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Everything posted by zylance

  1. I'd totally be willing to help out... but I'm not much of an artist in the sense that I have nothing published or what not. Would I still be helpful to your article?
  2. I joined! I'm "T-Bag".
  3. Thanks for the reply, I guess that's more on the response I'm looking for. Escape Light was written for a film - I was trying to emulate Brien Eno, so maybe I'll work on more tunes like that.
  4. Haha, alright, I'll keep writing singles no one will listen to.
  5. Well, I see what you mean about style, but I can't really make an album out of random genres. That would be a compilation, not related songs.
  6. I'm looking to writing an album- only problem is that I've never been able to confine myself to any particular style. That's where you, the general community comes in! Take a look at my previous work at this link and tell me which style you think I should write an album in. That simple!
  7. Don't have anything danceable posted here, but feel free to use anything here of mine. There are some trance tracks there, should be pretty obvious. Just make sure you credit me (as John Torkington, please).
  8. After a studio hard drive failure I figured it would be a good idea to throw all of my mixdowns onto a remote server. While they are online, I figured you, the general populace, may want to listen, and I might get some feedback. Without further ado - http://zoola.vgpiano.com/t/ No nonsense. Didn't even make a webpage for em, just listen and tell me what you like or don't like. If you want simple descriptions of them before downloading visit my Facebook page at: http://www.facebook.com/pages/John-Torkington/164919735192 There are some remixes there too, check em out! Have fun!
  9. My secret weapon (free!) http://www.kvraudio.com/get/708.html
  10. sephfire, I didn't know you were a goon! I was getting major deja vu when I saw your thread in SA.
  11. Here, I'll add my two cents. MXL 990 For 70 bucks you really can't go wrong. Clearly it isn't up to snuff with it's more expensive brethren but man, I bought this thing as my first real mic back when it was 120 and it was worth it. Just a simple condenser for those on a budget. Sennheiser e835 If you were thinking about buying 58s for whatever reason these make a good alternative. If you buy this three pack they are significantly cheaper as well. Just as durable, these puppies still sound great for vocals and instruments in a pinch. Audio-Technica AT4040 My personal favorite when it comes to under $300 dollar condensers. It has a sweet frequency response and some of those nice features high end mics have such as a 20 db pad and a low roll off switch for wind noise and such. Great for vocals obviously but also beautiful for guitar, and recently I used it to record saxophone with much success.
  12. How the HELL do you play Painkiller with one bass drum pedal?
  13. Oh man, I know how it is to write for these kind of things and how they want the music to not be distracting, but the tune just SITS on one chord way too long. Congrats on moneys for music though. Just out of curiosity, how did you get the gig? Know someone in the business?
  14. What is this, DKC week? No seriously, this and the DKC2 project deadline... what a work out.
  15. I agree, but I did enjoy it. Pretty damn trippy if you ask me.
  16. Drums are pretty cool, but repetitive, not really necessary and come in too suddenly. Otherwise I LOVE the sound you got going.
  17. Sounds nice, but... it also sounds like the original with some new notes. I guess I was expecting something radically different; a new style, for instance. Maybe start with the minimalistic choir thing and then SWEEEEEELLLLL into some crazy orchestral awesomeness. Just an idea, there really isn't anything wrong with your take, apart for MOAR NEEDED.
  18. Well I'm gonna be honest and say it probably won't pass. HOWEVER what you've got here is pretty nice. Drums are a lil boring but the piano riff is fun. I'd say you should work on including more dynamics and variation to your current structure and it will be sweet.
  19. Thats what I would normally say, but alas, this poor mac has no firefox.
  20. I know I haven't posted in a while, but I was on my mom's mac (using safari...) and I noticed something kinda odd. Took me a while to figure out how to print screen (cmd + shift + 3), but it is kinda interesting. Go Virt!
  21. This is actually how I got started remixing. I've made 80 or so midis, but only submitted a few there. Erm, I only remember 2, actually. http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/ebfinalbattle1.mid http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/edgareandsabin.mid
  22. Can't believe no one has taken "disco train" yet. I'll see if I can get a little wip in soon.
  23. You should think about getting a cheap vid card too just so your processor won't have to think about any GUI stuff. Even just some bargain basement $20 will do. Also, while the Audiophile is good, there really is no problem with firewire audio interfaces. Even the most expensive "professional" gear is firewire. If you want mic inputs, check out the presonus firepod, it really is dirt cheap now and has 8 inputs on the front.
  24. I'm really enjoying listening to these. http://zoola.vgpiano.com/loop.mp3 This is the first thing I could find. Lofi loop made in.... renoise? I think? I made vg midis long before messing with trackers, but regardless. http://zoola.vgpiano.com/TheAmbiance.mp3 First remix. Submitted, failed, forgot it. Used adobe audition to direct record my fantom s88, of all things. Bleaaaaah.
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