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Everything posted by Hyperion5182

  1. He might have no choice now. I dont see many lawyers taking his dime for this stuff. Let alone picking up the phone for him.
  2. http://gamepolitics.com/2008/03/20/breaking-florida-supreme-court-sanctions-jack-thompson/ BOOYAHH!
  3. I am hopefully going to be on soon. But its an unknown time on the computer arrival. Add the PCgamer server to your lists thats likely going to be my main server.
  4. PCGamer seems to but they are software based not hardware.
  5. I dont have a link to it but their quallity in sports games has dropped off. Everything that has been stated so far is pretty much true. These guys are a fucking menace and too large to knock off easily. Microsoft is bad but i go to bed every night thanking god EA doesnt make operating systems. Thats how bad they are.
  6. Nah not quite. If you factor in the game performance (it was awesome but not perfect) Its not. If it had been a perfect run THEN we would be calling it the best Still that was badass!
  7. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/7252172.stm It is now offical. http://www.toshiba.co.jp/about/press/2008_02/pr1903.htm HD-DVD=dead
  8. It was VHS and HD DVD scored the porn industry here. However those who knew movies went with a better format. It was a chain reaction effect. First it was one studio then a bunch then retailers.
  9. betamax and vhs went at it for over a decade. This is quick in the realm of market warfare. I cant say i am surprised all that much. A string of major and public victories had to make toshibia very nervous. Then walmart canceling HD DVD sales and Netflix dropping the format finished the deal.
  10. Craziest thing i ever did....30 game win streak in arcade SC2 with Mitsu To this day it is the hottest streak i have ever had with a video game. SC2 arcade version had a warfare mode you play 8 matches your result determines how your character defends when you don't play and how much territory you take. Well four of the games i won during that streak involved the number one player on each side of the war. (we are talking players with 3000 wins 100 losses) Some scary scary shit. I wasn't thinking i wasn't doing anything other than playing on pure instinct. I ended the streak basically only because i had other things to do. I let the last guy beat me..i probably could of won over 50 matches that day if i had kept going. The match list: 3 Asteroths 4 ivy's (oh 3 of them were the faction leaders) 6 kiliks (1 was the other faction leader) 2 maxi's 10 taki's 5 Cassie's That will forever take the cake as the craziest thing i have ever done video game related.
  11. I saw this coming a while ago. Sony won the war this time. It lost the first one but not this time. I wonder what microsoft's reaction will be. I mean technically the 360 is using what will eventually be considered the dodo of its time. The first indicators were that HD DVD was in front (the porn industry used it and it had a big hand in the beta/VHS outcome) Quickly however major movie studios were signing on with bluray and now the biggest online renter went blu ray exclusive. It will be intresting to see how long it takes for Blu Ray to come down to usable levels in Standard PC builds.
  12. I cant believe i haven't commented on this one. utter badass from the opening notes to the finalie what a piece. Well done combination theme here
  13. Thank you for reviving this as i wanted to post here too THIS MIX IS FRIGGIN AWESOME! DOWNLOAD IT TODAY!
  14. Hyperion has been used as the name of several starships that i just love. From the E.A.S. Hyperion which unloaded a whoopin in B5 to the one piloted by Raynor in SC Just one very badass ship. The 5182 comes from a friend who's email address ended with that...i lost track of the guy a long time ago. Part of me still hopes he is out there so the 5182 might remind him of a guy he once knew.
  15. There is only one remixer on the sight who i believe could provide the vocals on the female role. I dont know if this could ever happen but we can pray.
  16. My faith in bioware was shaken when they were bought by EA. We will see if they can fight the pressure but i doubt it.
  17. Tell me that in five years when you and everyone else has a blu ray player and they are the primary media drives in your computers.
  18. The flaw with that is now Blu-Ray is all but assured to win the format war now. Recent changes in the stances of one of the biggest movie companies on the planet all but seals the deal. You probably have heard that news however. This is disconcerting...if they get it right i might be happy but...damn it. *sigh*
  19. Workstations arent geared for gaming they are rather specialized and sometimes they incur problems when used for other purposes. (especially the high ram versions which typically have somewhat different operating systems to access that ram) And oh BTW 1600 for a WORK STATION? Thats a crappy workstation as the ground floor on that is 5000 (general scale of PCS) 400-1000 Entry level 1001-2000 Mid level 2001-3000 Gaming rig 3000=4500 Dream Machine 4501+ Work Station. This is true. But every 6 months or so is a pretty solid setup for an upgrade schedule. Its a matter of comparing what you have to what you want. If you are close no need to upgrade if you are falling behind by a significant margin consider it. This sounds like a driver issue or a direct setting issue in game. Have you checked for patches? Checked mouse lag options in UT3? What kind of mouse trackball or laser? (if track ball try cleaning it) If laser check drivers. Speaking of drivers check them for your graphics card as well that can help in truckloads. That is more on Hd speed than anything else a RAID setup with a 10k drive will fix those problems in a hurry. A PS2 doesnt keep games installed and has a specified purpose. Even a gaming rig can do more than play games. Completely untrue. Well not quite in sheer repair work maybe. But in performance? Not even CLOSE proven by more than a few devs. A computer will forever outdistance a console they are the cutting edge. Period. The current console+HD TV is completely outclassed by an AVERAGE PC of today in graphics power. A dedicated gaming rig? Forget it. You arent trying hard enough to keep up with the curve. A lot of your issues seem to be very fixable with a bit of effort. If you want to play games on Console i cant stop you but you are missing out. Especially if you arent working to keep up with the tech. You can put together a PC capable of running the best games of today at very high FPS rates for under 1500 dollars if you know what you are doing. Edit: To the poster above me i can do a legit rig for 1500 dollars or less. Care to have me send you specs? Its not hard reallly granted its not a dual 8800 GTX quad core 3.0 GHZ 8 gig ram a raid 4 HD with an SSD and 3 other 10k drives but it should run crysis at 80 or so FPS with out real trouble.
  20. I never played the first metal gear. I was under the assumption it was more of a bionic commando like game rather than stealth action.
  21. Armored Core: First true Mecha Non PC game. Gran Turismo: Broke the Tech barrier. EVE: Open ended character Skill set. Diablo 2: Kill Reward Concept. Metal Gear Solid. First Stealth Combat Action Game Final Fantasy (dates may determine but i think it was first) Class System FF10 First implementation of console RPG voiced characters. Halo: Proof an FPS can actually work on a console. Portal: Too many to list. The effects of this game will be seen for decades to come. Civilization: first turn based conquest strategy game.
  22. Makes me glad i didn't upgrade my graphics card. I cant run the higher content so i don't get hit. I am surprised stuff like this doesnt happen more often in games tbh. Note that it seems to apply to those who downloaded the extra 500 mb patch for the uber stuff NOT trinity itself.
  23. I can only hope that someone will rise up to be as good as this man was. The music he did was epic in so many ways. This is another example of absolute joy for the ears. Rest in peace Reuben Kee you will be missed.
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