Not sure about OC's financial status but I think I can at least pimp you out on a decent frigate with best named weapons & modules. I will give you this warning though....
When you're in a system with the fond description of "GET THE POD GET THE POD!!!" you know you're fucked.
Unless of course you are in the same alliance as I am or Author was, in which case its a 50%/50% that you'll be greated by friendly corpmates and alliance members watching over u as you pass on through; or get obliterated back to the stone age. :lol:
What makes the EC-P8R Warp Gate so interesting is that it's one of the few gates (that I know of) that dramatically jumps from the "Space of Law and Concord Protection" to "Who ever is currently camping the gate is the law of the system. There's no gradual "High Security Space" to Low Sec then to 0.0 . Low Sec is technically the wastelands as no one truly controls low sec except for roaming bands of pirates and extortioners that squelch on any deals.
Null sec basically is what it is, empty space unless who ever have sovereignty over the space; be they TCF, Defy, Triumvirate, Kenzoku, The Red Alliance ect. At least in those spaces, if you're a member of their corps, you can fly to a POS (player owned station) and find safety in the shield it provides. This is something not available in low sec at all.