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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. VG Frequency, with all the info you need on the recent plagiarism of OCR's FF7 album project. Note: Blog comments shitting on DjNeTisra very welcome.
  2. VG Frequency, with all the info you need. Note, blog comments shitting on DjNeTisra very welcome.
  3. I dunno if djp saw this, so I'm bumping it just in case it got lost at the bottom of the page. I see what you're saying, but also don't think we need to add anything like that. Nowadays, anyone submitting anything shorter than 1:30 or under 128kbps is rare. Pretty foolish in general for anyone to go below those types of thresholds. I just don't see the need to formally say anything about that, when it's clear that n00bs who send crappy subs like that aren't reading the information closely in the first place. If you're reading the guidelines and actually paying attention, you're not gonna submit stuff like that. There's only so much that needs to be explicitly stated, plus the revised guidelines do a better job of making the standards clearer. Don't think we need to establish any official minimum song length or bitrate.
  4. Contact Info: ReMixer Name: Jonny Angel Real Name: Jon Agbayani Email: angelboyblue@gmail.com ReMix Info: Link: Alt. Link: Games ReMixed: Mario Strikers Charged Individual Songs: Luigi's Theme Game Info: - Mario Strikers Charged (by Next Level Games for the Nintendo Wii) - Musical Composers: Mike Peacock, Darren Radtke, Chad York - More Info: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/wii/data/935184.html Example of Original Song: - Comments: This song was just infectious to begin with, IMO. I couldn't help but remember the final battle scene in Kill Bill Vol. 1. Anyway, while the music was fun to listen to, choosing Luigi as my captain on the basis of his theme music proved to be less than beneficial. So I decided to make my own mix, grabbing snippets from each of the different versions of his theme and putting them all into one song, adding in my own melodies and solo pieces. Now I can listen to it whenever I want. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Didn't see any MIDIs of the source tune over at VGMusic, but if anyone finds more info out there, let me know. Having not heard the source tunes in full (the YouTube video example you provided was at least something), I can't explicitly tell what writing's yours and what's from the game. If I find more information, I'll come back to this, but it's not necessary. The sample quality is pretty poor. Certainly worse than the actual game music itself, which is never a plus as far as I'm concerned. But even using these sounds, you could have gotten a much stronger sounding result through better sample articulations. The acoustic guitar, piano and brass in particular all sounded extremely fake. Even though the samples were poor and unrealistic, I at least would have been OK if the parts were articulated to sound like a more humanized performance, which other ReMixers have done. That's where you have to compensate if you're not gonna step up the sound quality. NO
  5. Contact info * Remixer name: Unpredictable * Real name: Trey Cowherd * Email address: trex_41@hotmail.com * myspace.com/djray759224 Song Info * Name of game: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 * Melting In Your Arms (ice cap) * the softer trance side of ice cap ------------------------------------------------------------------ http://project2612.org/download.php?id=61 - IceCap Zone 1 "the softer trance side of ice cap" - We've heard all sides of IceCap. This isn't terrible, but it's pretty far off as is. The interpretation of the "IceCap Zone" melody isn't there. You're just covering it with that piano sample, then laying all these various other ideas throughout the track. You had some decent ideas adding some countermelodic synths, string work, synth arps, etc. Those ideas combined with the IceCap melody better. But the stuff at the foundation of the track, i.e. the beats, was very vanilla and didn't fill out the track well enough. We indeed encourage artists to add things to personalize their arrangement and make it unique. But not at the expense of interpreting the actual video game music, which is ultimately what ended up happening. The mixing was fairly decent, but who knows how much of that was out of the box. Lots of totally generic boom-tss sounds and synths in there though that made the end result sound run-of-the-mill. Needs more melodic interpretation, creative beatwork, and sophisticated effects and processing. This is at least competant stuff, Trey, which is more than I can say about most first subs we receive. You've definitely got potential, and some of your approach to ReMixing is good. Use our ReMixing and Works forums to learn more about your setup and solicit fan feedback before future submissions. Keep learning more and you can take your ideas and your execution to another level. NO
  6. Clearly, this thief should not remain an admin of your forums. Whatever. Look at this bastard:
  7. I see no age. Therefore, you are 87 years old! Happy 87th birthday! Your sigs melt our hearts, Olivier!
  8. Datos personales: Nombre: Israel Alcántar González. Edad: 22 años. Dirección: Calle Rey Chan #11, Fracc. Los Reyes, Delg. La Presa. C.P. 22125 Lugar de Nacimiento: Tijuana, Baja California México. Celular: 044-664-3-38-32-91 Email: djnetisra@lantj.com
  9. - ReMixer Name: Plasma - Real Name: N/A - Email: blenderfreak@comcast.net - Website: N/A - UserID: N/A (not a forum member) - Game: Super Metroid - Song: Red Brinstar -Comments: This is my first submission, and I'll admit I'm a little nervous. This song is a remix of Red Brinstar from Super Metroid. That tune has always hit something in my ear, and it really has become my favorite video game track. For this rendition, I've taken it in an electronic direction, but I tried to keep it a little more relaxed, as opposed to energetic. It's short, but hopefully sweet. I'm not very confident that it will make the cut, but I do look forward to criticism just as much. If I can improve, don't hesitate to tell me! Thanks for your time. -Plasma --------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=sm - "Brinstar Red Soil Swampy Area" (sm-20.spc) Pretty good base, just lacks a lot of finesse and filling out. The piano stuff was generally OK, but had some pretty exposed moments for the sample, such as :28 & :33. The whole soundscape had a really lo-fi feel that was likely intentional, but instead sounded poorly lossy. Perhaps someone could give more information of how to achieve better sounding lo-fi. The overall textures were pretty simplistic, and the effects were basically the only thing attempting to fill this out until the vox was brought in at :49. Even after that, it still felt like there was something missing in the background, likely on account of the basic percussion not quite getting the job done. Interesting first sub though, Plaz. You're going in the right direction in terms of trying to personalize the arrangement as something unique. You've got a ways to go, but you do have some potential. Use the resources at the ReMixing and Works forums to learn how to your current setup more effectively and obtain fan feedback before future submissions. NO
  10. Nice work, Brian! The Lady and I definitely enjoyed the show. Hopefully it'll be available for download so that I can blog about it.
  11. Definitely one where you don't need to know the original to enjoy it. Working the inbox as I do, I literally had to check the original to make sure this was direct post-worthy. The source tune isn't nearly as solid as this. Rayza makes the source material much catchier and listenable, IMO, an achievement for any mix. Groooooove bias.
  12. The energy here was excellent, much like Meak Streak on Main Street but taken to a higher level. Nice work, Ari. Sub that CT mix from a few years ago, that was gold too.
  13. That rather beside the point. Regardless of whether or not OCR would post a high bitrate version, there IS a higher bitrate version out there that Disco Dan released as part of his MM3 series. Does anyone have it and can they host it? Looking in the direction of Herograw and SgtRama.
  14. I'm sure someone has a copy, so hopefully they'll turn up. But as far as us hosting a higher bitrate version directly on OCR, no. We generally keep to our 6MB limit nowadays.
  15. I felt like it - LT I don't know if this will be accepted or not seeing that the song is based on the sound the enemies in Space Invaders make when they are moving(The Do, Do, Do, Do)...and that might not really be considered a song but no harm in asking. I think you can call them moving music and this song fairly fits the way it would sound. Anyways the song can be found here, only upload place that is easy for me. ---> Well if this gets accepted my name is James C. Calocerinos and I go by MC Jimmy. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Honestly, I know the theme, but at the same time have 0 idea if it was used in the arcade version or what. Regardless, I've seen it arranged at Video Games Live twice , so I know what you're arranging. It's 4 notes, but it's a melody, so we'll roll with it.Loads of generic synths and effects with the occasional comparatively standout stuff. The thump-based groove was pretty bland and uncreative. Sounds like you didn't put any of your eggs in that basket. Finally supplemented by a "tss" groove to compliment the "boom" at 2:16, though it didn't add much. Leaving that kick pattern to drone on, plainly exposing it at 3:25 until the (complete lack of) ending, was like like riding a horse until it broke down. Gotta hand it to you, you've used the theme substantially until 3:25, offering a lot of variations on the Space Invaders melody and working it decently with your countermelodic ideas. But the weak synth design and simplistic textures obviously held it back. NO
  16. I got your message, Brad. I see lots of formatting issues for the website text that need correcting. Andrew, be sure to email me all of that to proofread at some point. You may want to nag other people for bios/pics just so that you aren't missing anything when all if said and done. I'd also like an opportunity to listen through all the completed tracks for general criticism, but that's mostly a production check and not required. When a 12th track is complete, I will move this over to Site Projects. I'm assuming Brad is Project Director, so correct me if I'm wrong. Keep it up, y'all!
  17. I have blogged about the Wingless today! I am a better man because of it.
  18. Hello there! I've got a submission for overclocked. Yes it's yet another Final Fantasy... sorry about that. CONTACT INFO: ReMixer name: God of Shamisen Email: band@godofshamisen.com Website: www.godofshamisen.com or www.myspace.com/gos REMIX INFO: Game remixed: Final Fantasy 1 (NES) Songs: Medley (Prelude / Main Theme / Battle / Victory!) Comments: Here we have music from Final Fantasy, as we've all heard before, but performed by GOD OF SHAMISEN: one of the only rock bands to feature the traditional Japanese instrument, the Tsguaru-Shamisen. After the guitar intro, this Japanese lute plays the main melody with the full band: rock drums and bass, and, in the case of the battle theme, heavy metal guitars! MP3 found here: --------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/nsf/ff1.zip - Tracks 1 (:00-:52), 4 (:54-1:46), 16 (1:49-2:55) & 19 (2:55-3:40) Decent intro via the "Prelude"; slight flub at :33? Moves onto the main theme at :54. Actually, no real need for a play-by-play, I can see what's up. It's basically like you're relying on the shamisen to carry this in terms of being interesting. The harmonies and textures are too simplistic and by-the-numbers. The ending at 3:36 sounded like it didn't even resolve properly, but that could just be me. The writing's gotta get more sophisticated, and the arrangement ideas need to get more expansive and/or interpretive to really personalize the track. What's in place now is quaint but doesn't retain interest. It's just covers of several FF1 themes with no meaningful transitions. Sorry guys, we need more than that. You got some Estradasphere members, and I KNOW y'all can bring it. I'd love to see something with the shamisen on OCR, as you're the go-to guys for outside-the-box shamisen music in this country (I do my research). Add more personal flavor to this and send it on back. You could do some real damage with this one. Attack! NO (resubmit)
  19. What does The Wingless have to say about these developments?
  20. Probably got pruned in the UnMod deletion, but even I don't know.
  21. Everyone go review WIPs with a genuinely critical ear. That is all.
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