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The Mutericator

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Everything posted by The Mutericator

  1. I can't believe people are worried about it being on a console; the DS has already proven to be an incredibly powerful machine when used properly, and its touch screen is perfect for the "painting" input. I am honestly a bit worried that Platinum Games isn't making it, but we'll wait and see what happens. They seem to have done a great job keeping the cel-shading intact thus far. But damn, no release date means it probably won't come out until next year.
  2. Congratulations, man! And while we're on the topic of congratulations, congrats on making the best damned Chronotorious track, too. Longing of the Wind is fucking beautiful.
  3. Final Battle Part 2: Fighting of the Spirit (Tales of series) ? Terranigma's Farewell made me tear up a bit when I first played it. Would it be a realistic suggestion to add Blue from the same OST as the Title music for the nice matchup? (Or maybe it would work as Character Theme 3 or 4.) I love the choice for Yoshi's Island's Caves for the underground, too. The whole project makes me wish I could remix so I could help out, but sadly I cannot. I can record vocals if anyone needs me to, though, so let me know if you do.
  4. There's something about hearing Soulja Boy set to One Winged Angel that makes me LOL. I hate Soulja Boy with a passion, but it just fits so well.
  5. They want to encourage FF11 players to move on to 14 instead. I can't decide if I liked 11's Mithra or 14's Mithra better...
  6. Congratulations, you two! I hope you realize this means you have even FEWER excuses not to put out a collab album now!
  7. Still downloading, I will let you know. I know the hyadain2525 user on Youtube puts up HD versions of some of the videos, though. EDIT: You're missing a few of the newer ones ("Journey to Tomorrow", "Cyan", "Ragnar and Healie"), and the titles could be more English-friendly ("Roiyaru Sutoreto Furasshu" instead of "Royal Straight Flush"? Really?), but overall I think this is a pretty damned fine collection. Well done, good sir.
  8. Schwatz, I think I kind of really fucking love you right about now. Maybe. Also Hyadain gets several awards; one for making me tear up at a Youtube video, one for making me listen through ALL of a song from Rent (how the FUCK), and one for doing songs for EVERY chapter of Dragon Quest IV. Fucker is AWESOME.
  9. Sadly, I had computers to fix for family that I had been putting off and a Senior Project meeting and an exam and paper. Toooooo muuuuuch stuuuuuff. Sorry guys, woulda liked to have gone.
  10. Zirc, hurry up and come out with a new collab with Jill so I can buy it! Also happy birthday I guess.
  11. I'm going to have to voice my polite disagreement. MK64's Rainbow Road is, to me, the greatest Mario Kart song by far; SMK's, though, is nothing special (and yes, I owned and played and beat SMK first).
  12. Downloadan'. Mustin, you hate MK64's Rainbow Road? Are you by chance a robot?
  13. Yeah, see I disagree with that too. I still think there was too much brown, but it still looked nicer and less saturation-heavy than most other FF games. It was balanced and moderated, which went well with the change from the typical "save the world!" storyline.
  14. Adding my token to the "waiting for the C&D" pile. I love Metroid Prime to death and I had the idea for making a computer port of it years ago myself, but never did bother with it. With stuff like this, it's better to just release it and advertise then, when it's safely out on the interwebs and a C&D can't do anything to you than to advertise ahead of completion. I look forward to its (incredibly hopeful) completion, but - again - still think it's more likely you'll get C&D'd.
  15. Wait, what? Since when was FFXII not innovative? I understand that a lot of people hated the changes, but it was the biggest changeup since... I don't know when.
  16. FUCK beat me to it. Fuck yeah, Nintendo Power!
  17. Welllll plaaayed.
  18. Why let them release it? Private FFXI servers have been around for forever... haven't they? I kind of assumed every MMO out there has private server versions of it running.
  19. A Sakamoto is fine too. Though I have to admit, I am quite pleased to find out Uematsu is doing a full FF OST again.
  20. Yasunori Mitsuda was here, Uematsu is a loser.
  21. I'm in the STL area, and am interested. I just didn't see the topic until now.
  22. Fair enough. You're putting way more effort into analyzing this than I am, honestly, so I'll assume you're the master in this field. I think I'll sit back and wait for another trailer and some screens before I start speculating.
  23. Um. Crocomire?
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