing the same to Nina. "Crying Mountain" is self-explanatory. "Triforce Majeure" has just a giant Triforce rampaging through Tokyo like Godzilla. "Behind the Sealed Door" should be a pair of pants with the door as the crotch and the line between them as the zipper.
  10. This had me cracking up a lot. Well played!
  11. Jesus Christ, atmuh, just leave already. Admins, I support you 100% for banning him permanently. I rarely even play on the OCR server, but just trying to follow the thread here is annoying as hell thanks to the constant stream of atmuh whining about whatever has most recently caught his fancy. Maybe now that he's off the OCR server he'll stop posting entirely here, too... that'd be nice.
  12. Man, Tyrano Lair needs to stop happening. Robo Theme is awesome, as are the performances on the whole, but I've always felt Bobanga and Tyrano were some of the weakest tracks on the entire OST. Nice to see a straight cover like this every once in a while; my favorite cover album, Resolution Trigger by Phoenix Project, did an absolutely stellar job on all of the more well-known tracks, but they never did do Robo's Theme... (Here's Chrono Trigger's theme from that album: )EDIT: I guess I should rephrase: I haven't heard any really good remixes of Bonga/Tyrano as of yet. That's not to say they don't exist.
  13. I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed that the subs were pretty minimalistic. I can't speak Japanese, but I've watched enough subs that I can tell the mismatches when I see them.
  14. Only play Shura, it makes the game way more enjoyable and difficult. I played back and forth as both characters, one act each, with both on Shura... loads of fun, and now that someone's reminded me, I still need to do the secret cave against EVERY ENEMY IN THE GAME.
  15. Classic Controller works fine, GC controller works fine. Anyone who complains about the controls because it's on the Wii is just whining. (Also using Wiimote+Nunchuck turns this into a pretty nice party game - I kept ~8 people entertained yesterday for several hours by just passing the two controllers around in Versus Mode. Most people didn't know what they were doing, but we still had a blast.)
  16. Ironically, I've found both of those to be my favorite thus far. Roll owns at short range if you use her mop-up time, and Volnutt has a good combination of long- and short-ranged attacks at his disposal. I just can't get the hang of how to switch between each of his weapons...
  17. Arek: It's incredibly badass that you apologized and took back the cancellation, but the real strength is keeping up with the project over time. I think you're probably the last person I'd have to warn about the difficulties of running a project like this... You have my full support if needed. I can do a little male vocals, baritone, but I'd basically need to just follow a lead for it.
  18. Ragequit on NMH2's haunted house boss. Has anyone figured out a good way to beat him? Instead I played Crystal Bearers, and beat it. Definitely thinking about New Game+, since I only bought, like, three pieces of equipment the entire game. Ending was weird, but kind of cool. Hoping that there'll be a sequel somewhere far off with Layle, but no one else (since they killed off most of the cooler cast members).
  19. If I had any mixing talent, I'd have already combined JAM Project's GONG with Crest of Z's for an epic mix. They don't work played over each other, but mixed properly I think it'd be pretty damn epic. Gonna go try out your suggestion, Kylebean.
  20. I take back what I said about, "Forget the art," this stuff's amazing. Well done, guys!
  21. Forget that, I'd rather see the songs we just lost because Arek wouldn't just drop the damn art section like everyone was telling him to...
  22. Might Andrew/Jill Aversa let you use the "Just Hold On" mix they made to demo FL? You could feature that as a free mix.
  23. Ditto this. Jesus guys, it's a game for fun, stop taking it so seriously.
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