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Everything posted by Salluz

  1. I never heard their albums but I found this online in search of Chrono Trigger music. I later learned about them and became aware of their several projects, or whatever.
  2. Man, I can't! I already have a fast metabolism, then I did 30 pushups + 20 diamond pushups yesterday and today, then I am going to walk across town to my friend's house and his family to eat because they know that I am always hungry. I have Jesus metabolism.
  3. Super Congrats! Don't have a boring marriage, have a superb one!
  4. Something outside of OCRemix: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXt4D0pe2pU Finally, they fixed that half-step issue (but because this is jazz, there'll always be something abstract)
  5. Unless I get lucky, I may not make it. There's still a chance, if I get my hands on some money. Don't eliminate just yet.
  6. mp - Guardia Forest Spirits (Chrono Trigger)
  7. I do notice that some hip hop songs have a tendency to sound junky and non-fluent; unnatural. Any style of music sounds better with less cluttery drumming.
  8. A game more suitable for TC: Revenge of Martin Luther - 95 theses.
  9. I may miss this compo due to a party. That is a maybe. Edit: naw, did it.
  10. Thin Crust would love this. Super Goddio? Jesus the Savehog?
  11. Feeling it so far. I like how it's not 100% repetitious. Has a fusion between the South-style Hiphop FX and 50's gangsta style. Almost sounds like Malcos' and G-Unit had a collab or something. We gotta collab one day.
  12. Rick Ross/John Legend - Magnificent (instrumental) *More RnBish Twista/Pharrell - Lavish (instrumental) *Repetitious to a slight degree but the vibe is right. *this has a UK/Midwest/Techno/Jungle style beat, usually for fast vocals (rap) or singing. I think the musical style here might suit you VERY WELL. The beat is EXCELLENT, and I mean EXCELLENT! Seriously, it (could be an actual drum loop but it) simulates actual drum play with a randomness that kicks ass!Eminem - Beautiful (instrumental) Lupe Fiasco - Shining Down (instrumental) *Another HIGH RECOMMENDATION! Goes well with your style. Lupe Fiasco - The Coolest (instrumental) Lupe Fiasco - Sunshine (instrumental)
  13. I have home equipment and I am going to record an update of what I can do, better than what I had sent.
  14. Ever played BTDD? That shit is NOT FAIR! Play SSBB... man, Snake can hit you WITHOUT EVEN TOUCHING YOU! That is so FUCKING unfair! Maybe someone who wished that they could do this programmed the game a certain way for a sense of escapism. You could say the same for about anything. Funny, I don't have as much time to play them but I still love video games. I have high standards as to what I frequent, but nonetheless. Addiction to video games could very well be escapism, but to play them is simple to enjoy whatever it is that you're doing. To some it looks unproductive and lame so they are adverse to it, but we gamers know that we appreciate the control and the artistic vibe that we see. In a sense that may be so, wishing you could do differently, like, I always wanted to fly, jump high, run fast and use psychic powers, but that could be said about watching TV or reading books. zOMG spiked koopa shell oh no lightning dammit I fell off now I'm in eighth place fuckI'll type a better response when there are more replies.
  15. If anyone does a cover for a game, make sure it's good (I haven't heard it yet).
  16. Zephyr, I like your link. I plan to actually buy FL Studio in the future so that I can get the benefits. Talk to me or Zephyr, we can help.
  17. I took one look at it and said "HOLY SHIT THIS IS GONNA BE AWESOME!" I may be wrong but I have faith. If you do this with a Sonic game, expect disappointment, even greater disappointment than if you thought that it'd suck.
  18. Sometimes playing with girls can be a way to embarrass the players.
  19. Don't lose hope, it's not over yet.

  20. http://www.malcos.co.uk/ http://ocremix.org/artist/4286/malcos
  21. Ah, so you enjoy Malcos' music, Meteo? Can't wait to hear it. Even if it were to suck (and of course it will not), I'd buy it to support my homie. Why would I say that though? I have been a Malcos fan since 2002.
  22. Figures. It can be that way for me as well.

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