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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Do you ever answer your email? :-)

  2. Nice sound here, Morgan. While the multi-tracking was a bit loose at times, this piece was not without skill and charm throughout. The structure of the source was obviously maintained here, which means it's arguably a bit repetitive. That said, the variations and trade-offs between original countermelodic writing and doubling the melody coupled with the personalized live performance put this on solid ground for me. While the theme itself repeats, nothing was cut-and-pasted repeated. A good example, IMO, of a short-and-sweet cover that's personalized enough to get the nod. Some further development in the form of melodic variations or weaving in wholly original sections would have made this a much easier sell, and this falling under just 2 minutes may make some people double take. But successful arrangements come in all shapes and sizes. Not the strongest YES in the world, but it gets it done enough. YES
  3. If this passed and the source files were available, we would need an MP3 (not M4A) with 192kbps or VBR1 encoding - LT CONTACT INFORMATION: ReRemixer Name: Greyvoice Real Name: Morgan Mills Email Address: SUBMISSION INFORMATION: Name of Game: Super Mario 64 Name of Arrangement: "Welcome 64" Name of Song: Super Mario 64 Select File http://ocremix.org/song/1029 -There's something infectiously hopeful and welcoming about this particular song. It seems to say a lot of things, despite its brevity. I wanted to do a rendition of it on the ultimate nostalgic instrument, the acoustic guitar (with a hint of mandolin). Hope you enjoy. -------------------------------------------
  4. Hahaha, I see how you were attempting to call this a "Funky's Fugue" arrangement, but the melody's VERY distinct on that and you've changed it to the point where it's not actually a VGM arrangement but an original piece with rhythmic similarities. Yeah, I grew up on DKC and love it, but I agree with Vig that the change to the melodic progression of "Funky's Fugue" rendered this attempt at interpretation as too original to count ANY of it, IMO. However, though I didn't stopwatch this, the "Aquatic Ambiance" usage was recognizable enough that I wouldn't necessarily call this too liberal of an arrangement; there was certainly some substantial, overt VGM usage in the second half. The mixing was off; definitely VERY muddy like OA & Vig pointed out. It was pretty bad/poor the whole way through; the mixing was even worse from 1:49-on. Let me be very clear though, the writing and instrumentation was cool, it was only the mixing that was a problem. Oof, the choir brought in at 2:17 definitely had slow attacks and otherwise sound super fake with the note transitions. AH, there's "Aquatic Ambiance" at 2:44 to finally bring in an overt usage of DKC music. The use of the sax at 3:13 was good in principle, although the sequencing clearly exposed how fake the sample was despite the effects in place. I hate to say it, but the fakeness of the sax sequencing was kind of brutal; it's just way too exposed. Also, the tick-tick-tick-tick of the beats was too loud and upfront; pull that back some. The writing wasn't bad at all, but the muddiness and imbalance among the parts was a large mess; 4:07-5:01 was a glaring example of the imbalance with how the sax "lead" was swallowed up by the bassline, beats and chiptune-ish pattern. Rough stuff with the choir returning at 5:01, again with the super laggy attacks and overall unrealistic sound. There were a lot of cool writing ideas in place, Clint, so the arrangement side wasn't the weak point. But the (really) poor mixing killed this dead, and the weaker aspects of the sequencing added to the issues preventing this from having a chance as passing. I hate to pile on, but I don't think I've heard something this poorly mixed and disparate compared to the arrangement potential in a long time, which was a shame. It's a decent premise with potential that's nowhere near being realized. You've really got to compare the mixing and production of this song to other music in the same vein that you like, Clint, and really focus on achieving a cleaner, more polished & balanced sound. NO
  5. This opened up very similar to the original, only going for more intensity once the beats came in. Whoa... the padding at :16 absolutely swamped the string lead and everything else. It's a cool idea; unfortunately, the soundscape is just massively imbalanced. :34 moved into more of an electro feel; the lead synth there was grating and and needed a sharper, more focused sound (if that makes sense). That said, I do like the personalization employed here, even if the countermelodic writing was a bit swampy. Cool clearing of the soundscape at 1:26 leading into the source chorus. The energy escalated again at 1:44, showcasing some relatively basic but solid dynamic changes. Again, the verse at 2:01 sounded kind of flooded with the way the lead was processed, but it was serviceable. Really odd (read: briefly messed up) rhythmic variation around 2:26 that could stand to be tweaked. The arrangement was relatively straightforward as far as the treatment of the source's structure, and I thought the sound design was on the vanilla side with the more electronic side of this, which I honestly didn't like and though undermined the quality of the arrangement. Still, this arrangement had the fundamentals down as far as personalizing the sound and building an engaging enough interpretation. Much of the melody :31-1:27 & 2:00-3:08 was bordering on abrasive, IMO, and needed to be toned down, and I could see NOing this on needing more effectively dynamic contrast and more creative synth design. I'm on the borderline, and it's not even really my cup of tea, but I felt the original supporting writing in particular during the melody was smartly written. Even during the bridge, there was subtle but well-handled original writing underneath the source melody that pieced together with the melody well. There's room for improvement on the production side, and the volume actually hurt this, but why make the perfect the enemy of the good here? I can (barely) go in favor of it. If this doesn't make it as is, that's OK, Benjamin, then work to improve the production and send it back. You need a 192kbps or VBR1 encoding anyway, which would help improve the sound quality (just) a touch. YES (dancing on the borderline)
  6. Favorite musical memory? Probably Coldplay's Parachutes. Super emo depressing stuff given my mindset at the time, but I loved every song on it. Not as much of a fan of their pop stuff (I still like it though), but Parachutes is a sweet album.
  7. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  8. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  9. Lyrai, I'm definitely NOT above trolling right back , but oftentimes when encountering douchey/accusatory/bad faith comments, it's just better to distill the nonsense away and just address the perceived problem rather than be hung up about the tone. Sometimes the tone is caused solely just because of a misunderstanding. Better to give folks one chance to either soften the tone OR double down. Also, Nabeel, calm down. e-Teeth gnashing (CAPS CAPS CAPS) is unnecessary (and dumb).
  10. Does this work? https://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/for-everlasting-peace-25-years/id734078834
  11. Our next commercial album will be 900 tracks to get every ReMixer in. Cost: $449.99.
  12. That's indeed the deal. They asked us to create it, so we did. Thanks for asking about this on OCR Talkback last night too. We're region-restricted on where we can sell the album, so we unfortunately can't use Bandcamp since there's 0 region restriction. That said, thanks so much for the kind words and the support!
  13. http://youtu.be/UyECSUblIJA We're on LIVE talking about Mega Man 25 album!
  14. We were approached BY Capcom with this concept and they wanted to promote it, so that's why it ended up happening. Without Capcom, this just wouldn't exist. Are we making a mint off this, or did I not get the memo? Seriously, thanks for donating in the past. I'm curious as to what you think this album specifically is a harbinger of? I can't speak for djp, but I think the way we handled this IS within the spirit of the site in the sense that our only commercial album is fully licensed and endorsed by the copyright holder, unlike well... most other fan-made VGM arrangement albums being sold with no license or sketchy licensing. If we wanted to sell out our ethics, we could and would have easily done that a long time ago. Also, gotta love ANYTHING involving an iota of commercialism equaling "SELLING OUT, THEY SOLD OUT!" Why would we do that and piss everyone off? Some people can't help but be cynical about this album being commercial, and I understand, since they're not privy to the process. That said, you'd think karma-wise that we've shown we're not about commercialism, and that we're not rubbing our hands in commercialism and greediness.
  15. Oof. :'-( http://nerdapalooza.org/2013/10/28/see-space-cowboy/
  16. Searching ReMixes for "Wind Waker" works just fine: http://ocremix.org/quicksearch/remix/?qs_query=Wind+Waker We can look into it for (way) down the line, but the search tool isn't Google, in that it's not designed to offer results for misspellings, not using spaces, or using commas instead of colons, that kind of thing. It offers results for many alternates like abbreviations ("FF" for Final Fantasy, "MM" for Mega Man), but it has to make sense. If we're missing legitimate alternate or abbreviated names for a game and a search doesn't work, definitely offer it up and we can fix it. Also, maybe I'm not clear on what you meant, but if you click the word "mixes" under the search box, that will return specific ReMix results instead of just games.
  17. The forum software has some way it determines that, but it should stop once you've got a larger history of forum posts.
  18. WE BE LIVE, djpretzel, DragonAvenger, DusK, Flexstyle, Jose & Larry!
  19. No, it's not. As long as the arrangement displays enough interpretation, it can follow the structure of the original song to a T. I know you meant to convey that, but that wasn't clear based on the sentence I quoted.
  20. We've got another show tonight at 9PM Eastern time! So far, it'll just be me and possibly Flexstyle. If any other staff show up, that's cool, but I'm also 100% cool with some ReMixers coming onto the show tonight if you're down. If anyone has questions in advance for tonight, post 'em!
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