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ella guro

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Everything posted by ella guro

  1. A bunch more: Rise of the Triad - WIP A very short rott wip from 2003. I still like it, but see no reason to finish it. Zelda 3 - Clouds of Smog Over Hyrule Hyrule Castle WIP from I think late 2003 that many people (including Larry) had bugged me about finishing after I uploaded it to vgmix (note: this version is slightly different), but I might not ever finish because it's so old now. Lemmings - Cataclysmic Calamities of a Questionably Bouncy Nature WIP of a Lemmings song from around 2004, it's short and simple. I had uploaded it to vgmix, this is the version that was on there but I think I sped it up afterwards. DOOM - WIP This was my song for "Dark Side of Phobos" from 2005 that I didn't finish and then I dropped from the project. It has some pretty out-there ideas that I'd like to continue, but the source is very minimal and I take forever to get into it, so this mix will probably stay that way. I have a few more but I'm not gonna upload them because I'm still not sure I won't want to go back and finish them someday.
  2. mark me down as "possibly going" for now, though I am probably going.
  3. I like this thread idea, actually. If it's not suited for the WIP forum, maybe it could be moved to Gen Dis? I have a couple very old WIPs I will almost certainly never finish that I'll post here: Castlevania 2 jazz mix Really old (2002) and pretty embarassing WIP of a "jazz" remix I was doing of the town theme of CV2. Final Fantasy 6 - In Terra Nova WIP I had the bright idea to do a terra remix in 2003. It got a lot of responses on the forums at the time (cuz it was a terra mix). Some people really liked it but I never could figure out where to go with it and I wouldn't finish it now. I have a couple more that I might post later.
  4. I just made a new post. This one's in response to the Extra Credits video about game music, and then goes on to talk about what I like and what's unique about older game music and how it compares to newer game music. Here's a link: Re: Extra Credits and the world of game music I'm also gonna work on getting a wordpress account and moving this stuff over there, I'll keep you guys updated.
  5. I might be switching to wordpress anyway, since I've had some problems with blogger and my landlord (in his infinite niceness) bought out the domain name humansandgames.com (which did redirect to my site but seems to not right now).
  6. One last annoying bump for awhile: I rewrote little bits of the article, mostly making grammar corrections and improving flow. So if you read it now it's a little bit different than how it was before.
  7. I think CHz would probably be a good person to talk to about this.
  8. I "quit" OCR around fall 2005, not really intending to come back to the community (though I thought I might keep doing mixes). I came back here and there but only really rejoined about a year ago after being sort of convinced by a couple people. I've yet to do another mix, but most of that is to do with my computer biting the dust. Some people just aren't interested in being involved with online communities. I don't blame them for that. I think many people submit a few remixes without ever really intending to be part of the community. I talked to Unipulator on AIM many years ago, for example, and it was clear that he was never really was interested in being involved in OCR. So it's no surprise that he didn't submit more than two mixes. Others who were once part of the community have also grown up and have different lives now. I'm actually surprised by the amount of people who have stayed around OCR over the years. It's not something I expected when I rejoined. I guess these days we expect to be able to stay connected to people because of how easy it is, but I think some people just don't have any interest in taking part in that.
  9. Thanks guys! I appreciate the comments a lot. The article is partly about DOOM, but the bigger point is mostly in the second and third sections. Anyway, I think I'm gonna start another article today, this time about the "language" of game design. I'll bump this thread when it's posted.
  10. hey JH! I hope this thread just 64 helps you have a good birthday!
  11. For awhile I've been meaning to put the thoughts I have floating around in my head into some sort of coherent form. Now that I'm not doing a lot with my life right now, I thought now was a good time to start doing this. Here's the link: http://humansandgames.blogspot.com/ Blogger isn't the best, but I'm doing it for now until I can find an alternative. The first article is up, it's called "DOOM and What Videogames Are Trying To Tell Us". It's rather long, so I won't paste it here. In it I talk about my feelings about DOOM and then my general feelings on the state of the games industry and game design now. I also talk about games as art and games as compared with movies. There's a lot of ideas in it and it's been an investment of a lot of time, passion and energy from me, so please read if you can post here on or in the blog if you have any comments. I'll update this thread whenever I post a new article. thanks! - Liz
  12. I think, like, whenever he has a character or anything come on screen, it's bad and never funny. That's my feeling anyway. I feel like I have to struggle to get through those sections without stopping the videos. His obsession with shit is amusing to me though. Overall, though, I'm a fan. I think his nitpicks are 95% valid, and he does a good job taking everything apart and putting the games into some kind of larger context. I just hate when a good 10 minute review gets padded an extra 5 minutes from some overblown skit that's just never funny.
  13. It's been awhile since I've really done a remix, but I'll respond. I guess I just love a lot of game music and this is the way I know how to do a tribute to it. Maybe it's partially fighting for people's respect, because there's so much well composed and interesting game music that so many people don't take seriously at all because it's from a videogame. And that can be really upsetting. Also, it's a chance for me to experiment and explore musically, and have an audience. Or do a tribute to a game, and its atmosphere.
  14. Have a Scott Stappy birthday, stevo!
  15. Good luck with everything, GT! It sounds like this is great opportunity to follow your dream, so it's great that this is happening even if you have to go.
  16. Awesome! Sorry I couldn't be there also Katie, your brother Phil is my hero. I hope he comes to MAGfest.
  17. Retro Gamer has a couple "the making of" articles with developer interviews for old games that I've read some of and find interesting. That's about the only reason I'd subscribe to a gaming magazine, though. I always felt like Game Informer was the worst/least interesting gaming magazine.
  18. hey, I haven't heard from you in awhile. feel free to IM me, one of these days!

  19. I wholeheartedly agree. You make a really good point there. More people should comment on this thread! This is the kind of thing that I wish more people took the time to do.
  20. +1 I also have adapters for my SNES controllers that I use to play NES/SNES games, but having them is kind of overkill because they're more expensive. The ps2 > usb adapter is probably the cheapest and best option.
  21. Wow, I didn't expect someone to make a post about this. I'm a bit obsessed with this game. I played it a lot during my exams a year ago (though never got around to finishing it) and it put me into kind of a dazed trance. It's so unsettling and upsetting, in a way that even a game like Silent Hill 2 isn't. Also I like how the worlds you go to get more and more detailed, the further you get into them. Like her thoughts starts out very scattered and abstract, and gradually forms more complete worlds. A really brilliant game, at least in terms of concept/presentation. Obviously it's not a super enjoyable gameplay experience, but I don't really think it needs to be.
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