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Everything posted by zylance

  1. I'd love to join the site, but the stupid validation thing has yet to send me an email, and I can't contact them because I need an account to do that. Blech.
  2. Seconded, and Supreme Commander if you can run it.
  3. If you are indeed looking for a new compy, check out the deals at dell's refurbished site. I got a would be $3000 latitude D820 for 1200 there, and I have yet to see anything that is blemished. http://www.dell.com/content/products/category.aspx/notebooks?c=us&cs=22&l=en&s=dfh
  4. http://www.freecsstemplates.org
  5. Saddly, I have to agree. If indeed you are purchaceing some equipment, thats great, but quit being an dick around here.
  6. TIME...! Is marching on.... And time... ...is still marching on!
  7. I want to see the parent of an OC Remixer to be posted as a Remixer.
  8. If could only be one dude to reply to remixing threads, it would be my main man Yoozer. Congrats on surviving - and sticking with OCR.
  9. New wip. Still ahead of the game.
  10. The more I agree with your posts, the more I assimilate.
  11. Quality is a "thing" on this site because people want to listen to good sounding music. We don't care how you make the music, how expensive your plugins are are or how talented of a musician you are. Just make good sounding music. Also... just stop posting.
  12. Yeah I tried it. I really like the overall OS interface, and of course I think Ubuntu is amazing, but man, the audio programs just arn't professional enough for me. I may be biased, working with cubase, although I think it is a very cool package if you are on the cheap, or you like the idea of open source.
  13. The firepod just dropped again in price, down to $500, due to the new firestudio. Remember, those "XLR" plugs in the front are nifty: they can accept both xlr and trs with the same connector.
  14. Me. ............
  15. Crocomire for the win. Anyways, that mix reminds me so much of Prot's (gasp!) take on the theme in Relics of the Chozo.
  16. And rock you will. The cymbals are amazing, and left and right samples for everything. You can mix it like a real set too, putting everything on different channels and hacking away.
  17. Wellllll.... If the QS 8.2 is anything like the QS 6.0, then don't expect much in terms of samples. We are talking 16 megs of samples for 800 voices, so no piano. Very early 90s digital sounding.
  18. Um, everything there is software based. The only hardware synth is that QS6, which is only being used as a midi controller.
  19. My dad is here with me. He and I are taking a course at the REC recording workshop in Ohio, so we decided to bring our rigs. It's pretty fun having us work together on stuff. Lets see, a list of equipment: Dell Latitude D820 Dell Precision M65 CME UF6 controller Klipsch ProMedia speakers (basically just for kicks) Some Creative speakers of my dads My dads Alesis Quadrasynth 6.0 250 gig external drive Rat nest of cables
  20. Got to the apartment, and... Complete with Gladiator in the background. I'm set. and for good measure (when I'm actually working...)
  21. http://www.dell.com/content/topics/segtopic.aspx/ubuntu?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs
  22. Alternatively, you could go with Stormdrum, which has some desent drumkits (though mostly more ethnic drums) or NI Battery, which comes with a lot of nice samples.
  23. You bought it! You were smart! You bought it, At Malo Mart!
  24. I'm on the road. Using Cubase SX 3 and a shitload of mostly NI plugins. Once I get to my destination, I have a 61 key controller, an external hard drive and a better pair of cans in the trunk. Maybe in a month I'll get some resent pictures of my permanent studio, but for now I'll post an old one.
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