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Everything posted by Dyne

  1. I believe it is a civil rights case. Part of this Agreement is the ability of the government to force ISPs to give up confidential information to them. They can then turn around and use that information and selectively target those they find to have accessed so-deemed "illegal files". But where does it stop after that? So they do this, and they come to your home, no warrant, just probable cause. The Fourth Amendment says that they have to have both a warrant and probable cause before they can search your home and seize property. In this case, they'd have only one piece of the puzzle. That would make it unconstitutional. Also, it's not a life or death situation. Unlike what the article said, which I will quote here for clarity: Honestly, "threaten U.S. jobs and economic growth"? And how are developing countries affected by this? There's so much turmoil in places like Darfur, Tibet, parts of Africa and the Middle East right now. At what point does this even factor into their economies? Some of those countries are either at unrest or at war. I'm sorry, but I feel that some of what was said in that article was exaggerated. I can understand the underlying affect it has on the Music Industry itself. And maybe even the impact it has on artists. And whether you believe me or not, I do believe in copyright law, I do believe in the artists, I just don't believe in the Music Industry to do what's right for the people they say they support. As far as I'm concerned, the four labels involved in the RIAA are no better than the big oil companies turning record profits at the expense of the people. Yeah, I'll admit, I have done my own share. However, I have since reconsidered on what I was doing, and now I get my music from iTunes, as lame as that's going to sound to a lot of people. And I really don't give a damn if you poke at me for it. That's the truth. I honestly want to hear from the artists in the industry to see what their stories. I would lay odds that some of our own artists here could even share their knowledge of the "generosity" of the industry itself, and what the RIAA truly represents. I still stand by my argument that this ATCA is going to violate rights, and is therefore unconstitutional and against the law. Do I feel that intellectual rights should be protected and respected, yes, I do. Do I feel this is the way to do it, no I don't. The way they're talking, if any one part screws it up, they could be in for stiffer trade issues. I want to know what the penalties are for failure to comply with this agreement. In the long run, all of these countries, specifically their people, could suffer. Not just in rights, but also financially. How so financially I'll let you figure out.
  2. And now you sound like bluefox. Get off your high horse, you damn dreg. I agree with this statement. It's the point I was trying to make, but couldn't quite articulate a well a Bahamut here.
  3. Something else I'd like to add to my previous statement. In the wikileaks article, there is a section about "ISP cooperation". It states the following: So, explain to me how this wouldn't lead to home searches. Because in truth, if they go through the records from the ISP and find discrepencies, the first thing they're going to do is search your home because they'll have everything from your name and address to your social security number. Tell me this is not a violation of the search and seizure annotation from the Fourth Amendment. They need probable clause, yes, and they basically have it at this point, what they don't have is the warrant. And that's the part that violates the Fourth Amendment, and makes the entire trade agreement ILLEGAL. Oh, and in case you haven't been paying attention, the last eight years of the current Administration have not exactly been kind to the poor and middle-class of this country, I don't care how much the politicians stretch the truth on that, "the proof is in the pudding" as some wise person once said.
  4. First of all, look at the RIAA. Exactly what part of that organization is about the artists and protecting their property as much as it's about them making sure the labels make their money? And aren't they in hot water over their activities of late? Also, you make a very broad assumption that everyone in this thread has somehow download illegal music. That being the case, then that would also mean YOU have done so. No, my argument here is that searching through someone's laptop or MP3 player or whatever is basically like inflicting a cavity search on them in an attempt to find drugs that aren't there. Also, I'd like you to tell me how these people are supposed to know what songs were bought on iTunes and what songs are illegal. What if I have music that I ripped from one of the CDs I have that I bought at Best Buy or FYE or whatever? Are those copyright infringement? That's fair use, is it not? You have this habit of coming into a thread and attempting to sound all high and might, as if you know something, and you're starting to remind me of someone. You really need to get off that high horse that lets you think you know everything, or know what everyone does or does not do, and come back to reality. And when you can actually confirm for a fact, FOR A FACT, that everyone in this thread has done something illegal, you let me know, and maybe then I'll concede your point. But it's not likely.
  5. Wow...just wow... You want to talk about an epic of human emotion and survival instinct. This is it. It runs the gamut of the perils and pitfalls. A masterstroke.
  6. Even so, this is how it starts. First "illegal" materials found either on DVDs or in laptops/mp3 players/etc... Then it goes from there and grows into "hey, we're doing this at airports and borders, let's start doing this in our own backyards." And then it really becomes the issue of civil rights and privacy vs. big government checking up on its own citizens when it could be out hunting down the real criminals either on the streets of America, or over seas as they're so apt to do these days.
  7. The fact remains that if they pass this, they've basically opened the door to search and seizure practices that are Constitutionally illegal. On top of that, if they search your home under this new "Trade Agreement", and they find something else that they've already deemed illegal, they can take that while they're at it. I find this disturbing. What's even more disturbing is that there's no response to it from anyone yet, I think it's being kept as far under wraps as possible. Also, if you've read the Wiki on it, the fact that it's "outside international institutions" really raises the red flag for me. That pretty much screams "outside international law" to me. I think we need to get a movement going against this. The time has come for our leaders to stop taking away our basic civil rights. I'm not saying I agree with piracy, I don't agree with it, I think it's wrong. At the same time, I don't believe that searching people at random is going to yield the results they say they're after, if anything, it's basically designed to put people in fear of being searched, whether you're guilty or not.
  8. I've played with the God of Fiery Death. His name is DarkeSword, and he wields a mean flame thrower/shotgun combo.
  9. It's gon' raaaain..... Rain awesome that is! I'm looking forward to this. I can tell by the sample that this is going to be an excellent album. (I'm especially looking forward to listening to it in my car.)
  10. Now that all of you are no longer judges, I totally expect remix submissions, en masse. Immediately. Okay, maybe not immediately, but in the next sixty seconds would be just fine. Thanks for serving the community in an excellent fashion!
  11. For me it really depends on everyone else, I'll go with the flow, but in the case of casting a vote, I'm voting for the apartment in Philly only because it's in town. If everyone else decides to go to Kroze's, I'm cool with that.
  12. Yay! No more staying in a hotel! Or a dorm for that matter. Anyways. I'm looking forward to this, I can't wait!
  13. I found a decent hotel in Center City, matter of fact, it's near last year's meet up point. Which is awesome. And it's affordable. So I might do that.
  14. Boy, am I glad I checked the thread. Well, are there any hotels close by in Ardmore? If there are, maybe I'll just stay at one of those friday night, and just print some directions to 30th Street Station. Edit For the sake of my own sanity, if anyone (and by anyone, I do mean you Sporknight) is still able to host, I'd definitely do that as an alternative to a hotel room, but the question is...can you deal with epic snoring the likes of which you've only read about in books or heard about in nightmares???? Okay, it's not THAT bad. Anyway, either way, I'm going to do my best to find a place to stay...somehow.
  15. Anyhow. If you really want to know more about Kontakt and all of the wonderful things it can do max, why not check out their web site. You might find some magical tidbits you didn't know about before.
  16. For some stupid reason, I can't seem to post a comment to the jerk off's YouTube. If anyone can make a comment there, I say go for it. I don't normally condone embarrassing someone, but this guy DESERVES it.
  17. Awesome, parking in the lot. Nice. Just out of idle curiosity, what time do you plan on leaving for 30th Street Station?
  18. I'm there for the whole deal. Maybe I'll bring my acoustic guitar with for when we retire to the apartment. I don't play loud anyways. (Also, if possible, I'd like to park near the apartment like I did for the first Philly Meetup I came to, it's just easier for me so I don't have to worry about remembering where my car is.)
  19. Not nearly as violated as the gentleman whose house was just violated by said 'copped' feel.
  20. I suggest Monday, Wednesday and Friday for 9pm games, and then intermittent games on Saturdays and Sundays. I love playing on the server, but I can't do it every night because I have other things to take care of, but if I could get on when others are on, on specified days, I'd be quite happy, and would enjoy it equally as much.
  21. That would be truly awesome. I'm definitely looking forward to hearing you guys via podcast again. I still have every episode of VGDJ out of nostalgia.
  22. Best I can do on the release is via the Wiki article, which states plainly "Summer 2008". I'll see if I can hunt down more info on it, but don't get your hopes up.
  23. I did a search before making this thread. The main purpose of this thread at this time is to show everyone some screen shots that Capcom has made available for viewing. It's also my hope to expand this thread as it gets closer to the release of the game. So, Capcom has released some awesome screen shots for Super Street Fighter II HD Remix. And let me tell you...they're gorgeous. Also, while we're at it, let's show you HD Akuma in all his badass glory. That's all for now, but stay tuned, I'll be updating as I get information.
  24. Bump, because I'd like to get some more feedback. I currently have four articles up, two of which feature videos, and all of which have links for more info.
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