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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. So I'm right, it was over the top. And while you're claiming you two are bros for life, I can confirm he DIDN'T like it. Thus, I'm here. Maybe you need to fix it with him. Pick the words more carefully next time. You can and should go back to the actual topic, but seriously, tapdancing on Wii U's grave right now is stupid and immature and douchey AND (most importantly) premature. It's never about the opinion, it's how you convey the opinion. If you want to talk about PS4 being poised to dominate Wii U, we don't need to descend into GameFAQs territory and troll other platforms for "sucking." We're not the place for that, which you know. Just stick to the substance of the argument and you should be fine.
  2. Do I really have to step in and tell you that -- just to make a play on words -- you made a needless, stupid, over-the-top comment about a poster's nature of birth in a thread about a fucking video game system? Stop being an immature douche in this thread. You need to de-doucherize.
  3. The premise and the trombone performances were both cool. The performance could have been tighter but it was above the bar for what we're looking for, IMO, so that was good. I liked the soloing ideas over CV3's "Demon Seed" particularly from 4:03-4:53. Many of the transitions (e.g. 1:10, 2:18, 4:53, 5:49) were too abrupt and made the medley incohesive; for the standards here, medleys should basically flow like a single track. Obviously, a few jumpy, disjointed transitions can happen, but there were too many here. Obviously, this is meant to be a subdued piece with the focus on the leads. That said, the textures ended up sparse and the backing instrumentation doesn't really fill things out enough. Dynamically, this was pretty flat; no matter the source tune or rhythms, the energy level settled at middle of the road and stayed there. It's interesting, but too flat over the long haul, IMO. The other Js can let me know if I'm being a grandpa; I like smoother jazz, I'm not against this style, I just don't think the soundscape is filled out enough, that the transitions are smooth, or that it's dynamic enough of a piece over the course of the 8 minutes. It can't easily be redone due to it being live and needing to assemble everyone, which is a shame, but that can't affect the vote. NO
  4. Remixer name: The LoBros Real Name: Christian Lopez Email: Userid: 51503 Submission- Name of Game(s) Remixed: Primarily Castlevania 3 (Akumajou Densetsu), also Circle of the Moon (for Game Boy Advance), and also a brief quote from Castlevania 2. Name of Arrangement: Castellum Ossium Names of songs arranged: In order- 1. Evergreen 2. Beginning - A brief quote of Bloody Tears (Castlevania 2) in Brian's (Sax) transition into... 3. Demon Seed (C Minor Solo Section) 4. VK2K2 (Vampire Killer 2002 from Castlevania Circle of the Moon for Game Boy Advance) 5. Clockwork (Arrangement inspired version also from Circle of the Moon) 6. VK2K2 7. Beginning 8. Evergreen Info regarding arrangement: Hello OC Remix community! Long time listener, first time submitter... Castellum Ossium (We just call it "Castlevania") is a studio-produced recording which appears on the newest LoBros (Christian and Salvador Lopez, yes brothers, and yes we both play trombone) album entitled Photo Booth Time Machine. I arranged the piece and it was debuted on mine and my brother's recital at the University of Arizona in 2008, and it wasn't until we decided to record an album that we decided to dust off the cobwebs and throw it down in the studio. I chose to arrange Castlevania due to its neo-classical/neo-baroque compositional style, which I thought would be easy to turn into a medley, plus it is badass music. The arrangement features some of Tucson, AZ's finest musicians including Salvador Lopez (Tenor Trombones), Christian Lopez (Bass Trombone, Arranger, Producer), Brian Hicks (Alto and Soprano Saxophones), Daniel Mendoza (Bass Guitar), and last-but-not-least Adam Ackermann (Drum Set). Hope you enjoy it! --------------------------------------- - "Evergreen" - "Beginning" - "Demon Seed" - "VK2K2" (it's actually from Harmony of Dissonance, not Circle of the Moon; both soundtracks are on the same physical OST release) - "Clockwork" (Circle of the Moon)
  5. Donkey Kong Country, thanks to being able to listen to the music when you paused.
  6. In before day change in Tejas! [sic] BIRFDAY! SIXTO! YOU ROCK THE EARF! \m/
  7. More than you're worth. EDIT: Seriously, don't threadbreak.
  8. I wasn't bothered by the piano and felt the delay on it gave it enough airyness and presence to downplay the timing being rigid. I felt the drums at 2:46 were a weak point and thought something softer but with more bite and a less muddy sound could have worked better. The melodic variations were also a bit awkward on the first listen, but it was fine; certainly nothing that harmed the mix in any meaningful way. Really nice cameo solo by VikingGuitar as well; welcome aboard, Erik! The soundscape was a little too muddy for my tastes, but certainly nothing that was a big deal. Meanwhile, the arrangement was handled beautifully. Nice ending as well. There's room for further polish and cohesiveness, but only by a little. More quality from Chris, plus Erik with the assist! YES
  9. That's definitely where I fell on this one. The piano had some issues, yes, but the arrangement and overall sophistication carried it. This was a good example of following the structure of a source tune closely, but working to present one's own spin on it by forgoing the driving beats, adding good original writing ideas and employing clever tradeoffs with the S&K "Lava Reef" theme. I'm super late to the party with my vote, but I'm still glad I arrived in time to enjoy the show. YES
  10. We already account for this in the submissions standards, exactly because of situations like this:
  11. It's all pretty much open spaces and the buildings are mostly immediately adjacent to one another, with businesses and restaurants all around. You pretty much HAVE to drive there/be there on purpose as the area's way down what's essentially a private road. It's a pretty upscale environment. You know it.
  12. Yeah, that's a known issue with how games on similar platforms work. Need some extra coders. I haven't forgotten this, though it'll be a while before it's all fixed, since I want to carefully go through these. Once the systems are corrected in the actual mix tags in the next torrent update, then I can focus on working with djp to correct the database. Interesting idea. This likely wouldn't happen for years, but I'll at least give things a look as far as matching up characters to games. If djp ever has free time to code something like this, maybe it could happen. Not likely, but I like the idea. Good catch. Fixed.
  13. I have rated! If you heard the album, definitely drop some review & 5-star action its way!
  14. Interesting opening. The drum writing was OK, but sounded pretty empty; the pattern was also too repetitive during the verses. Meanwhile the guitar was also too dry and the performance was on the stiff side. Interesting usage of the bells to accent things; good stuff there. The piano sound and sequencing was solid as well. In general, I'm feeling the arrangement, but both the percussion and electric guitar sounding dry and stiff ended up underming the personalized arrangement ideas a bit. It's not incompetantly performed or anything like that, but I'd argue that on balance it doesn't quite flow smoothly enough. You need some padding in the background to glue the elements together in the soundscape; in particular the guitar sounded stapled on top of everything instead of sitting within a larger soundscape. I'm very familiar with this theme and how it's structured, and I'd also say that while this was a good cover with personalization, but there could be some additional dynamic contrast. There's definitely some subtle up and downs (much like the source), but the guitar lead combined with the drums during the verses ends up sounding too similar in the overall tone and energy after a while with no other instrumentation really evolving around it. You could take some of the other ideas you had outside of those sections and apply similar ideas during different iterations of the main melody and chorus. Promising stuff so far, Jeremy. NO
  15. ReMixer name: thejeremymenace Website: soundcloud.com/thejeremymenace thejeremymenace.bandcamp.com Name of game arranged: Streets of Rage Name of arrangement: Glass Knuckles Name of song arranged: The Streets of Rage --------------------------------
  16. It's so good (and so needed), I added it to the FAQ. http://ocremix.org/info/Frequently_Asked_Questions#Super-pedantic_OCR_Style_Guide
  17. I refuse to pop in! (i.e. I have made contact!)
  18. It's automated based on whatever parameters vBulletin uses to flag potential stuff. I check through them every few hours and approve the non-spam. I don't quite get its selection process either, but just be patient.
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