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Everything posted by Dyne

  1. What exactly are we changing here, or attempting to change? Obviously, you think there needs to be some change, so what is it exactly? Apparently, you failed to read what AnSo posted, so for you, I shall QFE: Really? You say so, yet you say we "misinterpret" your meaning. How are we doing that? Obviously, you're missing something yourself because all I see is a repeating statement in favor of people who've obviously committed an infringing act. No, we're not getting "livid". In fact, we're not getting worked up. Everyone has an opinion on something, if that's all you're stating here that's fine, but it just seems like you keep arguing a point that is invalidated by the very act that was committed. If you're trying to say it's "unfair" after the countless hours invested in the body of work that they undertook, well, that's their own fault for breaking the law. They should be lucky that it's only a C&D order. Nintendo may follow with a lawsuit, which could be VERY damaging to them. Also, does Bush deserve to be impeached? That's another matter of opinion. Nixonian? What the f*** is that word supposed to mean? If you want to compare it to the Watergate scandal, I can't help you there, I was not alive yet to see that. As far as saying that OCR "violates copyright law", you are WAY off base, and I once again invite you to read this: I'd also like to point out, that I do agree that OCR covers a "gray" area of the law, with a very very fine line. A line that no one on this site has ever intended to, nor will attempt to cross, because let's face it, the judges aren't going to allow that, and neither is DJPretzel. Now, any more problems?
  2. Activism? It's not activism when you're attempting to basically make a case FOR piracy, which is clearly what is happening with this ]EE[ thing. Honestly, that's what you're basically attempting to do by drumming up support for them, or at least attempting to do. The problem isn't that they're being handed a C&D order, and a year's worth of work is now gone. That's not it at all, it's the fact that Nintendo didn't like the fact that they hacked and reverse engineered their ROM, and basically wanted a stop put on it. That's the issue. And frankly, that's tough shit. And to sit there, and compare OCR to ]EE[ just tells me that you are basically just whining about how's not "fair" that one site continues, while another one fails. The facts are the facts in this case, and the facts remain that ]EE[ was hacking, plain and simple. There is no middle ground, and Nintendo has every right, as you have said, to do what they did, whether they like it or not.
  3. Meh, piss off, I enjoy playing Starcraft. It's was the first RTS I ever played, and was pretty cool. I'm not thrilled that Starcraft II is going to be in three parts, I wish they would have just gone on with the original and released a stand alone game, and then made an expansion pack. But the way Blizzard was talking, it would be years longer if they did it like they did Starcraft, so that I suppose is understandable. But not by much. At least it isn't Duke Nukem, and is never getting another sequel.
  4. I guess the real issue is, where do you draw the line between fandom and piracy. Unfortunately, in this day and age, people have to be ever vigilant against copyright theft. I for one would be horribly upset if one day I jumped on OCR and found it decimated by a C&D order say by the likes of EA or Nintendo or even Square-Enix. It would be horrible, really, but would it be legal? Unfortunately for us, yes. Though in all honest, I think sometimes these companies take things too far, and try to do too much to a single person, or even a small group of 3 people. Its one thing to say "C&D order, shut down now or get sued", and another thing to say "we'd like you to stop production on your project, or we will be forced to issue a C&D order to you." There's a whole world of difference between each statements. From what it sounds like, they just slapped them with the order without even a warning. But don't think that I am for piracy, I'm not. But I think there are better ways to handle things other than resorting to lawyers right away. I could have seen it if they were complete asshats about the whole thing, then hammering them with a C&D order would've been perfectly fine. But out of the blue like that, without so much as a warning, that's not right, despite the fact they were protecting their copyright. I guess what it boils down to is that you absolutely, positivily cannot get away with anything, because the glaring eye of big brother is always watching. Even if you have the best of intentions, intentions can't protect you from legalities, or big business. But how far does an industry have to go before it's too much?
  5. Thanks Rama, I hardly use that bar, save to search Google.
  6. Just do your best prophet, that's all you can do at this point. I really appreciate the effort, as I believe everyone else does. I'd also like to thank The Coop, I'm going to use his images for the project. I think they're really cool!
  7. But what if DJP has twin sons, one good, one evil? What then? It'll be DJPretzel Jr vs DJPretzel n' Cheeze
  8. Congratulations! To quote the Starcraft II trailer, "hell...it's about time."
  9. I wonder if EA has considered buying Midway. At least then it would be assured that Midway would survive. But then again...it's really probably not in the cards.
  10. So I wanted to say thanks to everyone who has so far sent me their WIP. I'm hearing some great stuff, and I'm looking forward to the release. So I've been thinking about a few things, and how to release it this year, so I've come up with 2 choices. 1) I'll add it to last year's album (as previously suggested in another thread), or 2) it'll be its own separate release. If it is its own separate release, then it'll be an EP album at this point. So, depending on how many tracks I have come December 24, I'll make that choice at that point. Anyway, things are going great. I look forward to this, and hope everyone else does too! jmr, it's not a big deal. Do what you're able to, and if not, no big deal. Going home to see family is more important to me than anything. So no worries.
  11. No big deal, I need to write a track too. I said I was going to last year, but I never did. I figured I'd give it my best this year. Can't argue with that, right?
  12. Just a friendly little reminder that first WIPs are due tonight at 11:59. If you haven't already sent me your first WIP, or you have questions, email or PM me and let me know. Also, I'd love to see more musicians in on this one, so if you still want to submit a track, but haven't posted, you've got some time left until the final due date!
  13. My load times were like this: First install: 8 minutes Act 1 install: 3 minutes Act 2 install: 4 minutes Act 3 install: 3 minutes Act 4 install: 3 minutes Act 5 install: 2 minutes The load times depend on how much content that had to be loaded. And you can tie that directly to the length of each act. Still, the game was awesome, and no, they'll never port it to 360. I'm kinda getting put off by these people who are all hoping for MGS4 on 360. Sorry guys, but the 360 doesn't have the PS3's power. Oh, and before anyone gets all fanboy on me and turns me into barbequed forum poster, I have PS3, 360 and Wii. I enjoy playing all three systems, and despite any flaws they may or may not have, I will continue to enjoy them, and am tired of the constant fanboyism. Anyway, that's all.
  14. Despite the fact that Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance made it to XBox, I highly doubt that MGS4 is going to make it to 360. The controller itself makes that rather unfeasible. Also, the little power-button looking thing on the site could be an indication of an MGS MMO headed to PC, but that's a long shot at best. Still, think back about the videos that they released before MGS4 finally came out. Kojima plays with people's minds every time he does something with this series. So, while I don't discount the possibility of a 360 port of MGS4, I think it's highly unlikely. It may just be an Ac!d title, or a "Tactics" title. It could even be that little spoken of third prequel game (if you start counting at MGS3 and include MGS: Portable Ops). But, that's all just rumor anyway. We will see.
  15. halc, you still have like two weeks, keep plugging away at it if you can, if not, I really appreciate your effort nonetheless. I can't wait for your wip prophet, as well as your's tweek. Your tunes were awesome on the first album. I can't wait to hear them again.
  16. BWAAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA! Ahem...okay, now that I have that out. Link please, 'kay? Thanks.
  17. Dyne


    Isn't it obvious? Anywhere but Kenya. Reference for effect:
  18. Definitely Coop, I'd love to hear it! I'm sure there are others that would agree!
  19. You know, aside from the fact that MGS4 is violent, the fact that someone actually compared it to Gears of War 2 and Call of Duty 4 shows that they really don't know jack about games. I mean, all three games are violent, and while MGS4 has Playboy magazines in it, the content of the magazines are respectable photos, not nudes like in real life Playboy mags. Furthermore, the idiot on the site who said "uhhhhhhhgg" or whatever they spelled there, needs to go back and take classes on reading, writing and spelling, because obviously, they're a noob. Obviously. XD
  20. Alright, well, how soon for a WIP prophet, and yes, greensleeves for the win. Edit I'm going to move the deadline for first wips back to Sunday, December 14. It'll be a static deadline. The main reason for the deadline for WIPs is to get an idea of what everything sounds like thus far. That's pretty much it. Helps me gauge where the album is going, and what it's going to sound like.
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