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The Mutericator

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Everything posted by The Mutericator

  1. lina inverse confirmed for metroid other m.
  2. Uh. That's because it's a target video. It's fake, those people are just acting along with the TV, not vice-versa. Also, voice recognition LOL. Every voice-recognizing software I've heard of takes bloody ages to train, and God help you if you have two people who sound a lot alike in your house (my brother, father, and I all sound almost exactly alike). So, I'm keeping an eye on it, but not expecting them to deliver on half of what they have shown.
  3. whos monobrow, sum n00b?
  4. Not if they can djp.
  5. The greatest offender by far: before Kingdom Hearts turned Mickey goth, we got this: http://i3.iofferphoto.com/img/item/950/336/41/o_sWHVX4wvTXGZggA.jpg And yes, it's the same art on the cover of the box (but I can't find a decent image of it).
  6. Vote Saint Louis - I live in Illinois just east of it.
  7. Yes. Just make sure you keep posting or else you'll go back to lurker status. Glad to have you.
  8. Donated $5. Might buy a hoodie later.
  9. It's effectively the same thing as the post deletions from previous years. I know I didn't figure out why people weren't noticing that it was April Fool's a few years ago during the "EARemix" thing until I posted to warn everyone and then got my post deleted. How long were the bans, Darke?
  10. Sadly, I don't graduate until December. I would suggest doing an internship-style search in the area, or asking your family members if they work with any programmers that you might be able to call.
  11. Fuck yeah, Zircon! Congratulations, that's pretty damned awesome! Your avatar made me read that in Yahtzee's voice. And now I'm reading EVERYTHING in Yahtzee's voice. I can't decide if this is a bad thing.
  12. The problem being, "complete." Trains don't mean steampunk, they're just one element of it. And the trailer shows a large lack of any other steampunk ideas.
  13. http://kotaku.com/5184277/nintendo-plans-nintendo-dsi-enhanced-game-cards-with-dsi+only-features http://www.joystiq.com/2009/03/25/gdc09-dsi-only-and-dsi-enhanced-cards-announced/ I'll take the DSi exclusives. Oddly enough, only the Joystiq article confirms DSi-only cards.
  14. It's a higher-quality compression. As in, it's bigger, but has better quality if you're transferring in from FLAC or straight recording. Converting from MP3 to AAC won't improve the quality, obviously. I'm kind of annoyed they didn't at least include OGG Vorbis format, though. Maybe in a firmware update... Also, thank you for approaching the topic so objectively. I didn't know about the RAM upgrade until you mentioned it.
  15. My complaint isn't so much that they're annoyed by its removal so much as that they want to act like it's some huge deal; if you play your GBA that much, why get rid of it? I still have my GBA and DS, and when I get a DSi I won't be getting rid of either. If I want to play a GBA game, I'll bust out either of them. I just don't understand how people seem so locked into the mentality of only keeping one handheld at a time. I mean, I have no intention of just quitting playing my GBA games (I didn't put 60 hours into FFVA just to ignore its existence), but getting a DSi won't suddenly stop me from being able to play it. Of course, to each their own situation, but calling the DSi a "ripoff" just because one doesn't have any personal use for it is juvenile.
  16. Though it's funny you should make an appeal to being "poor" considering I just said I skipped out on the DSLite and saved that money instead. That, and who really still plays GBA games all the time, alongside their DS games? If it's a short trip, just go without it (or, oh God, you might actually end up carrying an extra few ounces in your bag). Complaining about having to take two handhelds is a bullshit, whiny argument. If it means enough to you to be able to play both, then take both. If it doesn't, don't. I have no words for the stupidity of this statement. Forgot to mention this earlier, but when I was using my coworker's DSi I noticed this too. Feels great.
  17. Yes, that makes perfect sense. It's a ripoff because it offers upgraded functionality for those of us to whom the DS Lite seemed like a ripoff, so it must be a ripoff too, right? I still don't understand this obsession with the GBA slot. Move on, people! If you seriously can't, just buy a freaking used GBASP off eBay or something! Of course, my interest in the SD slot is different from most people's - as a programmer, I'm interested in running homebrew code on it...
  18. Uh. http://www.joystiq.com/2009/03/11/ds-sells-100-million-units-worldwide/
  19. http://images.google.com/images?q=nintendo+ds+phat http://images.google.com/images?q=nintendo+ds+lite DS Lite has a brighter screen and is smaller.
  20. I never upgraded to a DS Lite after it came out, so I'm still using my old DS. One of the guys from work had an imported DSi he let me try out; I'll definitely be getting one.
  21. About time. I can't think of a song on the VARIAtions that deserved to be an OCR more, except maybe Edenal. I love the structure of the song, it keeps me grooving from beginning to end.
  22. You wouldn't have to if you backed up your opinion with statements supporting it, instead of just saying, "It sucks," and then acting like we're the assholes when we assume you're trolling.
  23. It's a Sega light gun he's holding. Old, but still amusing.
  24. Delicious. As a software engineer in training, I eagerly await the next entry.
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