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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Happy birthday from The Lady and myself to Karl with a K! Except The Lady hates you now. White men, even 8-ft tall ones like yourself, just don't measure up to brown stallions such as myself.
  2. u r yung, kid! Give it another decade or two! Happy birthday!
  3. http://project2612.org/download.php?id=61 - IceCap Zone 1 Opened up decently enough, though not much was happening. Some boring beats and cheesy spoken word stuff showed up at :27, followed by the verbatim IceCap melody on piano at :41. Some boom-tss added at :55 along with drums at 1:15, but the textures just ended up sounding very basic and generic. Dropoff at 1:32 allowed the piano to sound more crystalline via some added effects, but the melody was still uninterpretive despite the lead changing to the electrosynth, followed some generic gating of the melody at 2:16. The whole approach ends up pretty cookie cutter with the sound choices and ideas for adapting the IceCap melody to the genre. The arrangement could use more creative sound design, more creative writing ideas related to the genre, more melodic interpretation and more pronounced dynamics and development over the 4 minutes. There were a couple of dynamic changes, but the overall energy level and groove didn't really evolve significantly, leaving the end result dragging out. A decent first sub, but we've collectively heard so many IceCap Zone arrangements that 1) included cheesy and generic trance ideas and 2) don't take many liberties with the IceCap melody. I'd suggest taking a listen to something like DigiE's "Breaking the Ice" to get a better idea of the kind of interpretation level we're looking for. NO
  4. Would need a version at or below 192kbps if this passed - LT Nutritious Justin Medford NutritiousMultimedia@gmail.com 16520 Final Fantasy V Ahead on Our Way and Four Valiant Hearts This song was created for the Tribute to Nobuo Uematsu competition at www.squaresound.com. Knowing there would be a lot of entries, I wanted to try a more unique approach with my arrangement. I arrived at the idea of an alto saxophone concerto as I play the saxophone and enjoy writing epic orchestral pieces. The main theme of FFV lends itself well to the big, sweeping style I like to try and emulate in my music. This was created with FL Studio 7, Soundforge, EWQLSO Silver Edition, and live saxophone recording. Thanks for listening.
  5. panel it! - BGC My ReMixer name is: Zefter My email is: zefter@hotmail.co.uk My webpage is: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/zefter/ Name of game: Sonic 3/Ice Cap Zone Name of song: Ice Cap (Chillout Trance Remix) Comments: Made with FL Studio 7
  6. Hello good sirs (and pixie), Remixer(s): Audix (production, arrangement), Tweek (guitar) Game: Mario Kart 64 Song: Staff Roll Audix's comments --------- I have always enjoyed this track as one of my favorite Staff Roll (as Nintendo seems to like calling them) scores. I was surprised to find that it hadn't been remixed yet, due to the great source material. When putting the track together, I had toyed with the idea of adding acoustic guitar at select spots through the track, but the thought didn't resurface until I sent the (finished) version to Tweek for a listen. Brian laid down some guitar work that fit the exact style and feel that I was looking for. It especially worked well to provide an appropriate climax for the second time into the chorus, and then I just had to add a short Zimmer-ish segue at the very end to close up shop appropriately. Tweek's comments ------- I came into the project rather late in the game. Audix asked for a little feedback which didn't take long considering how polished it already sounded, but after letting the track loop over and over again, I heard an acoustic guitar part unfold in my head, so I laid one down and fortunately, he liked what he heard! I've been a huge fan of Greg's work ever since he released the first WIP of Devastation's Doorway, so being able to work with him was quite a privilege! ------- Thanks! Audix, Tweek ---------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/usf/MarioKart64_usf.rar - 28 "Victory Lap" Good stuff, although some of the quiet string accents in the back early sounded odd (e.g. :56, 1:00). 2:48's section felt a bit muddy, exacerbated by lasting all the way until 3:37, but the textures were still pretty solid. Other than those minor quibbles, I just wanted to say good jorb! Loved the changeup at 2:15. The whole arrangement really added a lot more dramatic dynamic changes to the original and a very personalized flavor while retaining the overall structure. A very epic take on an already fun source tune, this had some great energy and really took the theme to that next level. Y'all better collab again! YES
  7. Contact Information * ReMixer name: Cato * Real name: Jordan Gagne * Email address: knee_scrape911@hotmail.com * Website: n/a * Userid: 23345 Submission Information * Name of game(s) arranged: Blue Dragon * Name of individual song(s) arranged: 'The Landshark is Coming!', 'Waterside' * Additional information about game including composer, system, etc: Nobuo Uematsu, XBOX 360 * Link to the original soundtrack: * Comments about the mix: Well, I've always been a huge Uematsu fan, so when my Xbox-owning-RPG-starved self picked up Blue Dragon and saw that Nobuo Uematsu had done the soundtrack, I thought it would be a great opportunity to do a remix without jumping on the FF7 bandwagon (Although I admit, I'm a long time FF bandwagon member). During the game I found myself constantly nodding in time whenever 'The Land Shark is Coming!' started playing, and I wanted to do a metal-ish version of it. And no metal instrumental is complete without a slow-paced midsection, so I had the perfect opportunity to melt it together with the softer 'Waterside', which was another of my favorites from the game. Then I wanted to bring the song right back up to speed, ending with a melodic breakdown with an army of recorded guitar tracks devouring my computer's shameful running capacity. The end result was 'There's Sharks in Them There Hills', which I hope you guys can enjoy.
  8. Contact Info: Damon Campbell (Blue Magic) bluemagic1984@msn.com http://www.angelfire.com/blues2/bluemagic/ (You can find the mix posted on this page) Submission Info: Sonic 3D Blast (Sega Saturn Version) Rusty Ruins Zone Act 1&2 Composer: Richard Jacques Publisher: Sega Year: 1996 System: Sega Saturn Comments: I apologize for the id3 tags not being correct. I'm using a crappy ass program for that and I cant figure out how to add the extra info. This is a mix of the Rusty Ruin Zone theme from Sonic 3D Blast (Sega Saturn Version). I originally created two different short remixes to this song, and later, combined them to create this one. It is in my usual Jazzy/Chill style, nothing thats really gonna blow you out of your chair, its just something to relax to. It took me a bit longer to submit this than I expected due to some unexpected trips out of town, but its all good. I also had a damn hard time trying to find a way to end the song, so I just kinda did a half assed fade out, while trying my best to mimic the way the original song ended. Its not the greatest idea, but hopefully it won't effect your decisions too much. Since my headphones died on me, I had to try to finish the last section of this song without close monitoring of my volume levels and EQing. I think it turned out pretty decent, but If you guys spot anything that needs to be addressed, please let me know and I'll get on it right away. Thanks, Damon Campbell (Blue Magic) -------------------------------------------------------------- Sonic 3D Blast (Game Rip) - 06 "Rusty Ruin Act 1" & 07 "Rusty Ruin Act 2" Loved these source tunes ever since I first I heard Rayza mesh them with mainstream a capella tracks, especially the Busta Rhymes one he did, combining Act 1 with the lyrics of "Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Can See." I thought the Rusty Ruin and Diamond Dust themes of Richard Jacques absolutely killed the Genesis soundtrack, but some people disagree. This did a good job of retaining a lot of the basic structure of the originals (even replicating those signature choir vox shouts) while creating entirely different textures. I'm a sucker for the originals, so I think the original melodies could have been played straighter without risking a NO, compared to the melodic changes at 1:25 and 1:35 for example. Those changes could have flowed a but better, IMO. The supporting writing from 3:05 until the end and IMO the awkward melodic change at 3:12 & 3:20 and the exposed vox at 3:28 left the ending feeling a bit underwhelming, but the overall interpretation and presentation was solid. Really cool take on the themes here, giving them almost a jungle/rainforest-like imagery, much like the mental images I've gotten from some of your other ReMixes. Good stuff, bro, keep it up! YES
  9. Check out the completed ReMix here: http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01628/ Please give it your review here: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=12371
  10. Hey, no problem, Nick. Looking forward to seeing it again in the inbox here once you feel like you've got everything where you want it! All the best!
  11. Hello a while ago you were kind enough to review and post up the first two parts of this marathon remix set, I hope the third part is up to scratch.. AKA The Forerunner Mixes: Gamma User name: integration Real Name: Nicholas Singer email: mail@nicholassinger.com website: http://www.nicholassinger.com UserID ? Name of Game: Marathon (+Halo) Name of track: Flowers in Heaven (+The Maw) Original theme: http://www.eigenhat.com/midi/flowersinheaven.mov As before, it's a bit messy and mixed specifically for headphones. Follows a similar structure to the others- establish theme, break it down and then build up to a 'halorgasm', then reprise the theme- only this time using the theme from The Maw to bridge into it, back to the original key of part 1 (alpha). Software used: Sequenced and mixed in Logic Pro, instruments by Vienna Symphonic Library and Native Instruments, live cello recorded with mics by AKG and Neumann. I Have to admit I am not a big fan of electric guitar but given that it is a major element to the Halo soundtracks (especially 2) I had no excuse not to give it a shot.. apologies to anyone offended by its lameness. Anyway, hope you enjoy it, and I hope it puts across my passion and appreciation for these games and their soundtracks.
  12. Remix Info ReMixer name: Scaredsim ReMix name : Until you see the light in Valhalla Name of source music: 126 "Black Blinding Nightmare" (intro), 129 "Oblivion's Joy", 226 "The First Unison". Links to originals: http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/ValkyrieProfile_psf.rar Game Info Title: Valkyrie Profile Developer: Tri-Ace System: Playstation American Release date: August, 2000 Composer: Motoi Sakuraba Hello. I never listened anything of this game until M-H won DoD ENIX Month with his great track, Union Alpha. So I started listening to some tracks of this game, and I've been convinced. I worked on a first version, then a second, but both weren't really satisfying to me. First, I didn't introduce "The first unison" since M-H arranged it very well. But finally I couldn't resist. I reworked it again, inspired by CarbohydroM's style, as you can see. Hope you like it. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for the breakdown and link for the source tunes! http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/ValkyrieProfile_psf.rar - 126 "Black Blinding Nightmare", 129 "Oblivion's Joy" & 226 "The First Unison" Pretty beefy energy from the lead guitars, though the timing felt too tight, making it feel more sequenced than performed live, which I thought was a substantial negative and prevented me from really getting into this one. I could see the CarboHydroM influence from the drum writing, though Christophe's stuff is obviously a lot faster-paced. Along with some of Simon's past pieces, I thought the drums were a bit too loud; wouldn't have been an issue if the drum writing were more interesting thanks to some additional fills to give the track more movement. That picked up a lot more near the end, but the more basic patterns felt plodding. I'd be interested to see Simon show growth in experimenting with other drum sounds as well as refining his piano sequencing. The arrangement here was pretty solid overall, but a smoother performance on the lead guitar and more creative drum writing to give less time to the plainer patterns would have made this a more cohesive package. Otherwise, strong enough to get by. YES (borderline)
  13. Check out the posted remix here: http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01669/ Be sure to leave it a review here: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=14034 Congrats to Niels for bringing the first ReMix from this classic game series! Hope to hear more from you down the line!
  14. The completed mix is now posted and available at http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01691/ Review the track here: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=15154 Props to AnSo for another great mix!
  15. Remixer Name: Raimondo Real Name: Joe Thompson E-mail: jct4@geneseo.edu website: none Number: 21983 Game Remixed: Flashback Song Remixed: Memory Flashback for the Macintosh was one of the first games where I ever really noticed the music. The game had a very cinematic feel to it, and the riff playing over the sequence where Conrad's memory is restored to him in particular stuck in my earliest memories of video game music. Flashback has a quite 80's B-movie feel to it all through the story, so I tried to get a sound out of the synthesizers that would be reminiscent of the era. EDIT (5/2): The artist actually sent in an updated version shortly after this made it to the panel. The link up top is now the newer version. The first version is still hosted on the FTP. His comments below: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had to add .mod to the end of the Amiga version to get Winamp to recognize it. I'd recommend using the Amiga version as the reference point, since we don't have the Mac one. http://project2612.org/download.php?id=333 - 06 "Conrad's Memories" http://www.exotica.org.uk/download.php?file=media/audio/UnExoticA/Game/Gesqua_Raphael/Flashback.lha - mod.flashback-memoire This was OK for slowing down the tempo of the original and taking it in a more ambient direction, but the arrangement otherwise played it pretty straight. There were some notable expansionist ideas as well, but the structure was fairly similar overall. The sequencing being so rigidly timed had its old-school charm, but lacked flow as a result. There was some good escalation of the energy as the track progressed due to additions to the support instrumentation (e.g. :49, 1:35). I also liked how the melody was doubled as a bassline with the original rhythm under the lead from 2:14-2:52. If the lead melody itself took some other creative liberties throughout the course of the track to vary things up on that level, I feel like the dynamics would be much more effective. Vary up the melody more and take the interpretation of it into one or two other directions, and this would be on a lot more solid ground as a fully developed idea, IMO. Good base, Joe. NO EDIT (5/2): Listening the new version, the sequencing and overall production is much more solid. Just keep the last paragraph of the decision in mind in terms of creating more variation, and this would be easier to YES.
  16. Hi I hope my way of submitting my song is right and ok. Remixername: ilixifi Jürgen Brunner thejotman@gmx.at www.ilikescifi.com userid: 44449804 Game: FZero (Snes) track: Mute city -- www.sangriaboys.tk ------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=fz - "Mute City" (fz-09.spc) Recording quality was decent, but that and the EQing could use some work. I didn't hear anything related to the source tune for quite a while. If anything, the intro sounded vaguely like "Silence". The performance had a cool rough quality to it, but something tighter probably would have been more effective. The Mute City melody only showed at up 2:19 of a 3:17 long track. You need to have way more of the source tune involved in the arrangement (IMO, at least 50% of the track), and not just bookended onto a wholly original track. Interesting track, but too much of it had little to do with F-Zero explicitly. NO
  17. Pimpness! Congrats Greg. I liked the first track the best. The second one, I've heard those drumloops before so I went "BAH!"
  18. Some clarifications: 1) The intro is not Bach. The intro is Megadeth in the style of Bach, and is not in the public domain. A non-VGM song being in the public domain or not is also irrelevant to the current standards. 2) The usage of a non-VGM song fitting comfortably with the arranged game music should never be a reason to overlook the amount of usage. Any capable musician should be able to effectively weave in arrangement ideas from non-VGM songs into the game arrangement. It can't be treated as a violation only when executed poorly. The standards say, "Any incorporation or arrangement of source material not from games (mainstream, classical, etc.) should be extremely limited." I'm asking Dave to chime in since, 1) the amount of mainstream song usage is too high for "extremely limited" and 2) djp's initial opinion on this scenario was that it would be a violation. So basically, he's at a crossroads where he has an otherwise YESable track butting heads with a subjectively written rule, one that's relatively recent and pretty untested. Let's see what call is made by the guy who specifically wrote this rule, and potentially clear up some ambiguity. It might result in the wording being modified due to the collective vote OR this one's not gonna make it due to the amount of Megadeth coverage.
  19. I'll admit, I didn't care much for the idea until I saw José's stuff. As much as I appreciate other ideas, José's base looks the coolest. The font for the names could be cooler, but otherwise, clearly the most polished and creative idea. I wouldn't put forum avatars on anything; copyright violation.
  20. Here's to another International Women's Day baby! Keep up the good work, and hopefully you'll include Carrie doing vocals on some music in the future! For anyone that hasn't checked it out yet, you want to see “Narrative Evolved: Video Games and Storytelling”!
  21. Personal preferences have nothing to do with judging. I gave OverCoat's "Path-ology" a 5 at Ormgas, but I vehemently NOed it, and it shouldn't have passed given how little of the source material was actually in it.
  22. The irony is not lost on me, by the way. I've listened to every ReMix, so my list of personal favorites is pretty comprehensive: http://oc.ormgas.com/votesshow.php?user=8&vote=5 For the ones at the tip top, in order of artists: Metal Gear Solid 2 'Big Shell West Bristol', Tsugunai 'Static Wonderland', Awesome 'Game Over (Cheeze Mix)', Suikoden 2 'Reminiscence (Deep Sleep)', Shivers 'Cerebral Rose Jam', and Stormlord 'Seneca's Marble Pack Edit'. Looking at my list, I realize why I push people hard to download every OC ReMix regardless of what game it's arranging. If you don't, you will miss out on something amazing. Y'all n00bs out there, don't make that mistake!
  23. Nah, that's right in that we all have that sex ladder. Ladder Theory clarifies the deal on why we wouldn't go after a girl even though we use only one ladder: http://www.laddertheory.com/yesvirginia.htm Barring reason 1 (being gay), changes in the status for #2 and #3 are generally how a woman moves up that ladder. For someone you're genuinely not interested in, they're at the bottom of the ladder or your cutoff point for having sex is really really high on the ladder. But there's no separate one.
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