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Everything posted by Dyne

  1. Well, considering there was no credit to the artist, or the site, that's pretty shitty. Nice that she won, for her or whatever, but that still doesn't change the fact that she, or rather, the people who made the ad, failed to give credit. Yeah well, I'm not really sure what else to say, or what could be done, but I guess that's moot at this point. Anyone else have any ideas?
  2. Also, I still plan on playing on the server. I just haven't been lately. And yeah, I'll still donate. I think for the most part we've all been civil, but to stress a singular point, I think that some rules, while meant not to be broken, or even bent, should be enforced. Despite the argument of "is it a spawn door?" and "it's not", to be honest, if it's not connected to the direct spawn room, then it's really not a spawn door, HOWEVER...... It is the absolute shortest way to get through, which basically makes it a technical spawn door for all intents and purposes. I say that because 1) you can't see anything (as others have said) until that door opens, and 2) it's a serious choke point if someone camps it. I've been on the server when people have been camping that door. And to be honest, having to go all the way round by jumping the rail or using the other spawn door basically means giving up two capture points that you shouldn't have to. Now I realize a good team can hold the first point, both by using turrets in that little dug out area, or by having some damn good pyros and demos comboed with heavies and medics. However, once that point is capped, you have access to the roof. The roof makes the perfect spot to set up sticky camping. This is a problem. No matter what you think, or how you feel about it, if you think about it in terms of strategy, yes it makes sense to sticky the door. However, in all fairness, I don't think it should be allowed. Besides, the door at the second point on the map becomes useless once the second point is captured. Wes, it's your server, it's your call. But to be honest with you, I wouldn't allow it, solely based on the fact that it gets perma-shut once the second point is captured and becomes moot. Besides that, once the opposing team is on top of that door, even if the point isn't captured, that makes it hard enough to get out. Sticky bombing it up makes it impossible. And I think that's the point that people, including atmuh, have been trying to make. Also...I agree with zircon about Turbine. Even spies can't get through because of the narrowness of the vents once there's a turret positioned there. It's virtually impossible, and two turrets or more make for a nasty game. To be honest, I think it would be easiest to just ban camping altogether, unless you're a sniper. If you're a sniper, it's to be expected. Otherwise, no.
  3. I'm apt to agree not only with zircon, Dhsu and Edge, but also with atmuh; though you guys already know how much angst he brings me. Despite that, he's got a point. They all do. It's not fun to play on any server, save tournament servers, where you're getting cheesed by a strategy that doesn't even let you out of your own base, and if it does, it takes you until the opposing team has hit the second, maybe the third cap. So yeah, I too think sticky/spawn camping should be banned, and not atmuh. I also believe that teams should not be stacked. To be fair, on a full server, you're going to have a mix of teams with ZUZ, OCR, etc... on both sides in pairs or triples. That's fine. But having an entire team made up of one or the other sucks, and should not be allowed. Otherwise, I enjoyed playing on the server for as long as I had been. I was not fortunate enough to be there when atmuh was banned, nor have I played for the last month, at least until today, but really, before all this crap hit the fan, I had a great time on the server, and it was the awesomest thing I looked forward to when I would come home from work. So yeah. That's my two cents. Disect it all you want.
  4. I think I quit the channel for like a year or so when that happened, mainly because I honestly didn't like (read: HATED) protricity. I realize though, it's not serious business, it's not personal, but then again, at the time, prot always seemed to make it that way, and never knew when to back off. Anyway...the IRC chan can be a lot of fun, especially if you stick around, we have some of the greatest conversations about a variety of subjects, not just vidja gaymes and muzakz. So join us, but be fairly aware, it's 100% in your face unadultrated gratification. If you can't enjoy it, well, good luck.
  5. Nope. I've got four. I might have to check this MMO out though, depending on if it's got a trial or not. I hope it's a great game, but I'm only going to keep my fingers crossed so long (cause that stuff hurts man).
  6. It's okay Larry, it's okay. We'll always have MAGFest.
  7. Really? Now I am definitely going. I haven't heard one way or another if DJP and Larry Oji are going again. I know it's a bit late to be asking that. Matter of fact, I really don't know who else would be going anyway. There's not too many people that are local enough to make it. But I at least wanted to post it so if anyone was interested, they could get there.
  8. I just wanted to pass this along to everyone, especially for those of you on the West Coast, or within driving distance at least. It's a full day of concerts and looks to be a lot of fun. So pass it on, and check it out! Here's a list of the bands they currently have lined up, with more to be announced! Performers: (click names for artist info) A_Rival (San Francisco, CA) Chubby Chasers (Torrance, CA) GOSHone (Los Angeles, CA) IllGill (Los Angeles, CA) Legendary Wizard (Rohnert Park, CA) Maja (Phoenix, AZ) MC Cheshire Grin (Palo Alto, CA) MC Mega (Ontario, CA) The Megas (Los Angeles, CA) Nomad (El Cajon, CA) Sudden Death (Hamburg, NJ) Super Barrio Brothers (Los Angeles/Palm Desert, CA) ZeaLouS1 (Oceanside, CA)
  9. This saturday, Too Many Games will be back at the Great Reading Expo Center here in Reading, Pa. For those not familiar with the convention, feel free to check out their web site here: http://www.toomanygames.com/. I live nearby, however, I'm not planning on using my house for any kind of actual meet up, as I'd rather do any kind of meeting up at a public place because 1) my house is SMALL, and 2) there's plenty of places to go here from coffee shops to book stores, the two malls as well as numerous shopping centers/outlets. (I'm not good at setting these things up, so I'm just leaving it at that.) To sum it up, there's going to be vendors, plenty of classic and modern gaming, including card games and the like. Loads of vg tournaments and maybe even some live music. Hopefully I'll see some familiar faces, as last time TMG was in town, DJP and Larry Oji were there, and I got to meet the guys from Mad Gear (they're awesome). Oh yeah, quick note, they're holding the Guitar Hero National Championship at TMG! I'm sure it'll be a good time, so come and check that out too!
  10. Hm, sounds greedy to me. This makes no sense. And what are they going to do? Release them separately? If that's the case, screw Blizzard, I'll wait for a "battle chest". Let's hope they don't do this to Diablo III. That would be a travesty. They need to go back to the original formula of what worked for Starcraft. Create a great RTS, with high replay value, and build an expansion that adds to it. Besides, who the hell plays for the CAMPAIGN? Seriously. Multiplayer is where it's at, and Starcraft's was great. I seriously hope they keep custom map building in as well, it would be horrible if they didn't put that in the package.
  11. I'm definitely in. I'll be up and running as soon as Burning Crusade downloads and installs.
  12. Thanks very much Aubrey. I've always used the Supertux mirror for downloading remixes mainly because I thought it was the fastest. It's going to be a shame to not have it around anymore, as well as the torrent. Thanks so very much!
  13. Totally, I agree with this statement. You were doing well until you got to here. This is where the fail began. Photoshop = win. I don't know about much else.
  14. Wish I would've known about this myself. I would've gladly gone. Yeah yeah, I'm not a remixer (yet) and I'm still learning, but still, hearing about what these composes do on a daily basis and what they know, I think it's still relevant if you want to know what you're getting yourself into, at least, in a general sense.
  15. You know, there is a special edition of the DVD package where you get like 5 discs and some very fascinating stuff on them. I totally want that, I just haven't pre-ordered it yet.
  16. Wow...just...wow... I can't believe it. Pink Floyd is one of my all time favorite bands.
  17. Yeah, "scale back"? Hah. This is E A. 'nuff said. At least, however, they've stopped trying to take over Take Two. I honestly don't believe EA should be allowed to buy up so many game companies. But I only say that because I think they're trying to push hard for their "one console world". Which is also a bunch of garbage. Sorry EA, but when you take choice away from your consumers, you risk not only alienating them, but also losing them forever to either another company who doesn't force their customers to jump through hoops just to play their games. I wonder if The Game Overthinker will have a video on this, that'd be cool to hear his rant on it.
  18. That trailer is SWEEEEEEEEEET. I so want to play this game.
  19. Yeah, seriously. GL had an amazing talent for the remix. He shall be missed, and all the cake is gone...
  20. So I've been working on this for several hours, and just wanted to get some feedback. I think there's a lot of potential with this one. So check it out, and let me know what you think. http://www.williammichael.net/music/remix_projects/bk_remix_update.mp3
  21. But think about how much time it would take djpretzel to code everything. He's already got a full schedule as it is. Splitting time between work and OCR as well as his fiancee and just generally having a life as is. And of course, remixing for projects he's involved in and what not. Like I said, he's got a busy schedule, but also, he's the solo coder of the entire site. What else would you ask of him? Not that I'm putting down a genre sorting concept, it's a great idea, but as has been said many times before, it's hard to tack a genre down to any remix on the site. Some remixes are multi-genre, others are genre nobody's heard about. So, I don't know what else to say.
  22. Understandable, the walls in your apartment are paper thin. You guys need a regular house. Where you don't have to worry about noise. Heck, my neighbor's bands practice next door in their basement, and I barely register any sound. Unless I'm listening for it, I don't hear it. It's nice.
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