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Everything posted by Dyne

  1. First of all, I don't recall anyone actually talking about how subtitled versus dubbed was good, bad or otherwise. If I'm wrong, then quote who said it, and that'll be fine. Secondly, you need to stop the name calling, and I'm saying this from a stand point that you have an attitude problem. Now it's funny, you can act like a decent human being in public at MAGFest, but when you're on the forums or in IRC, you act like a complete jackass. Pick one behavioral pattern and stick with it please. Preferably the nice Ferret we used to know and like. Because we all know you're a decent guy when you're not raging about something. So, below is my quote which you responded to above. And this particular quote right here, should speak volumes to you, because honestly, you're not in a position to respond like you do to others, what the hell did they ever do to you? This was your original post. Had you said PEOPLE instead of FAGS, I would never have responded how I initially responded. Therefore, learn the f***ing lesson already, and move on. It's not rocket science damn it. I'm not trying to s**t on you. I just don't want to see you get yourself into trouble. Geez. I still don't believe that Keanu is right for the part. Honestly, they shouldn't even make this movie, it'll be a total flop. And yes, I agree, the Cowboy Bebop movie was excellent. I very much loved that film. And no, I watched it DUBBED, because again, I don't like to read while I'm watching a movie.
  2. First of all, I'm an anime fan, but I don't watch subtitled Anime for a simple reason: I can't watch the action and read at the same time. So I just watch the dubbed anime instead. Am I missing out on other anime that's only been subbed? Probably. Unless it's a series I'm absolutely excited about, then I don't worry about it. Also, don't sit there and presume that I'm in anyone's "pocket". And I don't know what crawled up whatever and died, but you might consider dislodging it, and not attack me here on the forums. You want to talk about it, hit me up on IRC, or PM me. My comment was appropriate because you basically called someone a fag for watching something they enjoy. So apparently, it upset you. Well, you will get no apology from me. You deserve what you bring on yourself, and the same is true of me. But in this case, back off, sit down, shut up. Oh, and in case you have forgotten, it's your attitude that got you banned from #ocremix. Put it in check before you respond to people, or you're going to get the same every time you hop on the forum. On topic: I'm somewhat looking forward to a Cowboy Bebop movie, but not if it's a remake, and not if it's starring Keanu. Sorry, but the idea of Keanu with a 'fro just doesn't excite me at all. I also doubt that they could even get actors that could remotely fill each of the characters properly. It would honestly be like watching the Matrix mixed with a western set in space. And honestly, the ought to let The Matrix series stay firmly where it's at.
  3. Hm, last I checked, you weren't exactly someone in a position to judge anyone else. Mr. I-write-risqué-stories. I don't think Keanu is right for the part either, but hey, maybe he really will surprise us...and maybe not... Whoa...
  4. Wow. That's sad. I really liked him. I've seen Star Trek 2: Wrath of Kahn, and The Naked Gun. I was just thinking about The Naked Gun the other day, and how I wanted to watch it again. Guess I'm going to have to go pick it up now.
  5. Unfortunately, we'll never really know the truth, because 1) Sega won't own up to it, and 2) this guy posted on 4chan, what does that say about his credibility? Seriously. If this guy went to Destructoid or some other news site and spouted about it, then maybe, just maybe, I'd pay attention. But seriously, I say take it all with a grain of salt, because it's most likely some guy just passed over for a pay raise or a promotion. On another note, the guy before this one, Andac, seemed to have actually been involved to some degree as things that he had said basically came to pass in some fashion or another. Still, believing everything you read on the internet is a recipe for disaster. Unless of course, it comes from a reputable source.
  6. So uh, is this project EVER going to get done? Seriously. I'm up for seeing anything Mega Man related get done. Let me know what's up, for real, please.
  7. Ugh, did you have to bring "him" up? Yeah well, I'm checking out the program's web page. But based on your singing? Sounds kind of gimmicky to me. Yeah well, we'll see.
  8. Way to go DarkeSword. This is an awesome remix. I'm glad you did this, it's very enjoyable!
  9. I'm so looking forward to this! That preview was epic!
  10. I really hope you get well soon. It was great to see you again at MAGFest, hopefully we'll get to see you at another Philly meetup or even Otakon. (Otakon is July 17 through the 19 this year.)
  11. That HDR tourney was great. I very much enjoyed playing zircon, and most definitely look forward to playing the game with him again. And, ya know, if any of you are feelin' up to a challenge (not that I pose a serious one, but hey, I can get better), feel free to hit me up on XBL. I'll probably be getting HDR on my PS3 as well. So I have to say, this year's panel was probably the absolute best ever. There was lots of humor, always good, as well as lot of of cool news. I think my favorite part was getting to listen to previews of the FF4 project; wait for the video guys, you're going to love it! Also, I haven't read the rest of this thread, but I'm going to mention it (again) because it's that cool. They had Street Fighter IV down in the console room, and let me tell you, videos don't do it enough justice. It looks absolutely gorgeous; the animation is flawless, the moves are spectacular, and it's pretty much everything I hoped it would be. Sadly, as of right now, I haven't had a chance to pick it up, but before I leave, I'm going to go see if it's still set up, and then try and get in on it. Also, Larry, you totally owe me a HDR match. XD
  12. I just downloaded this, and I'm giving it a listen. Methinks I've got some damn good music for my iPod! Excellent!
  13. Well you've got me 100% psyched for this. I'll do my best to support this project in any and every way possible. I want this to get done, oh yes I do sir, yes I do.
  14. I fully endorse this movie so long as Uwe Boll DOES NOT direct it.
  15. Which is a good thing, most assuredly. I mean, it's probably guys like that, who give advice to people just starting out, and tell them they need to color within the lines, or think inside the box. I'm not big fans of those types of people, personally.
  16. Some times, some people, are really stupid. This is one of those times. That guy is incorrect, and you notice, he has not posted a reply since.
  17. I just got back from my cousins' christmas party, and haven't been on a computer since yesterday afternoon. Thanks to TheCoop, who sent me a PM, I have fixed the index page for the site, the links are now all correct. I sincerely apologize to everyone who has been trying to download the album. It was just a simple error with the links caused by my useless HTML software, which I will be uninstalling poste haste. Again, my sincerest apologies, the error is now fixed. P.S. I'm about to upload jmr's updated track, so please redownload that track again. It should be available no later than 10:10 pm EST. Also, much thanks to DragonAvenger and TheCoop for helping to clear up the lack of extension error. Thanks to both of you, so very very much!
  18. It is with great honor that I present the now completed "An OverClocked Christmas: Volume 2" album to all of you. May you all have a Merry Christmas! And enjoy the album! You can find the new album here: http://www.williammichael.net/aocc_v2 And, if you haven't gotten it already, the first album here: http://www.williammichael.net/aocc MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!
  19. My suggestion, if you're just starting out in making music, would be to start with default samples, and learn how first. Again, that's only if you're just starting out. I would go with anything that zircon has suggested, provided you have the money for it, because buying samples from East West can be expensive, but well worthwhile. Trust me, they have great, great quality samples. I myself have Sonik Synth 2, I love it, I like using it. It was a little confusing at first, but I understand how to use it now, and I love the sounds it makes. If you're looking for something a little less expensive, maybe within a small budget, or even free, I suggest looking at KVR Audio (http://www.kvraudio.com/) because you can search for a pretty diverse range of instruments, both virtual and sampled. I found some really great VSTs that I like to use for electronic music.
  20. I have it, not to worry, thanks! @TheCoop: Today would be that day. I'll accept late entries through tomorrow night, but I want to have the site laid out, and ready before the 24th, only because I won't be home until late that night because of a Christmas party about 2 hours away from home. Also... I'm going to want to upload everything, and then just have to post the link to the site, so I definitely want everything by tomorrow, 5pm at the latest. (That's EST by the way.)
  21. He still isn't getting the message, but that's aside from the point. What we know, is what we know, and any one of us can research it via the appropriate channels. Unfortunately, there's no talking to someone who isn't willing to accept the fact that ripping open a console with the sole purpose of modifying its normal operating functions so that you can play pirated games, is a HUGE issue with Nintendo. And their intellectual property, which includes, but is not limited to, the game console, and software contained on game discs, is not to be tampered with whatsoever. But hey, I guess I'm just grasping at straws at this point, hoping he'll get it, and that we can end this thread as friends and be happy and whatever. I don't know. Sorry, but the opinion I have of the topic is that it's moot as far as Nintendo goes, as it's their hard work and efforts that are being ripped off. But I guess that's just me, sorry I care about how other people feel (other people being software and hardware designers).
  22. But you've basically made our argument for us here. As did dPaladin when he posted this: So now what are you trying to get at? Because obviously, remixing/rearrangement is a definitive GRAY AREA. If it weren't, if it were a violation of copyright law, OCR would've been torn down by the music industry years ago already. But it hasn't, and no, I'm not saying it can't, I'm just saying the likelihood of that happening is next to nil at this moment. Anything is possible. This thread is so laughable. Redundancy at its best.
  23. I agree. Also, I likes my Smash the way it is. Let Nintendo handle the addition of Mega Man and Ridley.
  24. Now wait just a second here. First of all, just because you own the machine, does not mean you own the software or the patents on the hardware or even any of the trademarks on the machine or the parts therein, therefore, you are not technically owner of any legal right to change the machine in any fashion. Doing so not only voids your warranty, but is considered piracy. Actively teaching others how to circumvent the system is also wrong, because that can promote piracy as well. Even so, that doesn't give people the right to break the law.
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