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Everything posted by Mustin

  2. Dude. Rad. Great work! Love this arrangement. Keep 'em comin' - your style is fresh and so clean clean.
  3. One of my favourite mixes for sure. Great stuff - I love it!
  4. Got it today - nice stuff. Love the pipes - "Amazing Grace" has never sounded so good!
  5. Oh yeah, that's the same thing as clicking in the program. I didn't think that the keytar would actually have a MIDI channel switch, but that makes the most sense.
  6. Do you have these? Can you comment on them?
  7. Did it not come with software for that sort of thing? You might have to write some code for the program that you use to allow you to cycle through your sounds. Personally, I don't see clicking the tracks as such a big deal. But you should read through the manual, check out the software, and get online to Ax-7 users to find if there's someone with the same rig as you and find out how they control it. Someone's doing what you want to do before and you'll figure it out. Don't worry about the sound - that's find. Ideally, you'll want to get a cable that goes from 1/8th on the laptop and Y's out to two 1/4" plugs that'll go into DI boxes.
  8. Your Laptop will be a fine "MIDI box." Just plug the Ax-7 into your laptop as a MIDI controller and use whatever sounds you want. If I were to do that, I would have a SONAR project open with the individual instruments already loaded and whenever I wanted to change instruments, I could just click the appropriate track. Sounds good.
  9. Right. Fan translations can be scary, too. Most everyone thinks "October Mermaid" from Xenogears is "June Mermaid." I made this mistake on our Time & Space CD but then hired a professional for the actual Xenogears album and got all of the translations correct this time. Gotta watch it!
  10. Okay, Kaijin. Oh wait - that's not your name? I say who really cares? It sounds good right? That is all that matters, right Kaijin?
  11. Networking - everyone is a resource. Always tell everyone about what you're doing. Chances are, someone will know someone that needs something that you offer. Smile!
  12. Get off Craig's List, man. What, are you TRYIN' TO GET RAPED?! Get down to University. Talk to professor. Talk to student. You talk. Flyer. You gotta get the word out, son! Can't just let people find you - you've gotta find them! I do a bit of this. I have people come into the studio, and they ask a lot of questions, and I tell them "For $50 an hour, I'll teach you this stuff." Some people take me up on it (serious people) and some people don't (Slackers!). Lucikly, I have a lot of street cred here. I have the recording studio, the band, the two record labels, awards, numbers of CDs sold, etc. I can charge "that much." It's good times. But I always recommend people teach what they know. Don't always do it for free, mind you, because you're worth something. I love to watch people's faces when they "get it." I think it's a great thing to teach all of your skills. I never worry about, "Well, this kid is better than me so I'm out of a job." Because you can teach skills all day. But you can't teach talent.
  13. Good to see, good to see. This is why I've preferred eMusic and SnoCap, myself. I want .MP3s! But more importantly, I don't want restrictions crap on the music that I bought! And the higher quality is nice, though it's not going to do much for me. I never listen to music on my good speakers - just Benwin laptop computer speakers and my truck, which is the worst. So 128 is cool. Still, great news. The $.30 more is stupid though. It should be the same price with the two different options.
  14. Go to the utilities of the printer and do a clean and an alignment. If you still have problems with it after that, call Dell and tell them your problem and they'll fix it.
  15. Thanks for the heads up, bro! Bought it - damn that shipping cost, though. Very stupid.
  16. Damnit, when was this, Buttmunch?!
  17. Cool tune, yo. Dig it. Never heard the source, sadly - I've always loved the Kirby games but couldn't always get my hands on them. I was just waiting for a cum shot, and to hear it... well, it's just so crazy that this joke would just keep going and going. I'm glad it's reached people I don't even know - don't even talk to. Nice work!
  18. I only look every once-in-a-while. Really, I just hit the "New Posts" button and see if there's a thread I want to read. I make the arrangements I want to make, usually, though I have taken personal requests from friends and fans on occasion.
  19. Dudes, this has to be a joke... right? If it's not, you need to up your production level. But I'm pretty sure you're just joking... right?
  20. Nice jazzy stuff you got there! I haven't listened to this since the WIPs where I said, "drop a guitar in there and you got this." Sounds like you took that advice and ran with it! And just as I suspected, you brought it all home. Great work, man. I could be biased since the source is one of my all-time favourite VGM tracks, but this is my favourite OCR release in many, many moons. -m
  21. We'll be doing an all-ages show in May. Gonna be hot. Watch the www.OneUpStudios.com boards or the MySpace. www.myspace.com/theoneups
  22. Dude, fucking WIN! I never even saw that. So many cool monster cameos in there - and for whatever reason, that's the best voice ever for Mog. I can just hear him yelling, "Kupo!" and then takin' a drag off of his cigarette and a swish of his Whiskey. Ah, nostalgia. I heart thee...
  23. And Sabin's "Fire Dance," now "Rising Phoenix." And sometimes "Auto Crossbow." And other stuffs.
  24. Yeah, if you never played the actual cart, there's lag in the original. Never anything too bad, though.
  25. There is some super-minor lag sometimes. But the SNES lagged, too. So it's a tiny bit more than the SNES version sometimes. Almost to Opera. Good times!
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