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Everything posted by Dyne

  1. BUMP! Just a reminder that the deadline for first remix and original WIPs is wednesday! If you haven't already started, now's a great time!
  2. Help me uber level, and we'll do Dalaran together. XD
  3. I just wanted to keep this bumped up to the front. There's 7 days left until the first WIPs are due. If you're interested in being in the project, just remember, you gotta post here so I know you're in!
  4. Yeah, unfortunately, once again this year, I have no Christmas tree to speak of.
  5. Excellent, I look forward to it. I hope that this year I might actually post a track of my own, but that's sketchy at best right now. I just want more people to get involved, I think we had a good turnout last year, and I'm quite hopeful to get a bigger turnout this year.
  6. This year, I'd like to aim for both. Which I should've said in the original thread, thanks Darkesword for the reminder.
  7. After careful consideration, and basically as much support as I believe it to have, I'm starting up the sophomore effort of An OverClocked Christmas. I believe we had a very successful time with the album last year, and so I'm continuing it this year with Volume 2. I honestly hope for this to become a yearly tradition, whether or not I'm the one running the project. I think it's a lot of fun, and enjoyable to work on this style of mini-album. So, here we go! What kind of songs for this album? Well, last year was strictly Christmas songs. This year, I'd like to mix it up a bit (thanks to Darkesword, who helped me to realize, this needed clarification). This year's entry can also include remixes from video games as well as traditional, and not so traditional Christmas music (for example, last year we had a track from the movie The Snowman). Addendum: If you would also like to write an original Christmas-y or otherwise wintery song that signifies the season, that is fine as well. First WIP Deadline: Sunday, December 14 by 11:59pm (updated) Second and Final WIP Deadline: Monday, December 22 by 11:59pm. Album release: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 Because of the popularity of last year's album, I'm not going truly theme it. I'd like to see mixes of many different styles. In the end, it's really up to the remixer what he or she would like to do. I definitely encourage you to mix it up a bit, and enjoy yourselves. Hosting I will once again be hosting the album, and I must of course stress that it is not an OverClocked Remix album. So let's get that out of the way. A web site will be created for the album, and I will be responsible for uploading the project proper. Contacting Me You can, of course, PM me here on the forums, and you are definitely welcome to email me at my GMail account, and that is: dyne2057@gmail.com. If you are submitting your first WIP, simply link it to me and a PM or e-mail, or send the file via my GMail address. Questions? If you have any questions, you can always feel free to ask me anything you'd like about the project. Just send your questions to me via the forums, it's probably easier to get me that way. Please post here in the thread if you're joining the project, it's open to anyone and everyone. Resources I was using Google to see if I could find a web site that has Christmas sheet music. Well, so far, I've found one, and it looks pretty good, so, here's the link to it, I'll add more if I find anything worthwhile. http://christmassongbook.net/ Final Project The album is nearing completion, at this point, I'm only waiting on album art, provided by the gracious TheCoop. I want to thank everyone who was involved with the album, even though who couldn't finish for the final release. I appreciate your efforts, this year, as I did last year. This album is really all about the community, and celebrating the season itself, and its meaning of giving. As far as I am concerned, I have a lot of love for this community, its remixers/composers, forum goers, and others. I am appreciative of all the time that I have spent here, especially chatting it up with friends in the IRC channel, and as well as all of the meetups and conventions/fests I've been to where I've had the priviledge of hanging out with many people. This project will be hosted on my own web space, and provided to you in mp3 format. I'm sorry there won't be any FLAC or WAV formats because, well, I think the musicians have done more than their fair share on this project given that they only had a few weeks to work on it. I promise, next year we'll have at least two and a half or more months to work on the project. Still, despite the short amount of time given, the tracks on this album are quite awesome, and I'm hopeful that you will all enjoy them. Thanks again to everyone, and Merry Christmas!
  8. It's settled then. I shall create the actual thread momentarily.
  9. Dyne


    You've found him out BGC, now he'll never post here again.
  10. I was debating doing "An Overclocked Christmas: Volume 2" this year, except instead of traditional Christmas remixes, I was thinking about going with more "snowy, wintery" kind of tracks from some of our favorite games. An example would be Blizzard Buffalo's theme from Mega Man X3. If anyone is open to this idea, I'll get a thread put up. But I would like to remind everyone that An Overclocked Christmas was NOT, and I can't stress this enough, NOT an official album from OverClocked Remix. It was just something put together in like 3 weeks time thanks to some very dedicated artists.
  11. Retro Remixes. Sometimes, it really does pay to go back to the past and review the works of old to enlighten the works of the new. So for as short as it is, the choice of instrumentation is rather interesting. I'm not really digging the "lead" instrument. I think it could've been a bit better. But I do like that little high pitched arpeggiator in the background though, I think it's just a neat little device. I think there's more that could've been done with this track, maybe fleshed out a bit more, but since this was back in 2001, I think I can give it the thumbs up since a lot of Remixers didn't have the gear then that they have now. That's just my two cents though.
  12. They rick rolled the Macy's Parade? Oh snap... I missed that. In case you missed it, here's the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMwO9PX4_7c
  13. Jose had to have pulled a lot of OT on the soundtrack. His work is incredible as always. Listening to his track from the game, I had to pull out Blood on the Asphalt just so I could listen to Spittin' Narcissism. I really enjoyed sixto's tracks as well. This is definitely going on a CD and into my car so I can jam up and down the highways.
  14. Excellent choice in using HQ MP3s, as well as FLAC. I'm sure pretty much everyone will be happy (save for those who don't like FLAC, but let's not go there, this is a happy thread). The music is EXCELLENT. I'm listening to the soundtrack as I'm typing this, and I have to say, everything is finely tuned. I've also downloaded the game on XBL, and I have to say it looks good too (though I've been hearing about a few minor issues, slight complaints, but otherwise, the game is much fun, I'm looking forward to some online matches). Anyway, I've heard Blood on the Asphault, and it's a super album, it really is, but compared to the soundtrack, well, honestly, I think the soundtrack really blows it away. I don't know, nor care, how many people agree with me. If you've actually taken the time to listen to it, you cannot deny how well put together it is. There's plenty of texture to go around, and you can really feel the flow of the music itself. It all really jives is what I'm saying. Anyway, before I make myself look too much like I'm kissing up on ya'll, I'll say great job, and I look forward to more projects like this in the future. You've officially set a new standard.
  15. I hate to say it, but no matter how you slice it, or encode it, as is the case, you're ALWAYS going to have this argument. I think it would be best at this point to just encode to a standard set of lossless and lossy formats making it uniform, and thereby avoiding the complaints, because everyone gets what they want. So in my opinion, do 192k MP3, FLAC and WAV, and let everyone sort themselves out. I would suggest though that WAV be a seperate torrent, because it will be the biggest. In fact, it would probably be a lot easier to just have three seperate torrents, one wav, one MP3 and one FLAC. As much as some might be bothered by that, it's probably the only viable solution at this point. Or at the very least, people would stop bitching because "OMG, MP3 LOLZ" or "OMG, THEY DIDN'T DO FLAC, THOSE ASSHATS ROFL". If none of that's plausible, I'll take mine in MP3 then please. XD
  16. "Significant changes" eh? Sounds interesting. How significant is significant though? Well, I'm sure, as usual, it'll be just fine. I'd be interested in seeing what the OCR Cards look like. I honestly can't wait to see what becomes of that.
  17. What about the different sizes of these formats? What happens when you do an MP3/WAV release as opposed to an MP3/FLAC release? What's the difference going to be in terms of bandwidth used? I honestly want 192kbps MP3 for myself, but I'm sure others definitely want lossless formats. But my concern is the bandwidth itself, because I'm sure there's going to be a huge demand for the album.
  18. Decided to sit down and give the Kingdom Hearts soundtrack a listen, and well, I think I've come up with a short list of requests for anyone willing to take up the challenge. So, here they are, in no particular order of preference: Dearly Beloved Dive into the Heart - Destati Night of Fate Kairi I and II I personally like those, and think they're definitely remixable. So go for it if you'd like to! Oh, and here's the link to the proper section of VG Music in case you happen to need the midis for these songs: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/sony/ps2/index-gr.html
  19. Are you going to plan a Christmas Meetup? If so, I might have to tag along for that one, though I would like to travel with someone from Philly to NYC. I don't relish the idea of going it alone to NYC. I wouldn't know where the heck I'm going. Also, I might be going as well. I just need to find someone to go with me.
  20. I haven't played Risk in a long time. I really would like to play it again, I just don't have anyone that would play it with me.
  21. I saw three achievement announces yesterday for Level 80 on Illidan. Also, I should note that it was Alliance that had the first Level 80. Horde was not far behind. And there was a third person to hit 80 as well. The first two had both racial achievements for hitting 80.
  22. Oh wow! Congratulations to you two! I saw your MySpace profile, you two are a lovely couple. I sincerely wish you happiness!
  23. Well, I've been playing again, so here's my characters. Illidan / Dyne / Krometicus / Blood Elf / Paladin Illidan / Dyne / Kahnna / Blood Elf / Hunter Illidan / Dyne / Rencuras / Tauren / Druid Illidan / Dyne / Mercurias / Blood Elf / Warlock My paladin is my main character, and my highest leveled character. I'm still below level 10 for my other characters, but that's going to change in time. Yes yes, I do have a thing for Blood Elves, whatever.
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