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Everything posted by Mustin

  1. Dale will be there. God damn I wish I could. Wanna loan me $500 dorrah?
  2. I don't own a sax tho sry lol
  3. Flight booked. See you.
  4. Dude, thanks for the heads up on this. Took a while to read (I'm mostly dumb) but it was a good read (intro was lousy, though). Anyway, I appreciate this article very much. I'm sending it to all my bandmates and I hope that a lot of people read this. This has been very similar to my Life for the past 7 years. Gotta keep on truckin'...
  5. Dude, live just means it's being performed live. As in, you're at a bar seeing a band. Arranged means arranged. Can mean many things. The piece has been "arranged" for string quartet as opposed to NES. It's been "arranged" in a way that is different than the original. A live band can play an arrangement. But live music really only means live in the moment, I'd say.
  6. You win for funniest topic title ever. I agree 100%
  7. d'oh http://www.oneupstudios.com/boards/showthread.php?t=4451 sorry, blad
  8. Fucking awesome. Voted. ARMCANNON is the greatest VGM cover band ever. You will die in the first three notes of awesomeness.
  9. much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much better. Kid Tested, Mustin Approved.™
  10. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2123332194080245535&q=the+oneups+dancing+mad&hl=en
  11. http://www.anime-expo.org/ The OneUps are getting ready as we speak. What other bands will step up to the challenge? MESSAGE FROM DR. LIGHT: PREPARE FOR ROCK. -m
  12. hahahah oops.
  13. As we do every year, OneUp Studios is having a BBQ to celebrate success with friends and patrons. This year, we are extending our invitation to OCReMix-ers (not that you have to be a ReMixer to come). Click the pic above or check out this link for more details: http://www.oneupstudios.com/bbq Hope to see some of you come out and join us. Post in our forums to let us know you're coming so we can cooridnate or eMail me at Mustin@MustinProductions.com Party features food, games, laughs, inside jokes galore, and The OneUps & Friends perform for you for a few hours. Thanks for your support over the years!
  14. This is not to say that I don't like or use loops. I just never use a drum loop or any loop in Hip-Hop unless I made it.
  15. Yeah, bad tags are the problem.
  16. FL is fine if that's what you like. Lotta big baller producers use FL to win Grammys® now. The real meat of it is in the mixing and especially in the mastering. But you're a ways off from that if you're asking these n00b questions. Keep rollin' with the advice people are giving you here. I always encourage people to make their own beats - don't use straight loops to make your "beats." Things can get a lot more intricate and fun if you construct a beat yourself and your own bassline, etc. When the artist gets their flow over it, you can really go nuts on what you want to change, add, and cut based on what they're saying. How the music dances with the voice is a big part of it all for me. Get some VSTs, program the stuff yourself, learn to play some decent piano, and never give up.
  17. This is true. However, I looked around this site some more and it's actually pretty neat. But the fact that the artists can't control any of the content is super lame. Super.
  18. This site is dumb to me. I typed in my name and Dale North started playing. What?! I don't like this site.
  19. Sweet, already Internet drama! That only took... [looks at watch] My God, It's A NEW RECORD!
  20. Nice demo. Great way to kick it off, too
  21. What crap! I had this idea years ago when I ran for mayor! Go touch little boys or something and stop stealing my ideas, MJ. Damnit.
  22. Oh snaps. I'ma get in on this. I used to like him a lot and look up to him as a Hip-Hop producer. Then I heard all of the tapes of where he got his beats. And then there was the whole recent controversy. I'll probably be a day late and a dollar short on this, but I WILL remix this shit. We're going to make an album. And then we're going to send it to him. And all the magazines. Let's get this shit on TV.
  23. You're so cool, that you don't have to make music with someone else. You can just do it by yourself. You are amazing. Incredible. Incredibly amazing.
  24. Damn, this is great! I wish it had been around for the Earthworm Jim Anthology album - this woulda been on there in a heartbeat! Great work!
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