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Everything posted by Mustin

  1. Hey, I'm trying to PM you but I can't figure it out. eMail me at mustin@mustinproductions.com

    Good to see you!

  2. Cool cool, I'll be checkin' it all out - the YouTube thing is exciting.
  3. I think it sounds Japanese because of the mallet sounds. The descending mallet sound in the first track, the rocking chair arpeggio in the second, the mallet melody at 2:32, the melody at 3:46 sounds especially Japanese to me (closer to the pentatonic scale), the tune at 4:54 just totally reminds me of Streets of Rage, which is very Japanese, and the last tune has the same pentatonic-sounding thing going on for me in the sax towards the end of the video (and sorta sounds like Contra III: The Alien Wars to me, which is also very Japanese). So... yeah. I think it's those mallet sounds, coupled with your melodies seemingly never taking jumps of more than two or three steps. You kinda stay close to going up and down the scales, which sounds Asian to me (think of the melody to "Cherry Blossoms" and the Chinese tune - what's the name of that, anyway - it's China's Theme in Super Dodge Ball). Not a bad thing. Some cool stuff in there. Glad I listened. Keep up the good work!
  4. Oh yeah, but I really do hate both of them. A lot.
  5. No way. MK64's "Rainbow Road" is so gay and slow. Just like that game. The only good Mario Karts are the original and the nearly identical GBA one, Super Circuit. How can anyone like that "It's called a road it's called a rainbow road" track?! It's too slow and doesn't sound like a racing tune. The OG does. It's fast, has a fat bassline, and it ascends, creating a nice tension with a spectacular resolve, rinse and repeat.
  6. No, but I have robot ears, and I find MK64's "Rainbow Road" to be vastly inferior to the original Super Mario Kart's "Rainbow Road." The former sounds like 10,000 little girls having sex with a field full of daisies at too slow of a tempo. The latter sounds like you're racing on a road made of rainbows. Some people got it and some people don't and Soyo Oka's got it and Kenta Nagata don't.
  7. YEAH! Nice! MAD props for using "Stone Man" from MMV. That's my jam! The're pretty awesome individually (dancing) but their group moves aren't as tite. Still, very entertaining - very awesome solo moves, especially towards the beginning!
  8. This Mega Man 2 track is sick! Mazedude, you gotta check out it - someone else DID remix it before you! The Metroid track is also pretty banging. Mega Man 3 is great - love the slow build-up in the middle. The "Snake Man" tracked worked out well, too. Love the "wooshes." Still hate the MK64 "Rainbow Road" but it's well-suited here. "Prelude" mix is tite!!! Haven't had a dance mix of that blow me away since pasqual42's here on the site. Trance fans, check this out. Even if you're not a trance fan. I haven't really listened to much music like this in the past few years because it's kinda lost my attention, but there are some cool tracks in here. Maybe it's because it was a non-stop mega mix. And I bet if I was in a club and heard this I'd shit myself. That's a thumbs up right there.
  9. DS Lite has the worst D-Pad I've ever used. I litterally can not get Bum/Phantom Rush blitz in Final Fantasy VI Advance to work on the DS Lite. I can only do it when playing on my GBA/GameCube adapter. So just a heads up there. Worst D-Pad ever.
  10. 2 player version. This is the bomb!
  11. Holy balls, I want that FFVI artwork! Playing the game for the bajillionth time right now. DO WANT!!
  12. I hope Michael Bay drowns. I will personally not support this franchise after the disaster of the first Broken Glassformers movie. I mean, "Megatron wants what's inside my mind" ? REALLY?! Fuck this movie. Raping my childhood. ROBOTS DON'T NEED TO FUCKING BLINK.
  13. On subsequent listens, the fake sax is really getting to me. Gotta get a real sax player in there! I know people here play! The album rules, though!
  14. Holy Nut Snax! That Zelda mix is great!! Oh, and SwordBreaker, that track HAS been covered http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001ISSLTU/ref=dm_dp_trk11?ie=UTF8&qid=1243978281&sr=103-3
  15. Zomgfavouritesgrah!!
  16. THINK AGAIN. Really? Are you the movie guy?
  17. Yeah, I like this statement because I know it's true for me. My first mix here was very primitive in the way of production, but I still get positive feedback from people who are just now hearing it for the first time NINE YEARS LATER. And it's definitely thanks to my peers here that I've grown and have become more polished as an artist. I dunno. Something about that original post just irked me. And I don't mean any discredit to zircon or Sixto - zircon has pretty much set the bar in terms of productive polish, but I felt like the original post, though saying it was, was in fact bashing any track that came before it. That's not fair, and I don't think it was the poster's intention. blah blah blah back to making drum 'n' bass (and thanks for the "Team Gato" love. One day we're going to do 2.0 - we already have the script!)
  18. My thoughts are that this statement is very subjective and shows favouritism. I do agree that the production quality has increased. It's a lot easier to say that one track is well-recorded as opposed to a different track. But that still doesn't necessarily make it a better track. Many albums have been recorded very poorly - with performance mistakes - and they are regarded as great albums of our time. Just leave it at, "I've noticed that the music here is continually improving by the standards imposed by this site" before interjecting favouritism and opinions as facts.
  19. I'm tellin' ya, you shoulda got those earbuds, man. It's like listening to music on a whole new level. Anyone else used them? Note: they ARE uncomfortable at first. But damn, do they rock once you get used to them.
  20. hahhaa at first I read that as "then people who need money for their work to get their haircut." Which is true.
  21. Uh, a lot of people do things like this? That's why they make keyboards with sequencers? The tough thing is like that Cerrax said - load in a single sample and use just THAT to make a track. Ask Mazedude about that.
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