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Arek the Absolute

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Status Updates posted by Arek the Absolute

  1. Soy de San Jose, California

    Hablo poco español. : /

  2. Happy birthday old man!

  3. Should definitely be down for some matches on sunday

  4. Nice. I live in Sacramento at the moment. Moving to either San Fransisco or Berkeley within two-year's time.

  5. alive as ill ever be haha

    hows it going yourself

    when you see this it will be a few months if not more

    but hope it brings a smile to your face anyway

  6. Any website that you meet someone as amazing as me on cannot be hated on. I make it so good that you can't help but to forgive the major stupidity that happens on it and be in love with it.

  7. So many messages that it will make my head spin.

    Hello WBS

  8. when did i call you a dolt :(

  9. HI DUCKY!

    Will you be my friend? :3

  10. download skype. no seriosly do it

  11. or pm me some work you have done so i can see your skills

    either or

  12. I remember one time you called me when i was like totally feeling super shitty.

    You sir are major

    plz stay around

  13. Your sig has lexxy in it.

    I just noticed that.

  14. What's goin on man? You can pm it if you want. You helped me, so of course i will listen to you :3

  15. dude you totally called that shit. oh well so much for that

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