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Everything posted by Salluz

  1. So, Oinkness, when you make your songs, do you ponder the schemes or just put them out swiftly without thought?

  2. TBH, women characters because I think it's cute to kick @$$ in Melee or Brawl with a female. In SF Cammy is my girl! I'd fly with Peach in SMB 2! Samus is my HERO! The list goes on.
  3. Some of it's good, others of it is bad. My opinion.
  4. tl;dr Just kidding. Well, I mean, you can express yourself, just not like, pushy or anything.
  5. Although I am the nice guy around here, keep the brash behind the screen.
  6. You're actually good with the forums, Gwilly. It's all good.
  7. I quickly fell in love with this mix. It reminded me that simplicity can be badass and that a simple song can retain some of the highest skill, primarily in terms of the proper vibe that can seclude me from existence.
  8. Support the artists that you love: buy their music if they're that good.
  9. Man, last compo I got assaulted by my brother because I was mad about something and he thought that I was mad @ mom, then I got taken away by police though I never started it, now I live @ my friend's house! I hope to be in the next.
  10. Salluz - Kalamazoo, MI, doubt anyone can pick me up unless I flock to their terrain.
  11. I have never seen that episode.

  12. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=13711&highlight=Plagiarism
  13. As I would always kid, more music to fall asleep to.
  14. Whole music, I get more than volumes; I get movement, calculations of duration and correlations between timing, sounds and instances; different paths according to the different notes (but with some sort of synchronization), usually galactic. Sometimes that may differ, according to the complexity and vibe of the music. Sometimes I'll render scenarios, earthly (or non-earthly; analog or digital) lyrics and improvs that match the music that I am hearing. I basically become the music and in my mind exists theories, additions, and possibly even subtractions. I am a musician myself. That isn't even the end of it.
  15. Lemme see if it's not too late. Edit: missed it!
  16. Geoffrey Taucer showed me this remix. Man, I loved the whole thing, front to back, but the most amazing part was the vocal vox/transition. Made me orgasm, man, true art, dude.
  17. I'll be on tentative status. I told Taucer and Harmony that I definitely want to go but I cannot swear upon it.
  18. Now I remember. Heaven yeah, I've got a list. Actually, yeah. I hope I take Amtrak instead. Long rides don't bother me; it's the lack of sleep that'll kill a man. Heh, maybe friends from MI may be going as well.
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