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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. All of Ailsean's arrangements are at http://ailsean.net/category/music/game-covers/ - You can verify if what you're thinking of is his or not.
  2. There was nothing set like that at any time on the forums. You just forgot your log-in information, noob. All the accounts were still there and could have been logged into at any time, so don't blame us for your n00bery. Shariq's wrong. We did do a 1-time purge of accounts with 0 posts that hadn't logged in for something like over 12 or 18 months. It may have been before a forum migration. That was sometime around like 2006 or 2007, IIRC, but we've definitely done it before. That said, I merged all of Brandon's old accounts personally, so I know for a fact they were there.
  3. The stilted sound was entirely on purpose, but I've gotta agree with OA that something sounded off on the first listen when the piece picked up at :20. That said, I listened several more times, and I think that "issue" was more stylistic taste than anything wrong with the piece. Subjectively, I would have preferred a smoother flow, and the crits about things not fully locking together at times aren't wrong, but you get more used to this as you listen to it more, and the overall construction, arrangement and performance was above the bar for me. The ending jingle at 2:26 didn't have to be as forcefully performed as in the original, but it was just WAY too flat of a finish after that lengthy build at 2:18. That gimpy synth line didn't have the power implied in the buildup. So, a weak finish, but otherwise it's a good, short and sweet extension of the :24-second long source and personalized it well. Being put off by the rhythms is definitely understandable, but felt like a more subjective crit on loosening it up rather than anything harming the piece enough to pull it below the bar. A little quirkiness never bothered me. Don't let it bother you. Let's go. YES
  4. It's fine. 'The Elemental Stars' is a source tune used in that arrangement, while the arrangement is primarily of LoZ:ALttP music, and we can only assign a ReMix one game in the database. http://ocremix.org/game/433/golden-sun-gba/remixes
  5. OC ReMix Presents Bionic Commando ReMixed: OK, We'll Groove! October 22, 2013 Contact: press@ocremix.org FAIRFAX, VA...OverClocked ReMix today released its 44th arrangement album, Bionic Commando ReMixed: OK, We'll Groove. The album features 12 artists producing 12 arrangements in a variety of styles based on Capcom's 8-bit grappling hook platformer Bionic Commando, released in 1988 for the NES with music composed by Harumi Fujita and Junko Tamiya. OK, We'll Groove is available for free download at http://bionic.ocremix.org. This album was produced to help promote the music of Bionic Commando, was made by fans, for fans, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Capcom; all original compositions are copyright their respective owners. "I stepped in to help finish the album on October 31st, 2012, when it was announced that the project may face cancellation. I did NOT want that to happen!" said Brandon Strader, who coordinated the album towards its conclusion. "I hope you will find, like I did, that the music created by these talented and dedicated individuals was worth fighting hard for. The love for this great game felt by these artists is admirable, and has created a memorable album. We hope you enjoy it!" OK, We'll Groove is OC ReMix's third album organized by Brandon Strader. Strader is currently directing albums honoring the NES installments of Final Fantasy II and III, directorial sequels to his 2012 album, Final Fantasy: Random Encounter. About OverClocked ReMix Founded in 1999, OverClocked ReMix is an organization dedicated to the appreciation and promotion of video game music as an art form. Its primary focus is ocremix.org, a website featuring thousands of free fan arrangements, information on game music and composers, resources for aspiring artists, and a thriving community of video game music fans. ### Preview it: Download it: http://bionic.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Bionic_Commando_ReMixed_-_OK,_We'll_Groove.torrent Comments/Reviews: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=45237
  6. It means the system is worried it could possibly be spam, so it flags it for moderator approval first. The message wasn't spam though, so I approved it, and the friendly post is now fully visible on your wall.
  7. No need to overthink it. If we see something questionable, which would be rare (and hasn't really happened yet), we'll talk it over among the staff and djpretzel can make the call. Star Salzman's "STFU" almost got to that point re: taste as opposed to anything hateful, but it was a joke mix (so he wasn't trying hard) and the arrangement ended up being below the bar anyway, so it was a moot point then.
  8. No hate speech. Obviously. The question came up because the OP wasn't sure if an arrangement that contained Christian-oriented lyrics would be too controversial to post. That said, it's not. You're certainly free to ignore any mix you don't like though. EDIT: Politics, Philosophy & Religion forum. It's OK to talk about religion.
  9. Mega-atheist here. Raised Christian, don't hate it, just flatly don't believe in it. Also in charge of the submissions evaluation process. 1a) We've not had any overtly Christian music submitted. 1b) This bums us out, along with no reggae, no country, and no live accordion submissions. 1c) We're 100% cool with Christian-oriented VGM arrangements being submitted here. Genre controversy isn't something we care about. If we were that sensitive, we'd automatically reject all vocal, hip hop, metal and dubstep arrangements, i.e. the ones guaranteed to get hate from some closed-minded/outspokenly douchey segment of listeners. 1d) If it passes the arrangement and production bar, we'll post it. The genre doesn't matter. Send it. Also, why is this in Off Topic? While there's the religious slant, it's about site rules. Welcome to Community. Enjoy your stay. Anyone chiming in with irrelevant anti-Christian stuff because they don't want to help offer suggestions to this proposed arrangement will get dealt with. I don't recall saying that, but it's a cool idea nonetheless. True. That's exactly how the site functions now. Fear. We're definitely scared to offend anyone. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00209/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00349/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01125/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01678/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01865/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01923/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02071/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02286/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02752/
  10. Sometimes, there's no update other than date. But we be votin'. As for that GIF, no.
  11. Just PMed Dustin for an additional breakdown. We'll see what further info we get back. EDIT: Heard back today. Hey Larry, Yea - he's got it right for the most part, its just an electronic take on the original - The electronic flute parts that start up in the 2nd half are completely original parts, just seeing how far I could push the original source material. The electronic/chippy sounding lead that comes in at 2:03 is loosely based around the original lead, but I play with it so much, its pretty hard to tell. If its too different, I understand.
  12. Like a fine wine, this is one I appreciate more with age. Excellent, creative arrangement!
  13. Almost a decade since the last Ico mix, and definitely a decade since this theme was arranged. Nice work from all of OCU on this, and notMe for providing ideas and inspiration from his older arrangement [which was sweeeeet, he should still tweak it. :'-( ].
  14. The soundscape was just a bit too murky when the padding was in play (mostly choruses), but it was OK. I also disagreed with Deia about the balance. Consider increasing the volume of the leads a bit. Though the balance was definitely not a dealbreaker, I don't see why the foreground writing didn't cut through more throughout the piece. Even if it's meant to blend in more with the other elements, the leads were surprisingly too quiet, which undermined the energy of the composition some. Minor thing, but something at 2:51 added audible hiss that abruptly dropped out at 2:58 (along with a light pop at 2:55). Again, no big deal, but just keep an ear out for small issues that you'd rather not have in the final render. Aside from feeling the lead guitars were comparatively too quiet to everything else, this was solid. Like Deia and OA said, great personalization and energy here in the arrangement! YES
  15. No problem, I'll take the blame. DIRECT YOUR TOMATOES HERE! -----> What about "Special Thanks", "Inspired by" or something along these lines to credit "OC ReMix Community Members" that better acknowledges the role and the impact you're trying to convey?
  16. I'll also say, that kind of director credit makes no sense and looked like a placeholder more than anything else, which is why I went "huh?" when I saw it. There's a director who coordinated; there aren't 12 directors or no director. Anyway, it's not conspiratorial; it amounted to "OC ReMix Community Members? As the directors? That doesn't make sense... Who actually coordinated it? Brandon Strader? Right, I remember. OK, Brandon." I get what you're going for, Brandon, but it's not the first album picked up from a different creator/director and calling the community the directors isn't accurate, otherwise every album would credit "OC ReMix Community Members" as group directors. Crediting a different entity is almost like Alan Smithee-ing the credit. Besides, you earned the director credit, that's literally the role you performed. In any case, it's not that deep, and I'm certainly not mad, but that has to be said because 1) emotion's not conveyed in text, and 2) Brandon always assumes the worst.
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