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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. [04:30] <Liontamer> anything else [04:30] <Rozovian> nope [04:30] <Rozovian> not atm [04:31] <Liontamer> excellent; sleep soon [04:31] <Rozovian> unless you got a good name for a zelda remix with some middle-east and indian isntrumentation [04:31] <Liontamer> depends what it is [04:31] <Rozovian> alttp overworld theme [04:33] <Rozovian> nice, thanks [04:40] <Larry> link to the WIP? [04:41] <Rozovian> http://filesap.com/r/zalttpswordsmanv3b1.mp3 [04:42] <Rozovian> besides a name, I wouldn't mind hearing if it's submittable or not [04:44] <Larry> interesting approach in that the melody is very marginalized here [04:44] <Rozovian> ookay [04:45] <Larry> picks up at 2:52 [04:45] <Larry> pretty straightforward arrangement there [04:46] <Rozovian> true [04:46] <Larry> kind of a pitfall with this theme [04:46] <Larry> melody is so good, can't help but play it pretty straight [04:46] <Larry> ok, 3:33 with some different instrumentation [04:47] <Larry> still the same stuff; that was a good opportunity to change something up in the rhythms or melody compared to the previous iteration, just something to personalize the approach more [04:48] <Rozovian> so I should rework those sections more [04:48] <Larry> this is only my singular opinion, but I felt like 2:52-4:42 as is will get some props for the instrumentation, but not for the interpretation being substantive enough/different enough from the progressions of the original [04:48] <Larry> I would think so [04:49] <Larry> interrupting that for a second... [04:49] <Larry> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bharatiya_Sangeet_Vadya [04:49] <Larry> means "Indian Musical Instruments"; 0 idea what words correspond to what [04:49] <Larry> but you could always substitute one of the character names from Z3 into it for a title [04:50] <Rozovian> that's a cool idea [04:50] <Larry> Bharatiya Agahnim Vadya [04:50] <Larry> Bharatiya Sahasrahla Vadya [04:50] <Larry> whatever [04:50] <Larry> I'd probably try to figure out what the words from that Hindi book specifically mean [04:51] <Larry> otherwise you could get "Indian Musical Sahasrahla" [04:51] <Rozovian> heh [04:51] <Larry> hahaha; maybe that works too [04:51] <Rozovian> maybe [04:51] <Rozovian> that's a good one [04:51] <Larry> Sahasrahla is an aged, learned man who happens to be a descendant of the seven sages, and the elder of Kakariko Village [04:52] <Rozovian> I know, I played the game [04:52] <Larry> I haven't [04:52] <Rozovian> fortunate enough to grow up with a snes [04:52] <Rozovian> [04:53] <Larry> just looking into the characters; the old man seems pretty apropo, though you're likely not remixing a theme associated with him; artistic license wins out though [04:53] <Rozovian> yeah [04:54] <Larry> lemme see if the rest of the arrangement has any comments [04:55] <Larry> yeah, I mean, I'm ok with subtraction as a method of arrangement, like you basically have here; first minute is basically some original writing over the chords of the original [04:56] <Larry> but bookended with the conservative take later, it's not substantive enough [04:56] <Larry> also [04:56] <Larry> the approach here with no defined melody all the way until 2:52 is too long without a specific direction; it gets tiresome and lacks dynamic contrast [04:57] <Rozovian> it started as an experiment to bring up the backing melodies of the track, then I added some original stuff [04:58] <Larry> right now you have section A of some interpretive writing over the chords, then section B with essentially a sound upgrade of the original; not really any meaningful connection between the two, just a sudden gear switch from A to B [04:58] <Rozovian> so, more theme earlier [04:58] <Larry> You'd be better served to try something more like A-B-A-B-A or what have you, rather than simple A-B [04:58] <Rozovian> hm... [04:59] <Larry> or A-B-C-A-B, or A-B-C-B-A, with C being something new [04:59] <Rozovian> yeah [05:00] <Larry> at nearly 5 mins long, a C breakdown/chageup could keep things fresh [05:00] <Rozovian> it would [05:01] <Larry> the sound quality is pretty serviceable; some other Js could offer better insight on that [05:01] <Larry> this on the WIP forums? [05:01] <Rozovian> I've had it there, yeah [05:01] <Larry> link me up [05:02] <Rozovian> http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=14277 [05:02] <Rozovian> tho that was some versions ago [05:03] <Larry> that's fine [05:04] <Larry> I'll post there for posterity [05:04] <Rozovian> do mention it's v3b1 you've heard, not v1b3 which I've linked to [05:05] <Larry> done
  2. It takes me seconds to change a username. Not a big deal.
  3. Nothing makes me feel old. Could have to do with not being old yet.
  4. Still waiting on ellywu2 to hook me up with the WAVs of his stuff so someone on the panel can mix it down. I'll nag him!
  5. Get sauced, please! Happy Birthday, Kenneth!
  6. Yeah, we lay out usage guidelines here - http://www.ocremix.org/info/Content_Policy - in the Terms of Use section. Since you haven't changed the filenames at all, all of the relevant information (site URL, artist names, song names) should be showing up fine. Thanks for creating the Shoutcast station to help spread the word. Glad you're enjoying the music here, Speedy!
  7. Hello again Judges, PrototypeRaptor here (aka Jonathan Paulsen) submitting another remix for debate. I'll get one of these up yet! *shakes fist* So after being shot down on my previous two submissions for lack of actual arrangement, I decided to do an arrangement of FFX's Auron's theme by the books. Unfortunately, that's not how it turned out. I was originally going to a straight trance cover, but then realized that that wouldn't cut it...so it's kinda morphed and twisted and now I really don't know what to call it. The main theme has a riff that uses a piano liberally, so my mix has plenty of trance piano coverage, complete with spacey solos and a weird break. Auron's theme plays only at the end of the game (pretty sure) and it's really the only song that stood out to me from the entire game (except for the Hymn of the Faith, and only because they BEAT that song into your mind all game long...) I'm not quite sure if this is too liberal or not...the main theme is pretty much played verbatim here and all of the chords are from the source; I'm just hoping it's enough... I personally really enjoyed creating this song and I hope you enjoy listening/judging it. details: Game: FFX Song: Auron's Theme Link to source: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/sony/ps2/Auron.mid Remixer name: PrototypeRaptor Actual name: Jonathan Paulsen Thanks for listening! -PrototypeRaptor ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FFX_psf2.rar - 212 "Auron's Theme" Good intro, with some heavy beats and the source being used right from the get-go at :14, connected nicely with some liberal interpretation tacked on at from :22-:29. Theme returned at 1:01 pretty straightforward but changing the rhythms and building some truly excellent original writing around it. 1:46 had some good piano stuff. It was too quietly mixed in the soundscape; would love to hear that pushed up more. Any of the production-heavy Js could likely tell you 3 or 4 different things to do that would improve the mixing/balance of the parts. More good original writing from 3:16. 3:16 arranged parts from 1:51-2:20 of the source tune. You were doing a great job trading off arranged material with your original writing. Great dropoff at 3:31 moving into the lonely piano and subsequent rebuilding up to 4:16. The piano writing was on the meandering side, but wasn't a huge negative. You generally had me grooving the whole way through. Solid treatment of one of my favorite FF10 themes (and I have lots of them, as it's my favorite FF soundtrack by far). When I initially checked the level of source usage though, I felt like I was left with slightly less than 50% direct source usage. For a 5:26-long track, I need 2:43's worth of overt source arrangement or 163 seconds. Breaking down what I could recognize, I've got: :14-:22, 1:01-1:46, 2:31-2:38, 2:46-3:16, 3:16-3:31, 4:16-5:12 - 162 seconds. There's some rounding up in the timestamps. That being said, I need to know what if any source usage is present from the :31-1:01, 1:46-2:31, and 3:31-4:16 sections. If there's something I'm missing, this would get nudged up to a pass. If not though, there would need to be something more added to get it above 50% source usage, as simple as dropping something a couple fleeting references to the source during some of the original sections. Will vote when I have more information.
  8. BWAHAHAHAHA! - LT Remixers: Another Soundscape, Avaris Source Tunez: Dazil, City of Burning Sand Game: Xenogears Composa: Mitsuda-san THIS IS FOR THE XENOGEARS PROJECT, please do not release until the proj is released. tanks! First off is Anso talkin about himself in 3rd for some reason? (no pun intended) "So yeah, this is old-school Anso! I started this in February 2007 when I was very very new to remixing. I have to admit I still think what I had back then was kickin'. Now, almost a year later it was time to round up the project tracks. I hadn't worked on this in a while but I tried to make the best of the situation. When I was about to send the final render to avaris we thought that "hey, why don't we make this a collab" and that's what you have here. So this remix includes the following: Hentai samples, loads of percussion, sound mangling, the coolest bass ever, a lot of quirky automation and a solid groove. If it wasn't for Shaun it would probably be about half as good. He's really a Reason wiz when it comes to processing! Anyway, enjoy!" This was def a fun one for me. Got to work on a track that was basically done and then try to improve it. I basically did the mastering and went through and tweaked every sound and synth. Did a lil slicing and dicing in Live off of Anso's rhythms and that was that. I didn't want to go full out crazy on the beats bc this track was already heavily layered, and it has a fairly laid back groove that I wanted to keep and enhance at the same time. Thanks for listening! ~Shaun ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/Xenogears_psf.rar - 111 "Dazil - City of Burning Sands" Ha! You damn perverts. Anyway, just when I thought the track was gonna be too conservative, y'all went the extra mile in terms of personalizing the songs with the excellent "sound mangling". Solid stuff. I'll maybe show The Lady this mix once to see the expression on her face, but then we'll NEVER speak of this track again. Well, you actually did keep the hentai sampling pretty tasteful. If there is that sort of thing... YES
  9. We're all just friends. Don't involve me in your weak game. You're not gonna get any.
  10. Now that I'm looking at the letter, from "Adam Fudge", I think some n00b is trying to get this posted because he liked it. It actually sounds pretty good, and it's by Krispy, so I'll find out from Kris what's up - LT clandestine is the name of the song and it is from the Chicago level in perfect dark for the n64. credits to:http://www.pdark-mod.com/ ---------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/usf/pdusf.rar - 20b "Chicago: Stealth" Good concept opening things up. The way the sequencing ends up, the bassline and beats seem a bit stiff and choppy in terms of the timing, not resulting in a smooth flow. Not quite a huge criticism there; I'm actually more impressed with how you enhanced and expanded the groove compared to the simplicity of the original. Not much else to say here. Smooth sailing throughout the arrangement, IMO. Definitely a great fit for Perfect Dark: Source as well as OCR. YES
  11. Contact Information: ReMixer name: FroZeNspAce Real name: Mike Feinstein UserID: 19721 Submission Information: Title of ReMix: Turning Time Around Name of game: Chrono Trigger Song Arranged: Memories of Green Comments: My goal with this mix was to integrate a classic lo-fi feel into a modern sounding mix. I've always loved this tune, but it can get a little stale if you've listened to it as much as I have; I tried to vary it as much as I could without losing the original feel of the source. And yes, this was made in Garageband. Enjoy! Linkage: Thanks for your time. Mike F.
  12. Remixer Name: Over the Map Real Names: Warren Bray, Colin Sanders, Chris Semoff Email: mr.colinsanders@gmail.com Name of Game Arranged: Mother 3 Name of Individual Songs Arranged: Memory of Tatsumairi, In the Room --------- "Between Frogs" Composed By: Shogo Sakai Arranged By: Colin Sanders Performed By: Over the Map Warren Bray on Bass/Drums Colin Sanders on Piano/Keyboards/Melodica/Drums Chris Semoff on Guitar I like to think of this rendition as an adventure in itself—the journey from one save frog to the next. In the Earthbound universe a lot can happen between saves. The game's rich scenarios fertilized with interesting characters and dialogue allow things to move along quickly. Similarly, we try to waste little time moving from part to part. Since this is a Japanese only game I think I should explain the source material in a bit more depth. The original song is called "Happy Town?" (#126 in the Sound Player) which approximates to "Memory of Tatsumairi" off the Mother 3i album. Anyone in Canada or the US can download the album off of iTunes. This song is played in several different ways throughout the game though they all roughly translate to "this is the song for your home town." The piece lends itself well to the many heroes in the game setting out to do what they do best—kicking ass! As well, we throw in "In the Room (#48)" for some good reggae measure. In our arrangement, I imagine the Pig Masks flying over Lucas's home in Tatsumairi blaring this reggae bit from their loud speakers. Finally, I would like to point out how our soloing is similar to the Mother 3 battle system, where each character can create their own musical piece by fighting to the beat of the battle music. This was a challenging project for all of us, but I hope that there are some fans out there to enjoy it. Colin Sanders ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ While I found Mother 3i, thanks for CHz for tracking down the tunes from the actual Mother 3 soundtrack. Mother 3 - "Happy Town?..." & "In the Room" Mother 3i - (10) "Memory of Tatsumairi" An enjoyable track. Very reminiscent of the style of The OneUps. But...this is too much of a cover. Same tempo, same structure, overall similar instrumentation. Not a unique enough arrangement. Doesn't end the same way as "Memory of Tatsumairi" with the genteel dropoff focused on the piano (used only briefly here), but the jazzy parts are close enough to the originals where I felt they drag down the overall package as far as the standards are concerned. Same with the reggae-fied take on "In the Room" from 1:47-2:08. A shame too, because I definitely give more leeway to any live performance, due to the performers needing to learn the parts. More personalized flair, new rhythms, new writing for the supporting parts, different instrumentation ideas that are more pronounced, those kind of things would push a more cover-style rendition of a theme into acceptable territory. Right now, what's here is cool, and I don't mean to take away from that. IMO, this performance was a very natural extension of territory that "Memory of Tatsumairi" didn't come close to in covering "Happy Town?...", and I'm definitely gonna be keeping it. But relative to our standards, most of the part-writing is simply covered, even some of the supporting instrumentation. And the overall structure, tone, tempo and energy is the same as the Mother 3 and 3i tracks, which makes this a no-go. Those things don't all have to be different at once, and you guys took some of that in the right direction, but for here you'd have to take that further. Hope to hear more from you guys in the future, so don't be discouraged, as I really like your style. With more time/practice, Over the Map could give The OneUps some competition as far as jazz and funk VGM bands. It's really nice to hear another group like yours with great potential. If you guys were willing to revisit this, I'd love to hear another take of this with more effort to stand apart from the original and arranged versions of the source tunes. NO (resubmit)
  13. Actually a new version of his 2002 ReMix - LT hey there, its been a LOOONG time since I've submitted anything... I Submitted way back..the GOLDEN AXE 2002 remix, and NINJA GAIDEN " emulated", I hope u guys like this NEW mix from an old game for the NES.. take care --------------------------------------------------------------- Though your handle is Emulator and you're trying to brand your mixes in a way, I wouldn't name everything "Emulated"; it's gets boring. I'd suggest naming your arrangements something unique that incorporates the word "Emulated" in there if you want. With this game for example, you could do something like "Riot Fleet Emulated" or "Emulated A.I." No big deal, but I figured I'd mention it. http://www.zophar.net/nsf/zanac.zip - Track 30 http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00571/ - Zanac 'X-Mix' Starting things off, this was a good sound upgrade compared to the earlier ReMix. Definitely more complexity here, with better beats, new writing underneath the melody, and a new, lengthier breakdown section. It changed up into a more beat-driven take on the source at 1:03. There, the synth design could have been more unique. Back into the stuff from the first iteration at 1:31. Ooh, poor changeup at 1:58. The beat pattern changed too abruptly. The production also took a weird turn where the beats and synths suddenly sounded squeaky clean and a lot thinner/flimsier after the prior sections which had a lot of delay effects and pads involved to fill out the soundscape. You've gotta smooth out the changing of the beat rhythm and the textures, otherwise it sounds jarring. You thought it through better from 2:51-2:54, moving back into the thicker textures; definitely stronger execution there. Arrangement-wise, I think this stands apart enough from the original ReMix, where I wouldn't have a problem passing this as well. To me, it's substantively different enough, noting Section 6, Part 5 of the Standards. But I think this needs some production love to get this in a lot better shape. Putting more meat on the 1:58-2:51 section and getting more creative with the core beats and lead synth sound would help this in a major way. Doing that and fixing up that awkward transition at 1:58 would really put this over the top and have everything clicking right. Definitely touch this up for the victory. NO (resubmit)
  14. jigwolf Jig Wolf krazyjakee@gmail.com www.indecks.org http://www.ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=22473 Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time Deku Tree () I put this up for discussion in the work in progress section, this is my second submission to ocremix. It's strange how after i had put it all together i had a few comments about how it sounded quite eastern european. Some of the darker areas of zelda have this style of music, its quite gripping so i thought i would have a bash at compiling a track with a load of new equipment i have here. Unfortunately the music project file has become corrupt, i have changed things around since my last attempt on the forum but i'm pleased with the result. ----------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/usf/lozusf.rar - 03 "Deku Tree" The first 11 seconds or so felt like a MIDI rip with a sound upgrade, but that wasn't a huge deal in the big picture. Starting at 1:13, the reliance on (potentially preset) drumloops to fill out your background hurt this on some level. The groove there felt pretty tacked on, though I loved the delayed fadeout transition on the drums at 2:13. Ugh, the countermelody at 2:20 just sounded both cheap and out of place when it was moved into the foreground (compare it to the usage at 1:41). The texture of that with the melody and drumloops didn't mesh well at all. There was some decent development of the arrangement, with new elements being added in on top of the melody, but the various parts simply didn't join together cohesively once the track picked up at 1:13. NO
  15. ReMixer Names: Another Soundscape, Fishy Real names: uh.... Mattias Häggström Gerdt, Cain ReMix Title: Mako Eyes Game: Final Fantasy 7 Song ReMixed: Lifestream Anso: Cain and I started this during the final breath of VotL and, because of various reasons, couldn't finish it in time. Then one day we realized that.. well, what we had kicked major ass. So we took some time with it, Cain recorded his very awesome guitars and I touched up the rest and here we are! I tried to capture the feeling you get from the story around Lifestream. Something constantly flowing that's really the essence of all organic life. This made me work a lot with the pads to make a solid but constantly evolving soundscape to base the song upon. I used LFO-controlled filters with great success and I think I managed to create something that's interesting to listen to. I'm actually surprised how well this worked with the more "traditional" instruments like the guitar, the strings and the mellotron flute. Cain was very easy to work with, he's an amazing musician and a solid producer. I'm really happy we did this, even though it didn't make VotL, because I really enjoyed this and I hope others do too. Fishuh: The nutters who "came out of nowhere" unite for great justice. Basically, if I wasn't such a lazy ass this probably would've been on votl. We decided we should remix Lifestream as it was one of the cooler undone tracks, and AnSo put all this effort into this massive beautiful morphing ball of sound, and then I put all this effort into waiting for my sound card to arrive as my old one broke. So anyway, the intro stuff was acheived using a combination of my whammy bar, a slide and my volume pedal. AnSo told me to solo at the end but I really didn't want to ruin an understated arrangement with pointless wank, so I held back. Its great fun to hear all the weird stuff that crazy swede comes up with. I sorta kinda did the final master, for some reason... I had to use a compressor and shit... Whats up with that. Also I checked with zircon that he didn't mind me submitting, as anso already submitted recently. He said it was cool if I did it. Peace. Fishuh :3 ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FF7_psf.rar - 302 "Life Stream" I would have VBRed this at a higher bitrate, if only because it sounded rather lossy. I think the parts could have sounded cleaner and better separated, especially the 1:55-2:32 section. Maybe we can get a new version before it goes up. Just noting I also felt the fadeout to close this ended abruptly, with the volume not completely fading down; a bit awkward. Otherwise, a rock solid arrangement that retains the feel the source tune while amping up the energy level twofold. Definitely a shame this wasn't completed for Voices of the Lifestream, as this would have fit the project like a glove. :'-( Creatively, this definitely feels on the same level. Nice collaborative work, gentlemen. YES
  16. Hello, Well, My second submission is all about Megaman 2. The music from the MetalMan Stage always intrigued me to a degree, and so I dedicated this Remix to it. First, the official information: Contact Information: Remixer name: DJ-Arthur Real Name: Arthur van Dijk Email Address: arthur@studio88.nl Website: none yet UserID: 20864 Submission Information: Link: Name of Remix: Enter The MetalMan Program used: Orion Platinum Version 7.1 File Specifications: Type: MP3 Size: 3,77MB Length: 3:17 minutes Sound format: 44.1 kHz, Stereo Bit rate: Constant, 160kb/s Name of game remixed: Megaman2 Name of Song remixed: BGM from the stage of MetalMan Information about the game: Already present on the site Link to the Original song: Already present on the site Own Comments: Ahem, well, here goes… I was just playing around in Orion actually, building some musical themes for my comic, when I accidentally wrote some bars that kind of resembled the MetalMan stage from MegaMan2, one of my first games to own for the NES. That inspired me to take on that stage’s music as a remix. This is the result. It relies a bit on the Bass line to carry the song through, though I think it varies enough. I’m particularly happy with the part where the Square head Synth comes in around 1:33. Anyways, I hope this will get to be an addition to you already huge database of great remixes of great Artists of which I’m not yet worthy of being mentioned in the same breath... Well, I hope you like it! Greetzzz, Arthur van Dijk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/nsf/megaman2.zip - Track 6 ("Metalman Stage") Not terrible, though the sounds and processing were on the generic side, especially the supporting parts. The textures were a bit empty despite filling out the soundfield adequately. Short and sweet: with more creative synth design, more complexity, creativity & evolution in the supporting writing, and maybe an additional element or two to help fill things out and this would more likely be good to go. The arrangement definitely has promise, but you've haven't realized its potential. Keep working on this, Arthur! NO (resubmit)
  17. Musicalman arranged ,performed , recorded by Pascal Lamarche info@pascallamarche.com game: Metal gear title:snake's revenge ------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/nsf/metlgear.zip - Track 2 The treble's too high on this one, IMO, with the cymbals coming in way too hot. That should be fixed before it goes up. Loved the dropoff at 1:26, more at the 1:37 section with the subtle guitar work. The brass work at 1:52 felt a bit exposed, but was still more than serviceable. Otherwise, just a rock solid arrangement to me. The rhythm of the drums under the source tune did feel a little repetitive, but that was minor amidst the rest of the creativity here. Some good dynamics in the middle to keep things fresh, good soloing, and good energy. Even though virt's Splatterhouse arrangement was easily my highest scorer when I voted on the competition, I can definitely can see how this won the MAGFest DoD month. Solid debut from Pascal; I'm definitely looking forward to hearing a lot more from you. YES (conditional)
  18. An optimist! - LT * OA * Your real name * andrewluers@gmail.com * oceansend.com * 14963 Submission Information * Terraenigma * Europe * No comments; they'll just sound dumb when this gets rejected
  19. * Your ReMixer name - Kidd Cabbage * Your real name - Jonathan Peros * Your email address - jdperos@hotmail.com * Your website - http://kiddcabbage.scott-bloom.com * Your userid - 21995 * Name of game(s) arranged - Super Metroid * Name of individual song(s) arranged - Green Brinstar (Brinstar 1) * Remix name - Fuzzy Green Feeling First off, this song has a whole slew of stylistic influences. From progressive to funk to grunge to dance to melodic death metal. I guess that's what the term 'progressive metal' is for though. Green Brinstar has always been one of my favorite songs from the game, although one of the hardest to fit into my style. The drums in this song were intense, to say the least. It took me about three times as long to program out these drums, compared to the normal amount of time, but I would definitely say that it was worth it. I tried some new things in the production, and I think it turned out well. I got rid of a lot of the mud heard in some of my previous mixes, and didn't need to squish this one up near as much. The solo in this song was the hardest thing I've ever had to record, but I like the way it turned out and how it transitioned from the synth solo. As always, a very energy-packed mix, and I'm very happy with it. I hope you are, too!
  20. Hi Yall! My name is Mike and i got a little song for you! its called jenova flavored materia and was made with reason 4 with some refills and stuff. none of it is performed live (except i did play it all on my keyboard to sequence it into reason) its only 3.5 minutes. short but sweet. have fun listening to this song while you dream of eating laffy taffy! (prob strawberry flavord goo or sompin) but anyways heres the link. http://1makes2.tripod.com/ Enjoy! Michael O’Shea Soundforu@hotmail.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------- http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FF7_psf.rar - 214 "J-E-N-O-V-A" The production/sound balance was a bit rough, but I was feeling the intro. When things picked up at :41, there was a huge gap somewhere in the frequency range, because the soundfield felt EMPTY. The percussion work here was definitely not getting the job done in filling out the track, plus the track was sounding pretty lossy despite the 188kbps encoding. Seems like this needed some EQ love. I liked the lead at 1:06 moving from the right to left ear with some good panning, a lot more obvious to catch at 2:08. Still lots of empty space and poor balance here, and some decent percussion work that still felt a bit barebones here with nothing much else going on but that, the melody and one supporting part. The leads could have stood out more and sounded cleaner. The sounds were on the cheap-sounding side, but I'll leave it to other Js to better articulate how that could be improved via post-production if they'd like to. Aside from that, you've gotta add some more flesh on the bones with some additional part writing to fill out the soundfield, while toning down the muddying effects here. Keep working on this though, Mike, and using the resources at the forums to help you continue your improvement; you're definitely heading in the right direction, and I liked a lot of the ideas here. I think you've already done a decent job in giving J-E-N-O-V-A your own flavor, so don't be discouraged, even if you don't hit front page paydirt with this one. EDIT (2/21): Sorry, I only got the revised version now after being behind on the submissions inbox. Re-listening to this, it seemed like I had no idea why I NOed, then it moved over into 1:07, and that's when it all came back to me. The drumwork was really flimsy and background sounded very empty when you changed the drums. Then 2:08, it's back to doing some good stuff; textures seemed stronger again, then 2:23, back to flimsiness when you changed the drumkit. The effects you're using to thicken the piece up don't do a good job of masking when your supporting instrumentation is too thin. This was definitely an improvement, but it's not gonna majorly change my vote; the sound balance was improved, but some of the sections were still pretty empty despite the attempt to use effects to thicken everything. Work on filling out the gaps, but be careful you don't clutter up the piece too much in the attempt. That's why I said before you'll probably need to dial back the thickening effects a bit. NO (resubmit)
  21. Contact Info: Remixer Name: DeathBySpoon User ID: 11105 Remix Info: Game Remixed: Contra: Hard Corps Song Remixed: "The Hard Corps" and "GTR Attack!" Comments: Alrighty, here's my second attempt at a submission. Hard Corps has some awesome music, and I haven't seen any coverage of it at all, so I figured I'd give my favorite song a shot. Not much else to say, thanks for taking the time to listen to my track!
  22. This guy turned 28 today! You're still young, bro. (I'd say that even if you were turning 87.) Feel the Wisconsan heat! But seriously, have a good one, and of course looking forward to whatever arrangements (and originals) you've got cooking for the community this coming year! Keep up the good work! (Yes, I used Jeremy's B-day message as a template. But you would too! I can't believe they're the same birthday, 4 years apart.) But with some unique comments for Derek, man, you came out of nowhere with the FF6 "Cantata for Dancing" collabs with Jeremy last year. I'm sure Part III's gonna be awesome. Here's to that and anything else you've got on the horizon!
  23. Just letting you know I blogged about this, Patrick. Thanks a lot for releasing this! http://www.vgfrequency.com/?p=444
  24. This guy turned 24 today! Gettin old, bro. (I'd say that even if you were turning 12.) Feel the Canadian heat! But seriously, have a good one, and of course looking forward to whatever arrangements (and originals) you've got cooking for the community this coming year! Keep up the good work!
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