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Everything posted by Dyne

  1. He's 19. So...happy birthday Fusion, because saying it on Facebook just isn't enough for me.
  2. I'm sorry, but this is funny. Still... anyway, they're referring to Mozart, the composer of great classical music. Anyway, in all seriousness, happy birthday to one of the greatest composers in history.
  3. Aw c'mon guys, go to it. Larry's got a point, get in on the action. No, doesn't mean I can, I kinda...well, anyway go on and get with the program.
  4. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. And yes, I can read Spanish Deathtank (but only when translated).
  5. Eh...not quite yet. I still haven't taken over the world. Would you just wish me a happy birthday already Mr. Metal-as-fuck?
  6. Ikaruga is awesome! I played it at MAGFest. Best shooter I've EVER played, AND finished.
  7. WTB very much, plz k thx (birfdei present plz)
  8. Because, it's at the bottom of the forums under the heading "Birthdays". Also, thanks everyone. My day was pretty relaxing, save for my doctor's appointment at 10am. I got some news, mostly bad, about my ankle. I'm suffering from tendinitis, and yes, it's torn to some degree. So, the doctor is going to try to help me by using casts to gradually stretch one of my other tendons in the back of my leg that runs to the Achilles tendon, and with luck, relieve the pressure on the torn tendon. If it fails though, it means surgery. Which means I'll be out of work for a while. So...happy birthday me. :\
  9. Well, I guess I need to say it to myself then. Happy birthday Dyne.
  10. This soundtrack is excellent. I'm going to do a write up on it for ThaSauce, watch for it in the next day or so.
  11. Dude...it's not a party without the (spiked) punch! And I wants me some cherry pie. Where's mah cherry pie? Also, this reminds me of a song. Hee hee hee hee...
  12. I don't know about this... "spaghetti incident", however...uhm...wtf? Also, I think a lot of the ladies (the ones that are actually ON the internet) would appreciate the styles that Amy has come up with. Hey, I'm all for it!
  13. Funny Meteo, funny, but uh, just one problem, methinks her boyfriend wouldn't like that. Anyway...awesome job Amy, they look great, and I bet there's a market out there, so DJP, I say go for it, you got my vote (now, someone get me a girlfriend, and I'll buy her a couple.)
  14. Well that certainly sucks. Sounds like it would've been a good game.
  15. Actually, I did know that. Bleach is one of my favorite series, save for all the filler just like Naruto. I like them both, but I watch the dubbed, and there's nothing wrong with it. As a matter of fact, I checked out Angelic Layer one time, my best friend gave me this fan-subbed set, and I watched that. The anime itself isn't bad, but the subtitles could've used a bit more spelling correction and possibly grammar correction. Otherwise, great series.
  16. Brushfire, don't be ashamed to own music, even if it's from an Anime. It's still music, and still good to have.
  17. Well, I'm done talking to and about a person who simply refuses to take simple advice. Truly, I'm done. On topic, however, I have to say that if they do this movie, at least let them get Yoko Kanno to write the music for it, and have none of that "Music Inspired By" bullshit. Also, I agree, Dakota Fanning as Ed, but can she pull off the insanity? Well, it's not really insanity, it's more like playful banter or something. Let's just hope they don't make this movie suck, period. I really enjoyed Cowboy Bebop, and I honestly don't think it needs a live action movie. I mean, look at other live action movies that were based on game franchises, then look at how successful or unsuccessful they were. That should be enough to make them rethink this idea. Then again...it is Hollywood, and they're going to make money however they want to.
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